Happy Hallow-day

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Toon Category: Holiday Toon
watch Happy Trogday Fan Costumes '06
"In unrelated news, this newsboy get-up is not my Halloween costume!"

It's Halloween Night but it's not Halloween night. Everyone sets out to find out what happened to it before Halloween is over!

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Strong Mad, The Cheat, Strong Sad, Pom Pom, Coach Z, Bubs, The Goblin, The King of Town, The Poopsmith, Homsar (Easter egg)

See Happy Hallow-day Costumes for more information on what everyone was wearing.

Places: The Stick, The Field, Strong Bad's Basement, Spooky Woods, Bubs' Concession Stand, King of Town's Castle

Page Title: HA HA HA HA Halloween Night!

Date: Monday, October 30, 2006

Running Time: 5:18 official, 5:14 actual



{Marzipan walks through the field, which is sprinkled with leaves. A clock reading "8:13 pm" briefly rises from the bottom of the screen before disappearing; however, the sun is clearly still out. Strong Bad hides behind The Stick wearing a red witch's hat and mask.}

MARZIPAN: {Half-singing} Do do-doo doo, lotsa leaves, do do-doo hmm...

STRONG BAD: {Jumps out from behind The Stick} Grody bloody gross and blood!

MARZIPAN: {Bored} Eh, nice try, Strong Bad. I'm just not feeling it in broad daylight. And, you were hiding behind a twig.

STRONG BAD: Yeah, I know. Why isn't it dark yet?

{Cut to Homestar, dressed as a newsboy and holding up a newspaper. As he says each line, he holds up a different newspaper with a front-page headline matching what he's saying.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Extrie, extrie! Read all about it! Halloween Night missing! Citizens mobilize to save holiday! In unrelated news, this newsboy get-up is not my Halloween costume!

{Closeup of The Local Newspapes. It has a picture of two pumpkins, the headline reads, "Happy Hallow-Day!", and the subtitle reads, "These ARE the opening credits!"}

{Cut to Strong Bad's Basement. Strong Bad and The Cheat are on the couch. Strong Mad is standing behind it.}

STRONG BAD: {Hits the newspaper he's holding} This is bull-talk! How are we supposed to scandalize and vandalize without the protective cover of Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Halloween night?

THE CHEAT: {Questioning The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: I'm gonna go interrogate the toilet for about eight minutes. See if he knows anything. After that, we'll form into a giant robotic Halloween Night-finding space panther! {Walks off. Strong Mad and The Cheat look confused. Strong Bad pops his head back in the frame.} Or not.

{Cut to the field with Homestar, Pom Pom, and Strong Sad. The clock appears again and reads "11:18 pm".}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Halloween Niiiight! Come here, boy! {Whistles and brings out a chew toy that looks like a brain with a bolt and eyeball sticking out of it. He squeaks it while talking.} I got this spooky, yucky chew toy for ya! {Whistles}

STRONG SAD: Homestar, you are aware that Halloween Night is not a puppy, aren't you?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {In a laughing voice} Ye-heh-hes! {Whistles} Obviously! I am...! Aware...! That it is not...! What was that last part?

STRONG SAD: A puppy.


STRONG SAD: Okay, good. {A yellow glow appears in the upper left corner of the screen, and grows brighter as Strong Sad talks} But seriously, we have to find Halloween Night. {Eerie music plays.} I don't do so well with all this sunlight! {Strong Sad looks toward the menacing sunlight.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {while rapidly changing his position} Sit, Halloween Night, Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit sit-sit!

{Strong Sad and Pom Pom slowly back away, then run off. Homestar whistles again.}

{Cut to Marzipan on a different part of the field. Marzipan is playing a reggae rhythm on Carol. Coach Z enters.}

COACH Z: Hey, whatcha doing there, sista?

MARZIPAN: {Stops playing} I'm trying to attract Halloween Night with music. {Starts playing again} It loves reggae, you know! {Stops playing}

COACH Z: Good idear! And I can do some of my famous Halloween sound effects that everybody knows me for!

MARZIPAN: Coach Z, I don't think that's what everybody knows you for.

COACH Z: What are ya torkin' abort? Listen to this spooky owl! Hort! Hort hooort! Hort hort! Or get a load of these creepy crackets! Cracket! Cracket-dadadadadadada! {Marzipan starts playing again} Cracket-dadadadada!

MARZIPAN: We be jammin'! {Stops playing, with a vibra-slap sound}

{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand. The clock appears for a moment reading "12:09 am" before disappearing. Music plays in the background}

BUBS: What is wrong with you people? {Holds up a can of black spray paint} I got instant spray-on Halloween Night! {Sprays can, throws it behind him and holds up black opaque shades with orange frames} I got Halloween Night vision goggles! {throws glasses behind him and pulls out a "Hollerin' Jimmy's Hovercraft Kit". The words "Hollerin' Jimmy's" have been covered with a piece of masking tape with "Halloween Night" written on it} I even got this do-it-yourself Halloween Night hovercraft kit!

{Cut through static to Spooky Woods with Strong Bad, Strong Mad and The Cheat. The trees are covered in yellow flowers.}

STRONG BAD: Aw man, I thought sure we'd find Halloween Night in the spooky woods! This place has really gone uphill since it disappeared. Even that rotten old skull doesn't seem so creepy.

THE SKULL: {Rainbow afro sprouts from head} A-jam on it!

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: Good thinkin' Monchhicheat! That guy's always hanging out with Halloween Night! But how do we find him?

THE CHEAT: {Triumphant the Cheat noises}

{The Cheat pulls out a keyboard and plays the Goblin's organ jingle. The Goblin appears, wearing swim trunks and sunglasses.}

STRONG BAD: What's this crap-cake? Where's Halloween Night? Strong Mad, pat him down! {Strong Mad picks up The Goblin by his feet and shakes him. Several coins, a pencil, some lint, and a hamster ball fall out.} Aw, he's clean. I'm taking that hamster ball, though.

{Cut to outside The King of Town's Castle with Strong Sad, Pom Pom, The King of Town, and The Poopsmith. The clock reads "2:38 am" before disappearing.}

STRONG SAD: Cough it up, King of Town! We know you ate Halloween Night!

THE KING OF TOWN: You amateurs! You don't know what you're talking about. I'm on a diet! {The Poopsmith nods his head} It's strictly Arbor Day and Earth Day for me this year! {The Poopsmith nods his head.}

STRONG SAD: Well now where do we look? I need some doom and gloom soon. {Starting to laugh} Something funny is happening to the sides of my mouth...! {The corners of his mouth wiggle and turn upward, creating weird noises.}

{Scene changes to Homestar, making a box trap at The Stick. The trap involves a trail of candies with orange and black wrappers leading to a cardboard box placed over The Stick.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Homestar Runner, you are a genius! {Turns around} Thank you, Doug. {Turns back around} So tell us what you're doing here. {Turns around} Well, it occurred to me that no Halloween Night could resist these orange and black flavored loose tooth remover candies. {Holds up and shakes two orange and black candies before dropping them.}

COACH Z: How are they biting today, Homestar?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Sound Effects Man! Ooo-ooo! Do broken wheelchair. On cobblestone!

COACH Z: Wah-Dlah! Wee-Dlah! Wah-Dlah! Wee-Dlah! Wee-Dlah! {Continues making sound effects during Homestar's next line.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: It's like I'm right there, wheeling Grandma through the old town. Do you want to stop in here and get a kielbasa, Grandma?

{Cut to the field with Marzipan, Strong Sad and Pom Pom. Strong Mad, Strong Bad and The Cheat walk in. Strong Sad's mouth is still wiggling. The clock reads "5:42 am" and disappears.}

STRONG SAD: {Laughing} Somebody shoot me.

STRONG BAD: Man, this sucks. Halloween Night's almost over and still no sign of Halloween Night. We should be out there turning treats right now!

{Marzipan walks in.}

MARZIPAN: Oh, you guys didn't have any luck either? Oh well, Happy Halloween anyways everybody. {The scene suddenly darkens.}

STRONG BAD: Whoa! Say that again!

MARZIPAN: Say what? Happy Halloween? {The scene darkens some more.}

STRONG BAD: Now somebody else say it!

COACH Z: Horpy Horlaw— {The scene gets brighter.}

STRONG BAD: {Covers Coach Z's face.} Not you, Coach Z. Now, everybody, all at the same time!


{The words "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" appear at the bottom of the screen. The scene darkens into night. Crickets can be heard.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, yes it worked! I'm gonna egg so many candies and eat so much houses. I'm gonna—

{A rooster crows and the sun abruptly comes up. Birds start singing.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So, uh... what do we do now?



{The words "HAPPY DAY OF THE DEAD!" appear at the bottom of the screen. Cut to the end screen, with a Mexican-style skull of Homestar, wearing a sombrero, while a reggae beat plays, ending with a vibraslap.}

{Cut to the final shot, where all of the characters stand in their costumes.}

Easter Eggs

  • As with other Halloween cartoons, click on the Poopsmith's head (after the King of Town says "this year") to see Homsar. (He will also appear in the end scene, but he doesn't have a separate Easter egg.)
{Homsar is standing beside a pile of newspapers similar to those Homestar is seen with during the toon intro. He is holding up one of the papers to display the headline "EGGS TREE! EGGS TREE!", and a tree growing eggs as fruit can be seen behind him.}
HOMSAR: Eggs tree, eggs tree! This get-up is mah get down! {his head sinks into his neck, leaving an empty space}
  • At the end, click on Strong Bad:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Sta-rong. Bad. That's the best Evil Carmen Sandiego costume I've ever seen!
STRONG BAD: If I wasn't dressed up as a pretend priest-comedian, I'd beat the crap outta you right now.
  • At the end, click on Marzipan:
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Marzipan, I just love your "I-have-a-caterpillar-crawling-across-my forehead" costume! And kind of a mustache... have... costume...
  • At the end, click on The Cheat:
STRONG SAD: Uh, The Cheat, technically shouldn't all this sunlight be turning you into some sort of horrible beastie?
THE CHEAT: {Covers eyes, The Cheat noises sounding similar to Gizmo's line "Bright lights! Bright lights!"}
  • At the end, click on Strong Sad:
STRONG BAD: 'At's a good costume, Strong Sad. What is that, you at your twenty-year high school reunion?

Fun Facts


  • Kielbasa is a type of Polish sausage.
  • The Day of the Dead is a celebration of the memory of deceased ancestors which is celebrated on November 1st and November 2nd in Mexico. Its art and themes also feature prominently in Frida Kahlo's work. It is also known as All Saints Day or All Hallows Day. The night before, All Hallows Eve, is the basis for the term Halloween.


  • If you view the Flash file in a Decompiler or use the Flash Seekbar bookmarklet, it reveals that the stack of newspapers on the Loading screen reads "Eggs Tree! Eggs Tree!", which is the same newspaper Homsar holds up in his scene.
    • When Homestar holds up the "In Unrelated News" newspaper, the stack next to him also reads "Eggs Tree! Eggs Tree!"
  • Three different characters in this toon (Strong Bad, Strong Sad, and Homsar) play fictional characters of real comedians who were associated with Saturday Night Live.
  • Sunlight doesn't turn mogwai into gremlins; it kills them. Eating after midnight is what triggers the transformation.
  • The sky is shown to be lighted shortly after 5:42 AM on November 1. In the United States, sunrise occurs later on that day, but in some locations twilight would have begun by that time.
  • This is the first major Halloween special not to include opening credits


Man, newspaper editors have to start COPYING these things, not just gluing them on.
  • When the opening credits newspaper appears, the picture is off the paper for two of the frames of spinning.
  • On the opening credits newspaper, there is an extra space between "ARE" and "the" in the sub-headline "These ARE the opening credits"
  • When Coach Z first appears when Homestar is laying out candies, the second to last orange candy seems to disappear when it should only be partly obscured.
  • In the scene where Coach Z is imitating a wheelchair, the candy Homestar dropped on the ground in the previous shot is still visible, now in mid-air, and appears on top of Coach Z's arm.
  • After Homestar's close-up during Coach Z's wheelchair impression, the last candy in front of the box trap, a black one, has disappeared.
  • The Halloween candies are out of scale; the ones in the back are bigger than the ones in the front.

Inside References

  • The scene at Bubs' Concession Stand follows the same format as Bubs's scenes in Senorial Day.
  • The Local Newspapes was also the name of the newspaper Strong Bad was reading in the email candy product. This newspaper also appears in the Dangeresque movies.
  • Bubs's do-it-yourself Halloween Night hovercraft kit is a Hollerin' Jimmy's brand, which Bubs previously sold in the email lackey.
  • The way Homsar's head sinks into his body is similar to that of The Homestar Runner in one version of Kick the Can.
  • At the end, Homestar compares Strong Bad's costume to his 2001 Halloween costume, Carmen Sandiego.
  • Strong Bad is seen holding a cigarette at the end of the cartoon.
  • Strong Mad shakes the Goblin, causing objects to fall. He previously did the same thing to Strong Bad in the email do over, causing change to fall.
  • This toon features eggs.
  • Orange and black-flavored candies were previously mentioned in Malloween Commercial.
  • Eggs as fruit was mentioned in the email colonization, where an old-English kind Homestar declared "Eggs not to be fruit".
  • The page title and Strong Bad saying "Ha-Ha-Halloween night" is a reference to Bubs' Ha-Ha-Halloween Comedy Club in the 2004 Halloween cartoon, Halloween Fairstival.

Real-World References

  • Strong Bad calling The Cheat a Monchhicheat is a reference to Monchhichis.
  • "Jam on it" is a reference to the song of the same name by Newcleus.
  • Strong Bad's witch mask is identical to Lucy's from the Peanuts cartoon It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
  • The ending screen with the picture of Homestar's skull is reminiscient of the artwork of José Guadalupe Posada, who also made artwork regarding the Day of the Dead, and was a heavy influence on LucasArts' Grim Fandango.
  • The description of this cartoon on the Toons Menu reads: Ween night is M.I.A. Galang galang. "Galang" is the most famous single by XL Recordings artist M.I.A.
  • The line "We be jammin'" is a refrence to the Bob Marley song "Jammin'", which is also a Reggae song.
  • "Night Vision Goggles" are goggles that enhance the user's vision so as to be able to see better at night.

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