Jibblies 2 Teaser

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The title of this article is just a description. This toon is a teaser for Jibblies 2 and has no official name.
I really like your silhouetted costume.

A teaser for the Halloween toon of 2007.

Cast (left to right): Coach Z, Bubs, Strong Mad, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Pom Pom, Strong Sad, The Poopsmith, The King of Town, Homsar

Places: The Field

Date: Thursday, October 25, 2007

Running Time: 0:43

Page Title: Can you Guesstimate these Costumes?



{scene opens to the field at night, showing 12 character silhouettes. Text below reads "Halloween Toon Next Week!". Cricket noises accompany. After some time, Coach Z joins in}

COACH Z: Cracket-dadadadadadada! Cracket-dadadadada! {after a few seconds} Hort! Hort hooort! Hort hort!

{cricket sounds fade out}

Easter Eggs

Nice try, Dan!
  • When the Flash file is decompiled, there is a hidden shape that reads "nice try dan". Each silhouette (except The Cheat's and Strong Sad's) has one letter behind it.

Fun Facts

  • Before the main toon was released, the Toons menu contained a teaser entry as well:
Screenshot Name Channel ID Description Length Year Preview
Ween Toon 2007 (JBZ) (Jibblies) Who knows what this toon is about?! 6:66 2007 preview
  • Coach Z's cricket and owl impressions come from Happy Hallow-day.
  • The loading screen has a picture of the moon.
  • The back button always returns to Main Page 7.
  • Strong Bad appears in silhouette as an Alien (Xenomorph) from the movie Alien. This established a precedent for future teasers in which Strong Bad's costume would be recognizable in silhouette and would bear no relation to his actual costume in the finished toon. (In Jibblies 2, he claimed that "they were all sold out" of Alien costumes, and went as Beetlejuice instead.)

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