Main Page 26
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Revision as of 11:33, 12 April 2010 by DorianGray (Talk | contribs)
A Xeriouxly Forxe-themed main page.
Cast (In order of appearance): Homestar Runner/H. Star, Marshie/Marxie, Strong Bad/S. Bad, Strong Sad/S. Sad
Places: The Stick
Icon: Xeriouxly Forxe X
Page Title: Revamped for the Nineties!
Date: Monday, April 12, 2010
Button Effects
- Toons — Each time the button is scrolled over, a spike is added to H. Star's head. After three spikes have appeared, seven more pop out. Scrolling over one more time causes them to all vanish.
- Games — H. Star raises his robotic arm and snaps the pincers on it twice.
- Characters — Marshie floats on screen, and is then turned into "Marxie" via a lightning strike. He says "Speed increased!", then explodes and vanishes.
- Downloads — S. Bad peeks on screen and says "I can't underxtand a word that you're xaying!"
- Store — A lightning strike causes The Field to change into a Xeriouxly Forxe version of itself, with The Stick being replaced with a yellow, white, and purple pulsating crystal.
- Email — S. Sad flies across the screen, accompanied by wind effects, saying, in a gruff voice, "I'm mad that I'm flying!"
Fun Facts
- This main page is not using the "new style" as defined in the last two main pages.
- S. Sad's line is a reference to Strong Sad's line in Main Page 15.
- Marxie's line comes from Marshie's Malloween Mix-Up.
External Links
Main Pages |
The Moon | Mountains | Island | Bowling | Waffles | Heaven | Graveyard | Falling | Notebook | Old-Timey |