Doomy Tales of the Macabre Teaser
From Homestar Runner Wiki
(Redirected from Halloween 2009 Teaser)
- This toon has no official name. "Doomy Tales of the Macabre Teaser" is just a description.
Toon Category: Halloween Teaser |
A teaser for the 2009 Halloween toon, Doomy Tales of the Macabre.
Cast (left to right): Coach Z, Bubs, Strong Mad, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Pom Pom, Strong Sad, The Poopsmith, The King of Town, Homsar
Places: The Field
Date: Monday, October 26, 2009
Running Time: 0:43
Page Title: Boond you like to take a guess?
Contents |
[edit] Transcript
{Cut to the characters standing in a field. Crickets chirp for several seconds.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey everybody, I really like your covered all in black ink costumes. Kinda stole my idea, though. Don't you think?
{Crickets' chirping fades out}
[edit] Easter Eggs
- Only visible when the Flash file is decompiled, there is a hidden message that reads "sorry charlie" as well as several characters in alternate costumes.
- Coach Z and Marzipan are dressed as The Noid and Velma Dinkley (from Scooby-Doo), respectively. These were rejected costumes from The House That Gave Sucky Treats, previously seen in a secret page.
- Pom Pom is dressed as Michael Moore, his costume from The House That Gave Sucky Treats.
- The King of Town is dressed as Sonny Crockett from Miami Vice.
[edit] Fun Facts
[edit] Trivia
- The RSS description of this toon is:
Homestar says - Pointy silhouettes! It must mean it's almost time for a new Hallowed Ween cartoon! Gather round the water cooler or water fountain or keg and discuss among friends and coworkers who you think everybody's dressed up as this year! Is it an obscure 70's reference? 80's reference? NINETIES reference?!?! Or is it just more dumb crap from a video game? Only times will tells!
- This teaser continues several gags from the previous two years, Jibblies 2 Teaser (2007) and Most in the Graveyard Teaser (2008):
- Silhouetted characters (in the same order as the previous teasers)
- Action that occurs after waiting
- Hidden text behind the characters
- Strong Bad depicted in an outrageous costume (RoboCop)
- Using a Flash decompiler reveals that Bubs is holding a soda cup.
- This is the only widescreen Halloween teaser.
[edit] Remarks
- The back button always returns to Main Page 7.
[edit] Inside References
- Homestar's remark about the costumes is yet another reference to what one is supposed to be for Halloween.
- The phrase "Boond you like" was previously used in the email more armies on a poster for the Homestarmy.
- Homestar previously interpreted a silhouetted character as being covered in ink in Hremail 2000.
- Strong Mad was covered in black paint to give him the silhouetted look as Killingyouguy in dangeresque 3.
[edit] Real-World References
- "Sorry, Charlie" was the response that Charlie the Tuna would always receive after not being good enough to be canned into StarKist-brand tuna in commercials from the '60s to the present.
[edit] External Links
- watch "Doomy Tales of the Macabre Teaser" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "Doomy Tales of the Macabre Teaser"
- forum thread re: "Doomy Tales of the Macabre Teaser"
Categories: Coach Z Filmography | Bubs Filmography | Strong Mad Filmography | Strong Bad Filmography | The Cheat Filmography | Homestar Runner Filmography | Marzipan Filmography | Pom Pom Filmography | Strong Sad Filmography | The Poopsmith Filmography | The King of Town Filmography | Homsar Filmography | Halloween | Secret Pages | Widescreen Toons