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Revision as of 02:59, 24 September 2008 by VolatileChemical (Talk | contribs)
Portmanteaus (or portmanteaux) are commonly used in the Homestar Runner universe. A portmanteau is a combination of two or more words to make a new word or phrase, often going against the accepted traditions of how words are compounded. The term originally referred to a man's travel bag which contained two main pockets. Portmanteaus were first given that name by Lewis Carroll to describe "slithy" in the poem Jabberwocky, a combination of "lithe" and "slimy".
Strong Bad and Senor Cardgage, especially, frequently create portmanteaus. The Brothers Chaps also often use portmanteaus when providing captions for Sketchbook and Weekly Fanstuff entries.
This article only lists portmanteaus unique to the Homestar Runner universe.
Contents |
Portmaneaus in-universe
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Actionsodes | Action and episodes | SBCG4AP Gameplay Trailer |
A lottle | A lot and little | magic trick |
Againymore | Again and anymore | |
AngelCities | Angelfire and GeoCities | fan club |
Appeteasers | Appetizers and teasers | Biz Cas Fri 1 |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Babe-liens | Babes and aliens | best thing |
Barbzerdry | Barber and wizardry | haircut |
Blistergeist | Blister and poltergeist | slumber party |
Blue Las-alert | Blue Laser and alert | Shopping for Danger |
Blue Laserdisc | Blue Laser and Laserdisc | Blue Laserdisc Challenge |
Bodadical | Bodacious and radical | Teen Girl Squad Issue 10 |
Bookazon.com | Book and Amazon.com | studying, diorama |
Bouillon-aire | Bouillon and billionaire | space program |
Brainkrieg | Brain and blitzkrieg | death metal |
Breadallelogram | Bread and parallelogram | Teen Girl Squad Issue 8 |
Breadpazoid | Bread and trapezoid | Teen Girl Squad Issue 8 |
Breadtangle | Bread and rectangle | Teen Girl Squad Issue 8 |
Brhombus | Bread and rhombus | Teen Girl Squad Issue 8 |
Broternal | Brotherhood and fraternal | Ever and More! |
Bubsamecium | Bubs and paramecium | highschool |
Bubsgonzola | Bubs and Gorgonzola | unnatural |
Bubs-keep | Bubs and barkeep | DNA Evidence |
Bubsness | Bubs and Business | Broken Compy Menu |
Burninate | Burn and terminate | dragon |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Caffeinergy | Caffeine and energy | road trip |
Canceltation | Cancelation and consultation | Senor Mortgage |
Caramel appletini | Caramel apple and Appletini | Flashforward |
Carve-nival | Carve and carnival | Pumpkin Carve-nival |
Cavalcanche | Cavalcade and avalanche | djmankiewicz@homestarrunner.com automated response |
Cheatachu | Cheat and Pikachu | The House That Gave Sucky Treats, Some Type of Online Auction |
Cheatar | Cheat and guitar | The Cheatar |
Cheatday | Cheat and birthday | cheatday |
Cheatentina | Cheat and Argentina | crying |
Cheatribution | Cheat and retribution | pop-up |
Cheatventures | Cheat and adventures | bedtime story |
Chocolardiac | Chocolate and Cardiac | bottom 10 |
Chocozuma's | Chocolate and Montezuma's | bottom 10 |
Chumpion | Chump and champion | underlings |
Closimonies | Closing and ceremonies | strong badathlon |
Colognac | Cologne and Cognac | modeling |
Combolations | Combination and congratulations | japanese cartoon, flashback |
Constabulate | Constable and consummate | Trogday 08 |
Coology | Cool and eulogy | your funeral |
Coopreme | Cooper and supreme | the movies |
Cornucopourri | Cornucopia and potpourri | pop-up |
Corpy | Corporation and Compy | from work |
Coughiversary | Cough and anniversary | Teen Girl Squad Issue 11 |
Couchscraper | Couch and skyscraper | bike thief |
Crawbject | Craw and object | The Homestar Runner Gets Something Stuck In His Craw |
Cuss-mando | Cuss and commando | Commandos in the Classroom |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
D'screetret | Discreet and secret | Decemberween Short Shorts |
Dadbysitter | Dad and babysitter | bedtime story |
Dazzle-mazing | Dazzling and amazing | Happy Fireworks |
Deliberance | Deliberate and deliverance | Teen Girl Squad Issue 13 |
Decemberween | December and Halloween | see Decemberween |
Decision-venture | Decision and adventure | Halloween Potion-ma-jig |
Delivereceivables | Deliverables and receivables | business trip |
Dramatastration | Dramatization and demonstration | Malloween Commercial |
Dreamail | Dream and email | dreamail |
Dudeical | Dude and radical | web comics |
Duderonomy | Dude and Deuteronomy |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Eco-mail | Ecology and e-mail | environment |
Eggction | Egg and auction | Some Type of Online Auction |
Entrangled | Entranced and entangled | what I want |
Europa-pean | Europa and European | Drive-Thru |
Everybloody | Everybody and bloody | what I want |
Excardon | Excuse and pardon | kind of cool |
Extracurricularrific | Extracurricular and terrific | death metal |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Fairstival | Fair and festival | Halloween Fairstival |
Ferty-tirst | Fortieth and First | Fall Float Parade |
Fizzleweight | Featherweight and sizzle | yes, wrestling |
Flavornoid | Flavor and flavonoid | specially marked |
Flavourite | Flavour and favourite | Fan Stuff, Kick the Can commentary |
Forty-twone | Forty-two and forty-one | the movies |
Funtivities | Fun and activities | specially marked |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Ganglo-Saxon | Gangly and Anglo-Saxon | more armies |
Gazemazement | Gaze and amazement | magic trick |
GeoFire | GeoCities and Angelfire | fan club |
Geographist | Geographer and -ist (possibly geologist) | death metal |
Gewd | Good and Ew | bedtime story |
Grold | Grown and old | rated |
Grood | Great and good | Teen Girl Squad Issue 4 |
Groodness | Great and goodness | Teen Girl Squad Issue 14 |
Gummel | Gore and pummel | Thy Dungeonman 3 |
Gunkistan | Gun and Pakistan | licensed |
Gymatorium | Gymnasium and auditorium | yes, wrestling |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Headbrow | Head and eyebrow | haircut |
Helloquialism | Hello and colloquialism | diorama |
Helscome | Hello and welcome | Homestar Runner's Website |
Highscraper | Highrise and skyscraper | dangeresque 3 |
Homestarmecium | Homestar and paramecium | highschool |
Homestarloween | Homestar and Halloween | Homestarloween Party |
Homestarmy | Homestar and army | army |
Homsolo | Homsar and solo | MixMastah 800 |
Hot-free | Hotline and toll free | unnatural |
Hundredaire/thousandaire | Hundred/thousand and millionaire | suntan |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Identificaption | Identification and caption | rated |
Inbredtational | Inbred and invitational | pet show |
Intregway | Intriguing and Segway (PT) | concert |
Intromercial | Intro(duction) and infomercial | technology |
Investiga-awesome | Investigate and awesome | local news |
Irridisregardless | Irrespective, Disregard and Regardless | Peasant's Quest |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Janitator | Janitor and terminator | DNA Evidence |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Kansattica | Kansas and Attica | theme song |
Keyswordtar | Keytar and sword | portrait |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Lieuteneral | Lieutenant and General | space program |
Limozloshy | Limozeen and sloshy | Limozeen vs. Sloshy |
Loadry | Loading and laundry | Rap Song |
Lyricbolical | Lyric and diabolical | Rap Song |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Malloween | Marshmallow and Halloween | Malloween Commercial |
Mannonball | Man and cannonball | keep cool |
Margaracheatas | Margaritas and Cheat | Fan Costumes '06 |
Marshalades | Marshmallows and melonade | Fluffy Puff Commercial |
Marzipants | Marzipan and pants | vacation |
Marziperson | Marzipan and person | Weclome Back |
Marzipole | Marzipan and pole | environment |
Masterdly | Masterful and dastardly | senior prom |
Maxymoron | Maximum and oxymoron | road trip |
Millionzoic | Million and the general prehistoric suffix -zoic | Summer Short Shorts |
Momzipan | Mom and Marzipan | Halloween Potion-ma-jig |
Momkins | Mom and Tompkins | Teen Girl Squad Issue 13 |
Moneygician | Money and magician | magic trick |
Montesodium | Montessori and monosodium | coloring |
Mornideo | Morning and video | web comics |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Nerdular Nerdence | Nerd and Popular, Nerd and Science | car |
Newlydead | Newlywed and dead | your funeral |
Nobot | No and robot | what I want |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Parchmentic | Parchment and photographic | Thy Dungeonman II |
Petrifries | Petrified and fries | road trip |
Philly Cheat-Steak | Philly Cheese Steak and Cheat | Halloween Fairstival |
Piemonade | Pie and Lemonade | other days |
Polymascotfoamalate | Poly-, mascot, foam, and -ate | 4 branches |
Polyhairsprayteasealate | Poly-, hairspray, and tease | 4 branches (Easter egg) |
Potion-ma-jig | potion and thingamajig | Halloween Potion-ma-jig |
Pretendous | Pretend and tremendous | extra plug |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Radacious | Radical and boadacious | Teen Girl Squad Issue 10 |
Rapscalliwag | Rapscallion and scallywag | long pants |
Reallysolved | Really and resolved | retirement |
Restige | Rest and prestige | the chair |
Revengeanceful | Revenge, vengeance, and vengeful | 2 years (Easter egg) |
Roadtripcionados | Road trip and aficionados | road trip |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Safariventure | Safari and adventure | theme park |
Sbemail | Strong Bad and Email | Strong Bad Email |
Scram-oose | Scram and vamoose | your edge |
Sesquicentenn-email | Sesquicentennial and email | Sbemail 150?!? and alternate universe |
Shinoligans | Shinola and shenanigans | Quote of the Week |
Shock-you-mentary | Shock you and documentary | bedtime story |
Skelebrates | Skeleton and vertebrate(s) | big white face (Easter egg) |
Smunderling | Smelly and underling | underlings |
Spamvertisement | Spam and advertisement | unused emails |
Squeazeled | Squeeze and weaseled | email thunder |
Standby-orama | Stand by and diorama | diorama |
Stinkomanual | Stinkoman and manual | Stinkoman 20X6 |
Stratergery | Strategy and Surgery | Homestar Ruiner |
Stratosfear | Stratosphere and fear | Stinkoman 20X6 |
Strong Badagement | Strong Bad and management | DNA Evidence |
Strong Badathlon | Strong Bad and -athlon | strong badathlon |
Strongbadiophage | Strong Bad and bacteriophage | highschool |
Stummy | Stomach and tummy | Stinkoman 20X6 |
Suppleties | Supple and subtleties | lady...ing |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Temporarios | Temporary and Cheerios | strong badathlon |
Tenthennial | Tenth and -ennial | Teen Girl Squad Issue 10 |
Thiefnique | Thief and technique | bike thief |
Tophaticent | Top hat and magnificent | more armies |
Trogday | Trogdor and birthday | Happy Trogday |
Turbolence | Turbo and turbulence | Stinkoman 20X6 |
Twenty-seventeen | Twenty-seven and seventeen | Summer Short Shorts |
Twii | Two, Three, and Wii | Kid Speedy Version 1.TWII |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Uglypan | Ugly and Marzipan | Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 3.0 |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Valentimes | Valentine's and times | Teen Girl Squad Issue 12 |
Vantastic | Van and fantastic | Strong Bad is a Bad Guy |
Vornado | Vortex and tornado | trading cards |
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears In |
Wheatgrasskini | Wheatgrass and bikini | Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 14.2 |
Wheatgrasstini | Wheatgrass and martini | Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 14.2 |
Why come? | Why and how come? | see Why come |
Portmanteaus in Sketchbook Captions
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears |
Basketbully | Basketball and bully | 17 Nov 2006 |
Cheat-up | Cheat and stick-up | 10 Feb 2005 |
Cowcopter | Cow and helicopter | 05 Aug 2004 |
Exag-a-homestar | Exaggerate and Homestar | 11 Aug 2005 |
The Hotgly One | Hot and The Ugly One | 20 Oct 2005 |
Limolosers | Limozeen and losers | 23 Jun 2005 |
Pipestache | Pipe and mustache | 04 Oct 2007 |
Stinkotetsuo | Stinkoman and Tetsuo | 01 Sep 2005 |
Strong Sadstronaut | Strong Sad and astronaut | 30 Mar 2006 |
Trogmopolitan | Trogdor and cosmopolitan | 09 Aug 2007 |
Portmanteaus in Weekly Fanstuff Captions
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears |
Cheatpod | Cheat and iPod | 06 Oct 2005 |
Cheatz-it | Cheat and Cheez-It | 21 Jun 2007 |
Fanimation | Fan and animation | 29 Nov 2007 |
Homespore Runner | Homestar Runner and Spore | 19 Jun 2008 |
Homsunami | Homsar and tsunami | 12 Oct 2007 |
Knitdor | Knit and Trogdor | 12 Jan 2006 |
Legogdor | Lego and Trogdor | 22 Nov 2004 |
Legomestar | Lego and Homestar | 07 Oct 2004 |
Limojean jacket | Limozeen and jean jacket | 01 Nov 2007 |
Monstrositea | Monstrosity and tea | 29 Jun 2006 |
Stinkomural | Stinkoman and mural | 22 Mar 2007 |
Trogapult | Trogdor and catapult | 06 Jul 2006 |
Trogbloons | Trogdor and balloons | 05 Jun 2008 |
Trogcake | Trogdor and cake | 07 Aug 2008 |
Trogcar | Trogdor and car | 03 Nov 2006 |
Trogstorm | Trogdor and storm | 22 May 2008 |
Portmanteaus in SBCG4AP Dev Blog
Portmanteau | Words Combined | Appears |
Endinning | End and beginning | The Endinning of the End (14 May 2008) |
Phensics | Fence and Physics | Payable Demo! (10 Jun 2008) |