Halloween Teasers

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Since 2007, every year The Brothers Chaps released Halloween toons, they would also release teasers in advance, announcing that the Halloween toon will be put on the site later. The costumes are represented as vague silhouettes, except for Strong Bad's, who always has on a realistic and recognizable costume which is never the same in the real toon. Also, in every teaser, one can decompile the Flash file to see words written behind the silhouettes. There is always some action that occurs after waiting, and the first three teasers link back to the Halloween-themed Main Page 7 (by the time the remaining teasers were released, it had become standard to not use "back" links). There were no teasers from 2010 to 2013, as there were no accompanying toons.


The Teasers

The Hidden Images

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