Dagger Skew

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"Mmermer Mmhe!"

From his Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate trading card:

"A former informer for Dangeresque, Dagger Skew "hides" steak knives in his headband so he can sneak them on city buses and clandestinely cut pieces off of other people's hoagies. He'll be stabbing you shortly."

Dagger Skew is a minor Dangeresque character played by The Cheat, being a criminal with a penchant for knives. He was apparently once an informant for Dangeresque. In the bonus Roomisode X of Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate, he appears in the middle of a heist when he comes across Dangeresque Too.

He debuted as a Steam Trading Card before making his debut proper.

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