Trogdor (song)

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For the character, see Trogdor. For other uses, see Trogdor (disambiguation).
Burninating the countryside

"Trogdor" is a heavy metal theme song for the dragon of the same name. Lyrics describe his penchant for wreaking havoc on Peasantry: burninating the countryside, peasants and thatched-roof cottages; these three actions are constantly revisited in Trogdor-related media. The song's opening riff often serves as a leitmotif for the dragon, accompanying many appearances of or references to Trogdor.

The song originated alongside Trogdor himself, in the Strong Bad Email dragon — the email concludes with the song playing over a montage of illustrations. Though the cartoon had been nearly complete, Matt Chapman ad-libbed the song (the ending line is adapted from "and the dragon comes in the night!", which originated slightly earlier in the email guitar) and the brothers liked it so much they created the additional music video segment to close the email. In the DVD commentary, they credit the song for the success of the email and the enduring popularity of Trogdor.


[edit] Detailed Information

Album: Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits
Track: 1
Time: 1 minute 39 seconds
Artist(s): Strong Bad
Written by: Mike and Matt Chapman
Style: Power metal
Origin: Strong Bad Email #58 dragon
Tablature: Trogdor Tablature

[edit] Lyrics

Trogdor was a man!
I mean, he was a dragonman
Or, maybe he was just a dragon...
But he was still TROGDOR!

Burninating the countryside
Burninating the peasants
Burninating all the peoples
And their thatched-roof COTTAGES!

{guitar solos start up}
{spoken, overlapping} Whoa! Listen to those wicked dueling guitar solos! It's like Squeedly vs. Meedly over here. Go Squeedly...! Go Squeedly...! SQUEEDLY WINS!

When all the land is in ruin
And burnination has forsaken the countryside
Only one guy will remain
My money's on...


And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIGHT!

[edit] Appearances

Sheet music

[edit] Fun Facts

Playing "Trogdor" in GH2. The song is credited to Strong Bad.
"Trogdor" listing in the Guitar Hero II store.

[edit] Remarks

  • The song is partially in an unusual time signature, 9/4 time.
    • Additionally, there is a single 3/4 interruption immediately before Strong Bad begins screaming "thatched-roof cottages".
  • The first verse haltingly describes Trogdor as "a man", "dragon-man", or "just a dragon". The concept of Trogdor being partially human (such as a weredragon) has almost never been revisited, and he is simply treated as "just a dragon" in all appearances excepting covers of the song.

[edit] Trivia

  • The dueling guitar solos are performed by J. Christopher Arrison and Matt Sonnicksen, as discussed on The Brothers Chaps' Late Nite JengaJam appearance.
  • The song is featured as an unlockable bonus track in the game Guitar Hero II. The song is notable for its difficulty: the notes per second during the solo exceeds the engine's strum limit (in the NTSC version).
    • The loading screen reads, "For squeedlies, mash on the trembolo. For meedlies, tune up on your chord surpassers. Oh, and I'm awesome."

[edit] Inside References

[edit] Fast Forward

[edit] External Links

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