making out

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Strong Bad IS The Love Doctor

Strong Bad Email #5

Someone asks Strong Bad how to have her boyfriend make out with her.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad



STRONG BAD: {singing} Reading emails is like the best thing I do. {stops singing}

Dear Strong Bad..,
Do you like making out? Because my boyfriend 
won't... mostly because he's jealous of you. 
I've tried the whole Peter Frampton thang, 
but nothing seems to work out. Please help 
me Strong Bad...
Kissless in Santa Rosa

STRONG BAD: Well, Kissless, you're going about it all wrong. Frampton's not going to loosen anybody's lips. If you really want to make out with this guy, you need to go straight to the master of make out rock himself... ME! So here's what you do: Wait til he comes home, then light a few candles and maybe have a glass of wine. And then put on my hit single "You're Really Ugly (But There's Nobody Cute Around)." {stops typing} And I'll tell you what, {resumes} he'll be all over you like the King of Town on a Chinese Buffet, man. {stops typing} Alright, so until next time send me more questions. SEND ME MORE QUESTIONS!!!

{The Paper falls, reading, "Click here to e-mail strong bad".}

Fun Facts

  • Instead of Tandy 400!!!! as the page header, it is Frampton's Camel.
    • Frampton's Camel was Peter Frampton's backing band for several years, and also the name of one of his albums, so it makes sense for this to have been included as a page title.
  • The pseudonym the emailer adopts is similar to the pseudonyms given to those who write to Ann Landers or Dear Abby.
  • The SEND ME MORE QUESTIONS!!! was used again by Mr. Schmallow with his "Look Lively" saying.

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