cheat talk

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"Douglas! Douglas!"

Strong Bad Email #55

Strong Bad tries to get The Cheat to speak English, without much luck.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Strong Mad, Strong Sad



STRONG BAD: Duh duh dududududududududuh duhduhduhduhduhduh e-mail.


Dear Strong Bad,

I think the Cheat is the coolest
thing ever, but why can't I
understand him?  Please tell the
Cheat to talk normal.


Cory, North Dakota

STRONG BAD: Whoa. The entire town of Cory, North Dakota decided to e-mail me. That was nice of them.

{Strong Bad's voice echoes and sounds like it's coming out of a megaphone}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Citizens of Cory! Thank you for your email. Hang on. Let me get the Cheat.

{Strong Bad turns around in his chair and calls for The Cheat, his voice normal}

STRONG BAD: Hey, the Che- Oh! The Cheat.

{Strong Bad sees that The Cheat is standing beside him}

STRONG BAD: Some town here can't understand you. Say something normal, like-er-um-uhhh... Douglas.


STRONG BAD: Douglas.


STRONG BAD: Douglas!


STRONG BAD: {turning back to his computer, typing} Well, I guess you can't expect much from a furry little man who hangs out with my brother all day. {stops typing} Speaking of...

{Strong Bad turns around again, calling for Strong Mad}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Strong Ma- Whoa!

{He sees that Strong Mad is standing beside him.}

STRONG BAD: Strong Mad. Say Douglas.


STRONG BAD: Douglas.


STRONG BAD: Douglas!


STRONG BAD: {turning back to his computer again and starts typing} So, there you have it, people of Cory, North Dakota. {stops typing} Eh- oh. Hang on a second.

{Strong Bad turns away again}

STRONG BAD: Hey! Strong Sad!

{Strong Sad arrives}

{Strong Bad hits him in the stomach with the keyboard}

STRONG SAD: Douglas!

STRONG BAD: {typing} So, there you have it, people of Cory, North Dakota. The Cheat can't say anything normal, like Douglas.

{Something that sounds like "Douglas" said in a The Cheat voice is heard off to the left and Strong Bad turns around}

STRONG BAD: What the- Who said Douglas?

{"Douglas" is heard again, but then it cuts to a window}

STRONG BAD: Oh, wait, it's just the branch of that old sycamore rubbing against the window. It was nothing to worry about after all.

{Strong Bad turns back to his computer again}

STRONG BAD: {typing} So, I guess you guys are just gonna have to learn how to speak The Cheat. I know a little myself... {stops typing} You know, like, {speaks some The Cheat}, and, um, {speaks more The Cheat}, you know... I don't know what any of that means, but, uh, it really seems to tick The Cheat off when I say it, so, I say it to him all the time. Anyways, give it up for me! ... Guys?

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end of this email you can click on "you guys" to bring up a goofy Cory ND postcard.
  • Also at the end of this email you can also click on the words, "Learn How to Speak The Cheat" to get a sample from the LP.

The Cheat Phrases and what they mean:

    • "Menameh, meNAHmanama" is a phrase The Cheat used to offer to offer Homestar a glass of melonade in A Jumping Jack Contest and apparently means "Hey, Homestar, would you like 147 glasses of melonade?"
    • "Menamana, {Sudden drop in pitch} MAHna" is the phrase The Cheat use when Homestar (Strong Bad) asked what he thought of The King of Town's pumpkin at the Pumpkin Carve-nival and apparently means "The King of Town is SO lame."
    • "ManaMAna?!" is what he says in superhero name before Strong Bad says the cape looks great. It means "What, don't you like this costume?"
    • "Humana, (can't make out the rest)" is what he said to Strong Bad in sb_email 22 and means "Check it out, this is going to be great. Just say 'Screw all y'all!'."
  • Just before the record stops playing (in the easter egg) it says "All the swears". TBC do not want to let Homestar fans hear swear words.

Fun Facts


  • Later on in this email, Strong Bad hits Strong Sad with a keyboard and Strong Sad says, "Douglas." It's Mike saying "Douglas," not Matt. [1]


  • Since sycamores are white, the black tree scratching on Strong Bad's window wouldn't be a sycamore.
  • Even though The Cheat never says "Douglas" in this email, he's got to be able to speak English. If not, how else could he do imitations of the other characters when he makes his Powered by The Cheat videos? The other characters are obviously not providing their own voices.


  • Strong Bad nearly always capitalizes the word The in "The Cheat" (including at the end of this email), but when he first begins replying, he types "Hang on. Let me get the Cheat."
  • When Strong Bad types "Hang on a second." and calls "Hey, Strong Sad!", the screen says "Hnag on a second" after the change in camera view.
  • When Strong Bad calls for Strong Mad, while he's talking to him, the screen says, Citizens of Cory!...yadayada. Like the way it was before he called Strong Mad in there. It's missing the part where he typed "Well, you can't expect much..."


  • While the "learn to speak the cheat" record is playing, you can click the word "thorax" on the case to go back to the Strong Bad E-mail menu. (This is because this word is right above the "back" button.)

Inside References

  • 147, the number of glasses of melonade that The Cheat apparently offered to Homestar in A Jumping Jack Contest (according to the record in the easter egg), is exactly the number of marshmallows that Homestar had to say he'd eat in Fluffy Puff Commercial. Additionally, in the third-to-last take of the same, Homestar mistakenly says he'd drink 147 glasses of melonade as well. This comment is posted here, rather than in A Jumping Jack Contest, because we can't understand Cheatspeak and because the number 147 otherwise did not come up in A Jumping Jack Contest. And because A Jumping Jack Contest was created before Fluffy Puff Commercial anyway.
  • In the easter egg, you can see "Greetings from Monkey D". In this egg, Monkey D is wearing a shirt that says "I (heart) the cheese". In vacation, he had a similar shirt that said "I (heart) stong band".
  • The LP was made by Thorax, also known as Thorax Corporation.

Fast Forward

  • Later at the end of the email called sibbie, you can click on the boombox and see that Strong Mad finally learned how to say "Douglas".

DVD Version

  • The Cheat's first "meh" seems to have accidentally been omitted
  • As well, the dialogue for that Easter Egg seems to have been passed through a sound filter to make it sound old and scratchy.

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