little animal

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Going in circles

Strong Bad Email #23

Ashley and Anthony ask what Strong Bad would do if a little animal came up to him.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Strong Mad, The Strong Bad (Easter egg), Strong Man (Easter egg), The Sneak (Easter egg)



STRONG BAD: Oh! What's this? An email? For me?!

What would you do if a little animal came 
up to you.

crapfully yours,
Ashley and Anthony

STRONG BAD: {typing} Um, I don't really know. Let's find out. {He turns left and calls for The Cheat.} Oh, The Cheat! Come here for a moment!

THE CHEAT: Uynuen.

{The Cheat comes to Strong Bad.}

STRONG BAD: Ummmm...

{Strong Bad kicks The Cheat hard, causing him to fly offscreen. Strong Bad turns back to the computer and resumes typing.}

STRONG BAD: So, there's your answer. A little animal comes up to me... I'd kick it. {stops typing} Okay so until next week, everything is awesome an--

{Suddenly, Strong Mad appears next to Strong Bad looking very angry.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, er, hey big guy. Er, you know, I's just kicking The Cheat.

{The Cheat appears beside Strong Mad.}

STRONG BAD: Er, it's a little joke. You know we got the people watching at home. Just trying to be kind of funny for them, with the joke. A joke-kick. I'm gonna KICK YOU TOO!! {kicks Strong Mad's knee}


{Music starts playing as Strong Bad runs away across the room with Strong Mad chasing behind him. The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • Once Strong Bad starts running, click on his head or hit the 'o' key to switch to a "Sir Strong Bad" 1936-style cartoon.

DVD Version

  • If you click the hidden Strong Bad head in front of Strong Mad's foot, you'll get the same old-timey Easter egg as in the web version, but with additional dialog by Sir Strong Bad, as well as a music change to The Homestar Runner's little ditty.

Easter Egg Transcript

SIR STRONG BAD: Dear feets. Stop. Don't fail me now! Stop. Signed, Strong Bad.

Fun Facts

  • Sir Strong Bad's dialog in the DVD bonus is done in the style of using a telegramophone, and is probably in particular a reference to his Easter egg appearances in 50 emails and flashback (which were not created at the time of this e-mail, but were both created well before the DVD was created).
  • While Strong Mad chases Strong Bad through the house, they pass by the computer repeatedly in a manner similar to that of older cartoons, especially Tom and Jerry, where the background would paradoxically repeat itself over and over.
  • This is the first time The Cheat has been kicked by Strong Bad.
  • Feets, Don't Fail Me Now is the title of a disco album by jazz artist Herbie Hancock.
  • You can still click on the Tandy's contrast buttons while Strong Bad is running.

External Links