strong badathlon
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Strong Bad Email #165 |
The residents of Free Country, USA compete in the Strong Badathlon.
Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Poopsmith, The Cheat, Coach Z, Homsar, Marzipan, Homestar Runner, Strong Mad, Strong Sad
Computer: Lappy 486
Date: January 28, 2007
Running Time:
Page Title: Lappy 486
Contents |
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STRONG BAD: I'm doin' a party, I'm makin' it happen, on Strong Bad Email.
subject: the cheatDear Strong bad,
For a long time i've been wondering... How far can you
throw the cheat? If you don't want to do that, could you
beat the crud out of homestar for no reason?
Lewis Rudkin
Essex, England.
{Strong Bad reads Essex as 'S X'}
STRONG BAD: {typing} Y'know, it's funny how this always seems to work out, Rudkin... {clears screen}
{cuts to Strong Badathlon logo}
STRONG BAD: {typing} Unfortunately, they also happen to be my worst two events. The Cheat Chuck is consistently dominated by the Kenyans. I mean the Poopsmith. Ever since he devised the Whatsitburied Slop
{As he says this, it cuts to the Poopsmith next to a pile of whatsit, and then continues to fling The Cheat out of the pile.}
STRONG BAD: That guys unbeatable!
THE CHEAT: {Cheat noises as he flies through the air}
COACH Z: Holy gorsh! It looks like a new record!
{Cuts to Homsar and Marzipan sitting at a table having tea}
MARZIPAN: And that's why I believe the DNA evidence had been tampered with.
{The Cheat flies onto the table, causing whatsit to fly all over the place.}
HOMSAR: Well hello chocolate cake!
{Cuts to results board of the Strong Badathlon}
STRONG BAD: {voice over}
Easter Eggs
- Click on "Lewis Rudkin; Essex, England." to see a Videlectrix game based off his name.
- Click on "Rudkin Shampoo" to see a bottle of Rudkin Shampoo.
Fun Facts
- Strong Bad's arm disappears briefly when he wipes the sweat of his forehead.
External Links
- watch "strong badathlon"
- watch "strong badathlon" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "strong badathlon"
- forum thread re: "strong badathlon"