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Strong Bad Email #37

Strong Bad gives some helpful advice on how to deal with the office dullard.

Features: Strong Bad, Homestar Runner


STRONG BAD: Mmmmm... fresh emails...

Strong Bad,
How do I deal with the office dullard?

STRONG BAD: I'm glad you came to me, Jason. The office dullard is a clever foe. But there are ways you can beat him. Here are a few of my tried and true methods.

Method 1

{Strong Bad is sitting and typing in an office. Homestar Runner comes and stands behind him.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey man, what's up? Good time, bad time...

{Strong Bad reaches out very quick to his phone and pretends to speak in it.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes... as you know I'm still here, yes. Working hard. I've been synergizing all morning. {He turns his head to Homestar and whispers.} I'm not going to be able to talk right now, man. {Homestar opens his mouth, nods his head and walks away and Strong Bad turns back to his "phone call"} Right... Yes... Multi-tasking.

Method 2

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Once I finish my second one, you know, I'll have a smoothie or something and then I'll head to the gym, and do, I've been doing about three sets of reps a piece, and then one...

STRONG BAD: Psssh! {Strong Bad raises one hand up against Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, so how much can you bench?

Method 3

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So, did you catch last night's episode of popular reality show? Yeah, no, you missed a good one, man, you missed a good one. They were kickin' people off left and right, and, like, some people got kicked on, and um, I mean, it was... you should have watched it. You definitely should have watched it. Should have watched it! I mean, they'll be talkin' about this one for a while. I mean, I'm going ta be talkin' about this one for a while. {Strong Bad leaves his seat and walks away and Homestar Runner turns his head towards Strong Bad's direction.} Oh, cool, I guess you're going to go watch it now, oh, alright, later. Cool.

Method 4

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So the next thing I know...


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Fredrickson from accounting comes up, puts his...


HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...mail on the desk, I'm like, "Hey man, the mailroom is...

STRONG BAD: Oh yeah.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...that-a-way," you know, so I sent out a memo...

STRONG BAD: Oh yeaaah.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...to everybody.

STRONG BAD: Yeah... yeah... oh yeah... {Homestar Runner stops talking while Strong Bad keeps on saying "Yeah". Homestar Runner walks away.} yep... mmhmm...

{Back to Strong Bad sitting in front of his computer.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} So there you go, Jason. One of those ways should work. Though it couldn't hurt to steal his lunch from the break room fridge everyday. {stops typing} Mmmmm... Hot Pockets.

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • You can click on the comic in Strong Bad's cubicle to see a close-up of it. The comic is an almost exact replica of a Dilbert comic strip, except with "It's Five" instead of the original "It's Monday."

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