trevor the vampire

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How we pine for you, Trevor

Strong Bad Email #10

Strong Bad shows his emotional side in this touching email. When he laments over the death of Trevor (the vampire), we see just how truly fragile he is.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad



STRONG BAD: I'm totally checking my email, total man.

Hi strong bad. This is Trevor from Hampden 
Maine and I was wondering if you could teach 
me how to be as awesome as you. I am a 
vampire and

STRONG BAD: {typing} And what? That's it? I'm a vampire and here's a million dollars... or I'm a vampire and here's your own spaceship... I mean what the f {stops typing/he sympathize with him.} Oh no, I get it. THEY GOT HIM!!! Somebody stuck him with a stake through the heart! Oh, this is so sad! Oh Trevor, I pine for you.

{He appears in with a black background screen and shows us some memorial clips of Trevor.}

STRONG BAD: Hi everybody. In memoriam of poor Trevor, let's go back and revisit the few of my favorite Trevor memories.

{He takes the remote control, turns around and and presses the button to show us the memorial of Trevor on the screen.}

STRONG BAD: This is Trevor from Hampden, Maine and I was wondering if you could teach me how to be as awesome as you.

{Strong Bad appears on the screen again while holding the remote control.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, that was great. And who could forget this one?

{He takes the remote control, turns around and and presses the button to show us the memorial of Trevor on the screen.}

STRONG BAD: I am a vampire and... {typing} And what? That's it?

{He switches back while standing in front of the black background}

STRONG BAD: Augh, we sure had some great times Trevor.

{The computer screen appears and the following written on it: In Memoriam -Trevor-}

STRONG BAD: I'm gonna miss you, bro'.

{The Paper comes out and it says "Click here to e-mail strong bad", click on the text to email him.}

Fun Facts

  • When Strong Bad says "I mean what the-" he types "I mean what the f-". Looks like Strong Bad's trying to swear.
  • After Strong Bad realizes that Trevor has been killed, he says "Oh Trevor, I pine for you!" A similar phrase is also heard in the Trogdor game -- after you lose the game Strong Bad says "Oh Trogdor... I pine for you!"

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