i rule

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The Kingdom of Strong Badia

Strong Bad Email #11

Introducing Strong Badia! Also the Tire, the Cinderblock, and the Stop Sign, this is a pivotal episode of the H*R universe.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat



STRONG BAD: {muttering} Checking the email, grumble grumble email... {stops muttering}.

If you are so evil, how come you don't rule 
the world or at least some kind of field?
Mike, UK

{Strong Bad pronounces UK as "uck"}

STRONG BAD: What are you talking about, Mike, UK {pronounced the same as before}? I mean I've totally ruled that field out behind the dumpsters, since like diaper school man.

{Cut to Strong Badia. Strong Bad appears and holds his arm up proudly.}

STRONG BAD: Aaaah, my kingdom continues to flourish. Uh, carry on, everyone.

{The Cheat appears from behind the white fence and approaches the tire.}

STRONG BAD: Hey! The Cheat! What, you wanna get banished? Don't touch that!

{The Paper comes down.}

STRONG BAD: What're you standing around for, man? Don't you have, like, some of my bidding to do?

Fun Facts

DVD Version

  • The DVD version features a hidden audio commentary by Strong Bad and Mike Chapman. It's accessable by changing the language selection on your DVD player while watching the email.

DVD Commentary Transcript


MIKE: OK, so I've been joined in the commentary booth by Strong Bad-


MIKE: Mr. SuTo, apparently, is his new name, so-

STRONG BAD: Supreme Total. It's the shortness for Supreme Total.

MIKE: Oh, SuTo. Mr. SuTo. Mr. Supreme Total Strong Bad

STRONG BAD: Hey, remember when it used to be windy in Strong Badia all the time?

MIKE: And the sky was always grey.


MIKE: The sky's sometimes still grey-

STRONG BAD: Not anymore! Now- now that I've taken over, things have-

MIKE: Brightened up.

STRONG BAD: Yeah. This is before I had the Bear Shark. I just had burble- the burbly blue The Cheat. This a SHORT email!

MIKE: Yeah, get outta here.

STRONG BAD: OK, I'm outta here!

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