i love you

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Strong Bad showcases his skills of an artist

Strong Bad Email #9

In this email we are introduced to fhqwhgadshgnsdhjsdbkhsdabkfabkveybvf, otherwise known as fhqwhgadshg or Fhqwhgads. Apparently, Strong Bad writes a song to her, even though there is no love in their relationship (mainly because of her long freakin' name). We also see Strong Bad get in touch with his artistic side.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Painting of a guy with a big knife



STRONG BAD: I've carefully set aside this time for checking my email.

i love u

STRONG BAD Look, fhqwhgadshg... can I just call you fhqwgads? {Pronounces it fuh-HOOG-wa-gads.} Look fhqwgads, I'm sorry to say, but the feeling's not mutual. Mainly because of your long freakin' name. I mean in the time it took me to say your name, I coulda done all kinds of stuff. Like paint a picture... of a guy... with a big knife. Whoa, in fact, I'm gonna get started on that right now.

{He leaves the computer to paint a picture by the bushes that represents a guy with a big knife.}

STRONG BAD: Oh yeah! This is looking great. I mean, I think I could probably sell this at like the arts and crafts fair, you know... to maybe some POWs, or like somebody's dad...

{The Paper comes out and it says "Click here to e-mail strong bad", click on the text to email him.}

Fun Facts

  • This is the debut of the Painting of a guy with a big knife.
  • This was the first email to end outside the computer room.
  • It's been theorized that this email was caused by the infamous "I LOVE YOU" virus, but given the email's spelling and the way in which the signature is typed, this seems highly unlikely.
  • The name in this email is also the inspiration for the song Everybody to the Limit.
  • This is the first time that Strong Bad writes or draws in an e-mail. He is right-handed.

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