the paper

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Revision as of 09:44, 11 June 2007 by Jay (Talk | contribs)
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Strong Bad Email #173
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Strong Bad reminisces about The Paper.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad

Places: Computer Room

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: Monday, June 11, 2007

Running Time: 3:08

Page Title: Lappy 486



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STRONG BAD: Check the deck, y'all! Press eject, y'all! Well, it's another email I'm about to reject y'all!

{Strong Bad reads the state as "Ewwwtah".}

STRONG BAD: {typing} No, The Paper's not quitting, Kyle, you total Ogdenite. Ol' Papes is at the top of his game, the prime of his time, the cusp of his stuff!

{The printer falls onto Strong Bad, knocking him offscreen.}


{Cut back to show the full computer room. The wrecked printer is on the ground, with Strong Bad reeling next to it. The printer prints a sheet. A dramatic chords plays. Cut to a closeup of The Paper, which reads "I tHiNK i'MM rEAlllyy QUItTinG sTROng BBBaD".}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} The Paper! No!!!

{Cut back to a shot of the whole screen.}

STRONG BAD: Why do all my thirty-year-old electronics keep breaking on me?!

{Cut to a closeup of The Paper, which prints out some more text reading "wE haDd A goOd RUN, oLD buDddy."}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} We sure did, pal.

{Cut back}

STRONG BAD: Why, I remember the day you were born like it was about to happen in a wavy flashback...

{Harp music plays. It transitions to Li'l Strong Bad and Strong Sad, in front of a computer and printer.}

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