Image | Costume | Seen in
| Hatless | Where My Hat is At?, The King of Town DVD, Email super powers, Where My Hat Is At? (toon)
| Starless | Marshmallow's Last Stand, Email different town
| An explorer | In Search of the Yello Dello
| An explorer | In Search of the Yello Dello Theatrical Trailer
| A Minstrel | Tis True, Pom Pom, Tis True
| Academic | A Jorb Well Done, The King of Town DVD
| Charlie Brown-esque brown hat | The Best Decemberween Ever, Homestar Presents: Presents, Winter Store (Easter egg)
| A clown | First Time Here?
| A sailor | First Time Here?
| A witch | First Time Here?, Homestar vs. Little Girl 2
| Homestar Runner's Sleepwear | Email caper, Homestar Presents: Presents, PAY PLUS!, Store Thank You Messages, Weclome Back, Email secret identity, Email slumber party, Email nightlife, Email email thunder, Hremail 49
| The Jolly Dumple | Email mascot, Email 4 Branches, On Break
| Fake arms | Email fingers
| Strong Badian Forefather | Email colonization, Hremail 62
| "Col-on-el" Homestar | Email army, Labor Dabor, Email more armies, Strong Badia the Free
| With cool shades | Email the bet, Bug in Mouth Disease
| A scientist | Email stupid stuff
| Duckie Shirt | Email flashback, Main Page 20, Main Page 24, The Homestar Runner Gets Something Stuck In His Craw
| The Office Dullard (various polo shirts) | Email other days, Biz Cas Fri 1, Biz Cas Fri 2, Biz Cas Fri 3, Email cliffhangers, Email from work
| "The #1" shirt | Email montage
| With Daisy Dukes | Email long pants, Email email thunder
| Dressed up for Halloween | Halloween Intro
| With a sweater over his head | Email space program
| With corn flakes on his face | Email death metal
| With a red chef's hat with googly eyes and an apron. | Email narrator, Homestar Ruiner
| Bunmaker | Email disconnected
| Burglar | Email candy product
| Desire Man | Sbemail 150?!?
| In a tuxedo | Email senior prom
| The Prom King | Email senior prom
| With a headset | Email isp, Baddest of the Bands
| A waiter | Summer Short Shorts, Date Nite
| A Construction worker | No Hands On Deck!
| Covered with sticky notes | Email trading cards
| Wearing his L.U.R.N. uniform | Email coloring, Career Day
| A newsboy | Happy Hallow-day
| A bad boyfriend | Email 4 branches
| White shirt | Email strong badathlon
| With a horned helmet | Flashforward, Email the movies, Ever and More, Email dictionary (Easter egg)
| Wearing a black suit, tie and hat | Email your funeral
| In a hat and trench coat | DNA Evidence, @StrongBadActual
| First mate in the USS Flirtini | Date Nite
| Wrapped up by The Paper. | Email the paper
| Wearing a snorkeling mask and covered with blue dye. | Email mini-golf, Where My Hat Is At? (toon) (without blue dye)
| As John from Embarrassing Educational Films | Email hygiene
| Mountie | Email original
| Poncho and sombrero | Email original
| Cold weather police officer | Email original
| Dashiki | Email original
| College student | Email bike thief
| Trash can | Email bike thief
| The Pizz employee | Email pizza joint
| Wearing several lanyards | Email business trip
| On a leash | Email pet show
| With shards of glass in his face | Email licensed
| Blubb-O's server | Blubb-O's Commercial
| Brown wig | SBCG4AP Gameplay Trailer
| Black turtleneck sweater with a striped star on it. | Email love poems
| Doctor Marvin Rubdown, wearing a black turtleneck sweater with a striped star on it. | Email love poems
| Fake arms and a box | Email magic trick
| Bandage on head | Play Date
| Bandage and icepack on head | Play Date
| Body cast and wheelchair | Play Date
| Helmet | A Death Defying Decemberween
| A sweater, white shirt, blue tie and pipe | A Death Defying Decemberween
| Both his helmet and sweater | A Death Defying Decemberween
| "A French long-jump champion with eight wooden legs" | Donut Unto Others
| Wearing a blue Garrison Cap | Donut Unto Others
| Wearing a monocle | Where My Hat Is At? (toon)
| Wearing a newsboy hat | Where My Hat Is At? (toon)
| Wearing a sweater made out of mistletoe | A Decemberween Mackerel
| Wearing a fig leaf | April Fool 2014
| Wearing a fake beard, suit, hat, and a Windows 98 microphone. | April Fool 2014
| Wearing a Dixieland outfit | Fish Eye Lens
| Wearing an "I'M WITH PROV" shirt | Dad's Garage & Friends - 11 Jul 2014, Dad's Garage & Friends - 13 Jun 2015
| With a polo shirt, headset, and cinnamon on his face, saying "tertiary" with the Cardgage curse | Email too cool
| As an Aquabat | The Aquabats Super Show Kickstarter
| Wearing an apron, goggles, and a clothespin on his chin | Email parenting
| Wearing a jacket and holding a hot jones | Email parenting
| Wearing sunglasses and a jacket with Strong Bad | Email parenting