lures & jigs

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C'mon and get in the boat, fish fish!

Strong Bad Email #44

Strong Bad gets asked about the lures and jigs he uses when fishing.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Coach Z



STRONG BAD: {singing} I check email from the front to the back, I said check email from the front to the back I said check...


Dear Strong Bad, {Strong Bad repeats this line three times with different emphasis, stopping halfway through the third time saying "Hmm, I'll go with that one."}

Dear Strong Bad,

When you go fishing, do you use any sort of special lure or jig to attract the fishs?

David Jacobus
Astoria, NY

{Strong Bad says "fishs" as ""}

{fade out and fade back in to "Fish Show With Strong Bad and Coach Z". Strong Bad and Coach Z are in a boat on a lake. Coach Z has a pole, Strong Bad does not. Coach Z is wearing a fisherman cap, Strong Bad has a wife-beater tan.}

COACH Z: Say, Strong Bad, what type'a lure are you usin' dere?

STRONG BAD: Well, this morning, Coach, I've been mostly using this one: Hey fish! Hey fiish! I'm gonna, I'm gonna recommend that you guys come up here in the boat. We've got a, uh, a keg! Of worms! And, uh... phytoplankton! ... Come on! Anybody who's everybody is up in here!

COACH Z: I don't think that's gonna work with a stocked pond. You got any type of jig you could try on there?

STRONG BAD: Oh, yeah! I got this jig! (starts singing and doing a little hip-swiveling dance) Come on and get in the boat, fish! Come on and get in the boat, fish fish! Come on and get in the boat, fish! {fish start leaping into the boat} Get in the boat!

COACH Z: Oh! They got in the boat! ... Fish fish!

{back to Compy}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Actually, David, it may surprise you to hear this but, uh... I don't know anything about fishing, man. You're welcome to try the jig thing if you want. Though it might work better with the ladies. {stops typing} You know, like, {singing} come on and come to my house, ladies! Come on and come to my house, girls girls! {stops singing, resumes typing} Actually, {chuckles shyly} I don't really know anything about the ladies either. I mean I do! I mean-WHGT! JGTH! YES I'M AWESOME!

{Strong Bad runs out of the room, The Paper comes down}

Easter Eggs

{The screen of the 386 displays the title screen for "Fishing Challenge '91"}
STRONG BAD: {offscreen} Whoa, look at that title screen! Man, the 386 never ceases to amaze me!
{After you press the spacebar, the screen shows the instructions on how to play}
STRONG BAD: {offscreen} No way! This is the pinnacle of graphics. They're never gonna get any better than this. I bet the sound's just as good, too!

Fun Facts

  • The sound at the beginning and end of the fishing scene is also used in A Jorb Well Done while Coach Z is dreaming.
  • If you get the score up to 10,000 it goes straight to 1000. But you still have 10,000 points -- it doesn't display the last digit.
  • Strong Bad has an undershirt tanline.
  • Fishing Challenge '91 is copyright 1991 Totalsoft LLC, which is a reference to Thorax Corporation. The game resembles many early 90's PC games that featured grainy digital voice and pixelated "photo-realistic" graphics with limited frames.
  • This email may be a reference to the Bert and Ernie skit called "Bert and Ernie Go Fishing." In the skit, Ernie gets fish to come into the boat by calling to them. Bert eventually tries this technique too, louder and louder. Finally a shark jumps in and says, "You called?"
  • If you press j and l really fast in Fishing Challenge '91 the noise will become all staticy and you won't be able to hear strong bad say anything.
    • Doing this also increases the number of fish that will hop into the boat.
  • When you play the game at the end, the contrast knobs still work, except the screen turns whiter.

DVD Version

  • While the Fishing Game isn't playable, you can still watch Strong Bad play it.
    • There's also additional dialogue. The transcript of the additional dialogue (which picks up right where the Easter Egg transcript above ends), is given below.
  • The DVD version also has hidden creator commentary. It's accessable by switching your DVD player's audio language selection while watching this email.

Easter Egg Transcript

{After catching several fish (including a large red one), text flashes on the screen reading "Congrats! You caught the big one!}
STRONG BAD: {offscreen} I can safely say this is the most fulfilling video gaming experience I've ever had in-a my whole life.

Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Mike Chapman, Matt Chapman)

MATT: {joining in with Strong Bad} to the back as I check. This is a good one. We should turn THAT into a hip-hop song.

MIKE: This, um, one, our friend Jamie was-

MATT: No, this was when Nat was here. Nat was the one tha-

MIKE: This was the one when Jamie was here!

MATT: Jamie was there for the, uh, leftover emails, Unused Emails.

MIKE: Ohhh, yeah, this is Nat. That's right.

MATT: Nat was here.

MIKE: I forgot, sorry. Sorry, Jamie. Sorry, Nat.

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: I get you guys mixed up sometimes.

{Matt laughs a little}


MATT: Here it comes.

MIKE: Ahhh.

MATT: So that's, our-

MIKE: Fishing with John.

MATT: Yeah, reference to Jim Jarmusch episode of Fishing with John, which you should all buy on-

MIKE: {imitating John Lurie} Why am I here?

MATT: {imitating John Lurie} Why am I here? {stops} That was a good one.

MIKE: Uhh, I enjoyed making the, I like the mist. The mist on the bottom there.

MATT: Yeah, the mist is really good. Those cattails

MIKE: The ripples along the boat. This is, and we had to do a whole new view of Coach Z there.

MATT: It's a whole new way to experience Coach Z.

MIKE: Yeah, this is a {Matt says something that's hard to make out} This is some scenery that's never happened, never been reused.

MATT: Yeah. We never ended up-

MIKE: There's very few... most things, we end up reusing, but this, we've never reused. I think I might, uh, reuse it next week.

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: Next week's email. They're gonna be in a lake!

MATT: {weak voice} OK, Mike. Look, there, it's funny.

MIKE: He's got, uh, a farmer's tan of a tank-top.

MATT: Yeah, look at those fish. Those fish are kind of funny looking. {imitating John Lurie} Why am I here? {pause} This is one of those other times, it's another recurring trend, with Strong Bad sort of tipping his hand in letting you know that he doesn't know anything about women. Uh, which I don't know why he ends up doing a lot, {Mike laughs in the background} but he kinda has to let you see his sensitive side, I guess. And then, whgt! Jght!

Fun Facts

  • "Fishing with John" was a satrical fishing show starring, written, and directed by independent musician John Lurie, known for both its interesting selection of guest stars and very dry sense of humor. It only ran for 6 episodes and is considered something of a cult classic.
  • Mike mentioning he'd like to reuse the lake is foreshadowing for montage, when he finally would use the scene again. (At the time the commentary was recorded, it presumably wasn't made yet.)

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