road trip

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(Got keen ears?)
(Trivia: there are 80-something cases ...)
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*There appear to be 204 cans of [[Bull Honkey]], so each of the eighty cases contains 2.55 cans.
*There appear to be 204 cans of [[Bull Honkey]].
===Inside References===
===Inside References===

Revision as of 13:49, 5 September 2006

Strong Bad Email #156
watch theme song some kinda robot
"Road Trip City, Here We Come!"

Strong Bad and The Cheat go on a road trip. Or more accurately, a car trip. Or even more accurately, a car.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Bubs (Easter egg), Coach Z (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, The Field, Inside The Gremlin, Bubs' Concession Stand (Easter egg)

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: September 4, 2006

Running Time: 4:18

Page Title: Lappy 486



STRONG BAD: {singing} Good morning, Mr. Email, there's a call for you on line 2. {brings up the email}

{Strong Bad says "I've actually lost two pounds in the last nine months, thank you very much" instead of "Fatty" and "Pete from Pete's parents' basement" instead of "That guy, from that place".}

STRONG BAD: Oh, yeah! Me and The Cheat, we're roadtripcionados. And one thing I've found, is that every good road trip needs a good inside joke that only the people that went on the road trip will get. {clears screen} And your friends that didn't go on the road trip will want to kill your legs every time you bring it up. These days, I make up the inside joke before I go on the road trip, just in case one doesn't happen. For this road trip, we'll make it... jumbo/LARGE. Get it? jumbo/LARGE? It's like a maxymoron.

{Cut to the Field. Strong Bad and The Cheat are standing in front of the Gremlin; an object covered by a yellow-splotched cloth is on the right.}

STRONG BAD: All right, you ready to go, The Cheat? Why is Strong Mad hiding under that not-originally-yellow-spotted sheet from Strong Sad's bedroom? Not my bedroom.

{Pan to the right so that the entire object covered by the sheet is visible}

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises. Pulls back the cloth to reveal many stacked aluminum cans. Excited The Cheat noises.}

STRONG BAD: Whoa! Eighty-something cases of Bull Honkey! {close-up of Strong Bad} That's my favorite caffeinergy sauce! {back to wider view} Oh, this road trip is definitely going to be {dances} jumbo/LARGE.

THE CHEAT: {looks annoyed, quizzical The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: Just laugh at it. It's an inside joke. It's going to be hilarious.

{Cut to the inside of the Gremlin. The Cheat is sitting behind the wheel. Strong Bad enters the passenger's seat.}

STRONG BAD: Road trip city, here we come!

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: Keys? I don't have any keys. Look, the only thing I know about this car is what Bubs told me. And that's that the windows and doors are broken and you can't open them from the inside.

THE CHEAT: {looks annoyed}

STRONG BAD: Oh. Right. {under his breath} That was pretty poor planning on my part.

{Cut to a distant view of a silhouette of the Gremlin against a yellow sky}

STRONG BAD: {calling out} Bubs? Green Bubs? {a tumbleweed rolls by} Anybody?

{cut back to inside the car}

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: All right, forget it. I'm not gonna let a little setback like this ruin our road trip. What we need is some grub. Pull over at this next exit up here.

THE CHEAT: {turns the steering wheel}

STRONG BAD: I know a little roadside diner called Beneath the Passenger's Seat. {goes under the seat}

THE CHEAT: {surprised The Cheat noises}

{Cut to a view of the passenger's seat from above. Strong Bad's leg is visible on the right}

STRONG BAD: All right, we got a small order of petrifries {brings out three French fries covered in hair}, a large melt shake that's almost eaten through the cup {brings out an old cup that says "Melt Shake" and is stained brown on the bottom}, ooh, and for dessert, a half-sucked booterscotch in desperate need of a shave {brings out an orange, egg-shaped candy covered with hair}.

{return to front view of the Gremlin}

STRONG BAD: All right, cool, that was disgusting. Now alls we need to wash the taste out of our brains is some jammin' tunes!

THE CHEAT: {exclamatory The Cheat noises. Brings out a CD that says "road trip mix".}

STRONG BAD: A mix CD! {singing} That, my friend, is jumbo/LARGE. Now, let's put it in and crank it up!

{cut to view of Gremlin's dashboard, which contains an eight-track player labeled "8-TRAX".}

THE CHEAT: {tries to put the CD in the eight-track player. The Cheat noises.}

STRONG BAD: Naw, just force it in there. {return to front view of the Gremlin} I'm sure that thing's forwards compatible.

THE CHEAT: {pushes CD into player. The edges of the CD break off.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, yeah, The Cheat. These are some jammin' tunes! {singing} And now we're jammin'! {in falsetto} Jammin' tunes! Jammin tunes {in his normal voice} Now we're jammi— {shouting quickly} Oh, who am I kidding; this is the worst road trip over! {puts his head down on the dashboard} The Cheat {cut to silhouette view of the Gremlin}, we're gonna die in this Gremlin!

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

{The sky darkens}

SINGERS: {unseen, in high voices} And now we're jammin'! Jammin' tunes! Jammin' tunes! Now we're jammin'! jumbo/LAAAAARGE!

{cut to view of Strong Bad and the Cheat in the Gremlin, this time from an angle}

STRONG BAD: Like, look at that little stain over there! {cut to a view looking up at the car roof} That could be a whole 'nother world. With a whole 'nother Strong Bad and The Cheat stuck in a Gremlin. {a light shines on The Cheat.}

{cut to a view looking out the window; Homestar Runner is standing outside holding a flashlight}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {looking annoyed} All right, young lovers. Move it along! What do you think this is, Make-out Point?

{cut to view of the Gremlin from outside}

STRONG BAD: Homestar, it's me and The Cheat! We're stuck in here!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Unlikely story, Backseat Bradley!

STRONG BAD: Just open the door; I'll explain everything!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: All right, but before I do, {no longer looking annoyed} I'm looking for my jumbo/LARGE melt shake! I think I left it in there a week or month ago. {cut back to view of Homestar Runner through the car window} Either of you guys find it? {opens the door}

{cut back to view of the Gremlin from outside}

STRONG BAD: {exits the Gremlin} Oh, sweet two feet from where I just was! How I've missed you so!

{cut back to the Lappy}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Luckily, Officer Cheese-for-butt let us off with just a warning. And that was our road trip. Or, more accurately our car trip, since we didn't go on any roads. Or, even more accurately, our car, since we didn't go on any trips either. So yeah, Pete from Pete's parents' basement, I go on car with my gang all the time. And that's the end of this email. Until next time everybody, remember to stay j-LARGE.

{The Paper comes down}

Easter Eggs

"Honk 'em if ya got 'em!"
  • Click on the eighty-something cases of Bull Honkey to see a close up of a Bull Honkey can.
  • Click on the car bumper when Homestar finds Strong Bad and The Cheat to see a bumper sticker.
  • At the end, click on "everybody" to see a conversation between Bubs and Coach Z.
COACH Z: Whaddya mean, I'm the green Bubs? If anything, you're the orange Coach Z!
BUBS: The first person to call me the orange Coach Z is gonna get a free consultation with my friends Jacoby and Meyers. {balls his fists}

Fun Facts


  • Petrifries is a reference to petrification, which is the process by which organic material is converted into stone or a similar substance.
  • Forward compatible products try to cater to future technology, such as new input devices.
  • An oxymoron is a pair of opposite words or phrases used together to make a point.


Inside References

Real World References

  • The energy drink "Bull Honkey" is a reference to Red Bull.
  • Jacoby and Meyers is the name of a prominent legal firm in the United States.

External Links

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