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Brian's love letter

Strong Bad Email #8

Strong Bad gets hit on, and it's not quite what he expected.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad

Places: Computer Room

Computer: Tandy 400

Date: January 10, 2002

Running Time: 0:51



STRONG BAD: I remember the time when I checked my email.

STRONG BAD: {typing, speaking suavely} Well, Brian, maybe you and I could... {stops typing, becomes shocked/angry} hey... BRIAN!? What the crap? {typing} Look, man. Unless Brian is short for... Brianrietta or Brian-Sue or something like that it's just not gonna work out between you and me, okay? - Sorry to crush your hopes and dreams, - Strong Bad {stops typing} Okay, so until next week... 1, 2, 3, email me! 1, 2, 4, email me more!

{The Paper comes down}

Fun Facts


  • This is the first email to use a new typing sound effect—without the buzz.
  • This is one of the only emails to use differing margins.
  • This is also the first email that uses Strong Bad's current voice (he no longer has that weird accent).
    • Well, mostly. His transition from the original Mexican-sounding Strong Bad to the current version didn't happen in just one week - his voice was undoubtedly changing at this point, but faint traces of his old manner of speaking still remained.
  • This is one of the very few emails where Strong Bad actually signs his name at the end.
  • This is the first Strong Bad Email using The Brothers Chaps' current style of animation, where his head, rather than his mouth, moves. This was done to shorten the amount of time it took to animate, though they noted it now "takes way longer than it ever took to just make his mouth move." Also, note the highlights on Strong Bad's eyes.
  • The name "Brian" in this email is actualy supposed to be pronounced Bree-Ann.

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