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Strong Bad Email #37

Strong Bad gives some helpful advice on how to deal with the office dullard.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homestar Runner

Places: Computer Room, The Office

Date: July 22, 2002

Running Time: 2:12



STRONG BAD: Mmmmm... fresh emails...

Strong Bad,
How do I deal with the office dullard?

STRONG BAD: {typing} I'm glad you came to me, Jason. The office dullard is a clever foe. But there are ways you can beat him. Here are a few of my tried and true methods.

{The words "Method 1" appear on the screen, as per following methods}

Method 1

{Strong Bad is sitting and typing in an office. Homestar Runner comes and stands behind him.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey man, what's up? Good time, bad time...?

{Strong Bad reaches out very quick to his phone and pretends to have been speaking into it.}

STRONG BAD: Oh! Oh, oh! Yes, yes, yes... As you know, I'm still here, yes. Working hard. I've been synergizing all morning... {He turns his head to Homestar and whispers.} I'm not going to be able to talk right now, man. {Homestar opens his mouth, nods his head and walks away and Strong Bad turns back to his "phone call"} Right... Yes... Multi-tasking...

Method 2

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Once I finish my second run, you know, I'll have a smoothie or something, and then I'll head to the gym, and do, I've been doing about three sets of reps a piece, and then one...

STRONG BAD: Psssh! {Strong Bad flips Homestar off...sort of. He gives him the unprecedented "Single Deuce," complete with sound effect. Homestar looks surprised, only for a moment.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah... So, how much can you bench?

Method 3

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So, did you catch last night's episode of Popular Reality Show? Yeah, no? You missed a good one, man, you missed a good one! They were kickin' people off left and right, and, like, some people got kicked on, and um, I mean, it was... you should have watched it. You definitely should have watched it. Should-have-watched it! I mean, they'll be talkin' about this one for a while. I mean, I'm going ta be talkin' about this one for a while... {Strong Bad leaves his seat and walks away and Homestar Runner turns his head towards Strong Bad's direction.} Oh, cool, I guess you're going to go watch it now...oh, all right, man...later... {pauses} Cool...

Method 4

{Homestar is talking. Strong Bad is ignoring him, adding "yeah" occasionally under Homestar's dialogue}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: So the next thing I know...


HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...Fredrickson from accounting comes up to me, puts this...


HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...thing on my desk, I'm like, "Hey man, the mailroom is...

STRONG BAD: Oh yeah.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: ..."that-a-way," you know, so I sent out a memo, like...

STRONG BAD: Oh yeaaah.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: ...to everybody.

STRONG BAD: Yeah... yeah... oh yeah... {Homestar Runner stops talking and glares at Strong Bad. Strong Bad keeps on saying "Yeah". Homestar Runner walks away.} yep... mmhmm...

{Back to Strong Bad sitting in front of his computer.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} So there you go, Jason. One of those ways should work. Though it couldn't hurt to steal his lunch from the break room fridge everyday. {stops typing} Mmmmm... Hot Pockets.

{The Paper comes down.}

Fun Facts


  • According to the Quote of the Day clip, Homestar was originally going to say "I've been doing a couple of sets of reps, and then a rep of sets, and that's been working great for me."


  • During Method 4, Homestar's eyelids come down once he realizes Strong Bad isn't really listening to him. When his eyes blink (like they always do like every 3 seconds), there is a glitch where part of his gray outline is intruded on by white.

Fast Forward

Easter Eggs

It's five!
  • You can click on the comic in Strong Bad's cubicle to see a close-up of it. The comic is an almost exact replica of a Dilbert comic strip, except with "It's Five" instead of the original "It's Monday."

DVD Version

  • The DVD version features not only the comic strip featured on the site, but a new one for each of the methods as well. These can all be viewed by using the angle button on your DVD remote.

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