big white face

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(Easter Eggs)
(Remarks: Fix it up if you want, I don't know how to word this right.)
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*It's also strange that Strong Bad says he's been hard on The Poopsmith, since in [[your friends]], he says he didn't harm The Poopsmith because, on account of The Poopsmith's profession, "his tolerance for pain's gotta be through the roof."
*It's also strange that Strong Bad says he's been hard on The Poopsmith, since in [[your friends]], he says he didn't harm The Poopsmith because, on account of The Poopsmith's profession, "his tolerance for pain's gotta be through the roof."
*In the part where Strong Bad says, "Big, white face and gray body?!? Who is she talking about? Hang on a second...," he's actually typing it, meaning he's sending a reply. Because it's a reply, he should have said "you," not "she."
*In the part where Strong Bad says, "Big, white face and gray body?!? Who is she talking about? Hang on a second...," he's actually typing it, meaning he's sending a reply. Because it's a reply, he should have said "you," not "she."
*Strong Bad doesn't mention Coach Z in the list of characters.

Revision as of 22:16, 24 November 2005

Not the first time this has happened today.

Strong Bad Email #70

Jen C. asks Strong Bad why he is so mean to the guy with the big white face and gray body.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Strong Sad, The Poopsmith

Places: Computer Room, The Field, King of Town's Castle

Computer: Compy 386

Date: April 21, 2003

Running Time: 2:38

Page Title: Compy 086!



STRONG BAD: Hoo! Cha! Cheritiza! Hooritajuzu-duh-email!


{Strong Bad sings "Dear Strong Bad" in a slightly high-pitched voice}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Big, white face and gray body?!? Who is she talking about? Hang on a second. {types run "M4RZ1P4N"} Is she talking about Marzipan? {Marzipan's picture shows up on his computer} No, her head is...more like a baseball bat. {types run "bu-hubs"} Maybe Bubs? No. Bubs is definitely of the blue-headed persuasion. {types run "undabite"} Homestar's got the white head, but...his body's just kinda that red skirt. {types run "no-neck"} Strong Mad doesn't really have a head or a body. {types run "dacheese"} The Cheat's physiology just plain baffles me. {types run "mr.smith"} Um, the Poopsmith? Oh, the Poopsmith! Why would she think he has a gray body? Maybe her monitor isn't calibrated right. Or maybe she's like...on one of those old black and white monitors. {types run "b/w"; it converts his monitor to an old Macintosh layout} That's it! {tabs out of the Macintosh layout, starts typing} Yeah, maybe I am a little hard on that guy. I should do something nice for him.

{Strong Bad gets up, Strong Sad walks past}

STRONG SAD: Just on my way to do some stuff... Oh! What's this say? {reads the email, mumbling} Finally! My come-uppance has arrived! I should go wait somewhere inconspicuous and act none the wiser.

{Cut to a screen of the Macintosh setup with the caption "A little while later..." with the wristwatch cursor on the screen. Then cut to The Field, where Strong Sad is standing.}

STRONG SAD: Oh, nothing, nothing... {Strong Bad starts walking past him with a cake behind his back} Oh, hey, Strong Bad!

STRONG BAD: Hey, wiggity-wiener.

STRONG SAD: Did you have something you wanted to tell me?

STRONG BAD: Ummm... You're the wiggity-wiener?

STRONG SAD: No, not that. What are you holding behind your back?

STRONG BAD: Ummm... A single deuce? Doosh? {flips him the single deuce}

STRONG SAD: No, your other back!

STRONG BAD: Uhhh... Cake for the Poopsmith? Doosh? {throws the cake in Strong Sad's face} Aww, look what you made me do! Now I gotta make The Cheat make me another cake. {walks off}

STRONG SAD: I wish I could say that this is the first time this has happened to me. Today.

{Back to the Mac screen, now reading "Another while later..." Cut to the Poopsmith and his pile of whatsit. Strong Bad walks up to him with another cake.}

STRONG BAD: Hey, doodoo man! I just wanted to apologize for throwing that first cake at Strong Sad. I put some beans on it. You know. In case maybe you wanted beans on it. {The Poopsmith shrugs} I hope there's no hard feelings. {The Poopsmith takes the cake} Anyways, it really stinks over here, so, uhh... I'm—I'm gonna go. Enjoy the cake.

{Strong Bad walks off. The Poopsmith flinches when The Paper comes down. The Poopsmith pokes it with his shovel.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the image of The Cheat to check out his physiology.
  • At the end you can click on a bit of whatsit on The Poopsmith's shovel to download those Mac desktops as wallpaper.
  • Also at the end, you can click on the cake to see what the cake looks like. You can keep clicking on it to add toppings to it. The toppings are added in this order: fortune cookies, Chinese food (which looks like it might be General Tso's Chicken), grapes, Golden Grahams cereal, ice cubes, lemon slices, and finally, a Swiss Cake Roll and the "50" candle from 50 emails.
    • The cake Easter egg will not work on some computers, probably because the cake is stored in a separate Flash file.

Fun Facts


  • The first cake said, "Hey Poopsmith! Here's a cake!" However, the second cake (when zoomed in, not seen in the closeup) says, "Sorry for screwing up the jumble caper." (also see Inside References)


Biological Impossbilities
  • The Cheat has only 2 organs and no veins, and if one of the organs is the brain, then The Cheat might not use any form of blood. The Cheat clearly has nerve endings. His nerves dangle out from below the unlabeled brain-like organ in his head. Given the location of the other organ, and the fact that it has a tube extending from it to the mouth, it could possibly be the stomach. On the other hand, the position (behind the ribs) and appearance of the organ might be the heart, although that too seems fairly impossible due to the fact that there are no veins. As Strong Bad said, "The Cheat's physiology just plain baffles me."
  • It's strange that Strong Bad arrives at the black and white monitor theory. With such a monitor, "big white face and gray body" could describe every character except Bubs, Pom Pom, and The Cheat (who would all turn out gray-faced) and Marzipan and Strong Mad (who were already ruled out due to their shape).
  • It's also strange that Strong Bad says he's been hard on The Poopsmith, since in your friends, he says he didn't harm The Poopsmith because, on account of The Poopsmith's profession, "his tolerance for pain's gotta be through the roof."
  • In the part where Strong Bad says, "Big, white face and gray body?!? Who is she talking about? Hang on a second...," he's actually typing it, meaning he's sending a reply. Because it's a reply, he should have said "you," not "she."
  • Strong Bad doesn't mention Coach Z in the list of characters.


  • Strong Bad's reflection is covered by the pictures.
  • Strong Sad's reflection isn't affected by contrast change.
  • The bottom of Strong Sad's reflection is cut off early at the Compy.
  • If the contrast is changed before the Mac desktop comes up, then the Mac desktop appears blue instead of grey.

Inside References

  • "Sorry for screwing up the jumble caper" (see Trivia) is a reference to caper.
  • When Strong Sad asks what Strong Bad is holding behind his back, he says the Single Deuce, which is Pom Pom's gesture from "the bird."
  • The Cheat's photo shows him smoking a pipe, as per his nicotine habit seen in The Cheat's Smoking Challenge and Where's The Cheat? His addiction is later revisited in montage.

Real-World References

  • The email's page title says "Compy 086" instead of "Compy 386," and there's an icon on the black and white Mac desktop that says "Compy 086." This is a reference to the Intel 8086, the first 16-bit processor introduced by Intel. Oddly enough, an early Macintosh would have been running on a Motorola 68000 processor, not on an Intel processor.
    • Later processors in the 68000 series, like the 68020, were referred to by dropping the "68", so Macintoshes ran on "020", "030", etc. processors. That's where the "0" in "086" came from.
  • When Strong Bad types out Marzipan's name ("M4RZ1P4N"), it is written in a form of leet.
  • The Apple desktop has Karateka on it, a karate combat game developed by Jordan Mechner.
  • The old-timey Mac wallpaper has a floppy disk icon that reads "The Manhole," one of the first computer games by Cyan, the company that would go on to make Myst.
  • Visible on the old-timey Mac's menu bar are a closed pair of eyes from the old Mac shareware program MyEyes. These eyes would open to follow the cursor around and blink periodically.

DVD Version

  • All of the Easter eggs are still viewable using either the angle button on your DVD remote or pressing down to find the bad graphics Strong Bad at the end of the email.

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