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(Easter Eggs)
Line 88: Line 88:
:'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Fubugrass.
:'''HOMESTAR RUNNER:''' Fubugrass.
:'''STRONG BAD:''' Say it with a flourish. "Fhqwhgads."
:'''STRONG BAD:''' Say it with a flourish. "Fhqwhgads."
:'''HOMESTAR RUNNNER:''' Fobumagoo.
:'''HOMESTAR RUNNNER:''' Foobumagoo.
:'''STRONG BAD:''' It doesn't sound like it looks. "Fhqwhgads."
:'''STRONG BAD:''' It doesn't sound like it looks. "Fhqwhgads."
:'''COACH Z:''' ''{popping up in the foreground}'' Forhorgalingrads!
:'''COACH Z:''' ''{popping up in the foreground}'' Forhorgalingrads!

Revision as of 07:14, 14 December 2005

Thanks, man! I'd just about had it with that talking toaster.

Strong Bad Email #76

Strong Bad tries his hardest not to write or sing a song about Sibbie. He fails.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Strong Sad, Homestar Runner, The Announcer, Coach Z (Easter egg), Strong Mad (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, Strong Bad's Basement, The Field, The Classroom (Easter egg)

Computer: Compy 386

Date: June 9, 2003

Running Time: 2:15



Strong Bad: Email! Email! Email! Email!

{reading email}

{Strong Bad stops reading after "fhqwhgads" to say:}

STRONG BAD: Whoa. Spelled fhqwhgads right. You wouldn't believe how many I get where they're like, "Hey Strong Bad, I love your fubugrass." Or "Dear Strong Bad, where's that fuguman?" Anyways... {He continues reading. After he finishes, he says...} Ugh... {typing} You people and your demands. Look, I'm not here to fulfill your every freakin' whim, all right? Make a song about me. Send Trogdor over to my house. Put on a purple thing and dance around! Well, I've had it! I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever make a song about the Sibbie. {A beat starts playing in the background, and Strong Bad types and reads along with it} And I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever write a song about— {stops singing} HEY! WHAT!?? Where's that beat coming from?

{Zoom out a bit. Strong Bad turns to the side and sees The Cheat bobbing around as he plays a keyboard.}

STRONG BAD: Ohh, look who thinks he's Clever Dan. What are you trying to do, man? Get out of here! {The Cheat mutters what sounds like "All right," picks up the keyboard, and walks behind Strong Bad's computer.} Well, that brought this email to a screeching halt. My focus is all...crocused. Guess it's time for a break!

{Strong Bad exits stage left. The Cheat peeks up from behind the computer. Cut to Strong Bad's Basement. Strong Bad enters stage right.}

STRONG BAD: And... Whoop! {He leaps over the back of the couch, sitting down to watch TV.} Oh, this is the one where the guy's mom shows the guy's girlfriend the pictures of the guy when he was a baby.

TV VOICE: MOM!!! {canned laughter}

STRONG BAD: Oh, the embarrassment!

{Strong Sad enters stage left, listening to an iPod.}

STRONG SAD: ...never, ever, ever, ever, ever write a song about Sibbie.

STRONG BAD: Hey, shut up! Where'd you hear that?

STRONG SAD: Geez, I don't know. Some song I just downloaded off the Internet.

STRONG BAD: What...?! Ugh... I gotta get out of here. {He exits stage left.}

STRONG SAD: {walks towards stage right} And I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever...

{Cut to The Field. Homestar Runner is standing next to a radio, occasionally bobbing left and right to the music.}

STRONG BAD: {singing on the radio} And I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever write a song about Sibbie.

{Strong Bad enters stage right.}

THE ANNOUNCER: {on the radio} And coming in at number 4, that was Strong Bad with "Song About Sibbie."

STRONG BAD: I didn't write a song about Sibbie! The Cheat just started playing some beat, I mean, I wasn't even... I didn't mean to... It was never my intention to... I FREAKIN' HATE SIBBIE!

THE ANNOUNCER: And debuting at number 3, it's Strong Bad with "I Freakin' Hate Sibbie!"

STRONG BAD: {singing on the radio} I freakin' hate Sibbie...


{As he shouts, he picks up the radio and piledrives it, then kicks it over, then suplexes the radio, damaging it so that it stops playing. He then stands up, breathing hard. His right eye twitches twice in succession.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks, man! I'd just about had it with that talking toaster.

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the words "purple thing" to see Strong Bad's Fruit of the Loom impression as purple grapes with the caption "lookin' good, SB."
  • At the very end you can click on the booOOMbox to see Strong Bad teaching a class how to say "fhqwhgads."
Strong Bad and Homestar are standing in front of a chalkboard with "FHQWHGADS" written on it.
STRONG BAD: "Fhqwhgads."
STRONG BAD: Say it with a flourish. "Fhqwhgads."
STRONG BAD: It doesn't sound like it looks. "Fhqwhgads."
COACH Z: {popping up in the foreground} Forhorgalingrads!
STRONG BAD: Coach Z, I thought I asked you to leave, like, an hour ago.
STRONG MAD: {pushing Coach Z out of the way} DOUGLAS!!!
STRONG BAD: Whoa! We've had a breakthrough! You get a gold star.

Fun Facts



  • The menu on Strong Sad's iPod reads "playlists," "songs," and "settings," but a Rev. 1 iPod's menu should read "Playlists," "Artists," "Songs," "Settings," "About," and "Now Playing."
    • Although, you can change the settings of an iPod to customize the main menu.


  • The Cheat's keyboard appears to have an extra key between E and F and two extra keys between B and C.
  • The chair Strong Bad is sitting on in the Computer Room does not make any noise when he gets up.
  • When Strong Bad sings he says "Song about THE Sibbie", but then Strong Sad and the radio all say "Song about Sibbie".

Inside References

  • Strong Mad saying "Douglas!" in the "fhqwhgads class" Easter egg is a reference to cheat talk.
  • The radio which Homestar is listening to also appears in A Jumping Jack Contest.
  • Strong Bad calling The Cheat "Clever Dan" is yet another reference to the running gag of Dan.

Real-World References

  • Strong Bad reveals his wrestling skill when he attacks the radio, performing a Piledriver, kick, then a Vertical Suplex.
  • Homestar's remark about the talking toaster may be a reference to the annoying "chirpie breakfast companion" named Talkie Toaster on the TV sci-fi program Red Dwarf.

DVD Version

  • The Fruit-of-the-Loom Easter egg is viewable using the angle button on your DVD remote.

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