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*[[The Brothers Chaps]] say this email took the longest to make in an interview with Kevin Scott.
*[[The Brothers Chaps]] say this email took the longest to make in an interview with Kevin Scott.
*Strong Bad writes "TROGDOR the BURNiNATOR" using a [[Lowercase i's|lowercase "i"]] because the [[font]] that The Brothers Chaps used doesn't have a capital "I."
*Strong Bad writes "TROGDOR the BURNiNATOR" using a [[Lowercase i's|lowercase "i"]] because the [[font]] that The Brothers Chaps use for Strong Bad's handwriting, Ahnberghand, doesn't have a capital "I."
*The summary on the [[Podstar Runner]] RSS feed for this video says "Strong Bad starts a bad drawing revolution."
*The summary on the [[Podstar Runner]] RSS feed for this video says "Strong Bad starts a bad drawing revolution."

Revision as of 14:59, 15 July 2007

Strong Bad Email #58
watch japanese cartoon marzipan
This article is about the Strong Bad Email. For the Atari 2600 character, see Atari Dragon. For the dragon from The King of Town-related cartoons, see Multi-Function Dragon.
"Check out all his majesty."

Kaizer wants to know if Strong Bad can draw a dragon. Trogdor is born.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Trogdor, Coach Z, Strong Mad, Homsar (Easter egg), Strong Sad

Places: Computer Room

Computer: Compy 386

Date: Monday, January 13, 2003

Running Time: 3:20

Page Title: Compy 386!

DVD: strongbad_email.exe Disc Two



STRONG BAD: {singing} Here I go once again with the email! Every week I hope that it's from a female! {opens email, stops singing} Oh man! Not from a female.

{reading email}

{After "artist," Strong Bad mumbles, "um, okay," reads g2g as "g two g", and adds the word "from" between "kaizer" and "California."}

STRONG BAD: {typing} A dragon? That's easy! Feel free to follow along with my simple step-by-step instructions. I make drawing FUN!!

{Cut to a close-up of a piece of paper on a table. You can see only Strong Bad's right boxing glove, and he is holding a pencil. Simple music starts playing.}

STRONG BAD: To begin, draw an S—

{Draws an S on the paper.}

STRONG BAD: —for snake. Or dragon. Er, whatever. Next, we'll draw a more different S.

{Draws another S connected to the other}

STRONG BAD: For the head, put a top mark on a long V.

{Draws a triangle on top of the S}

STRONG BAD: Then you add some legs...

{Draws two beefy legs}

STRONG BAD: ...draw on a couple of arms... and—

{Draws two beefy arms, eyes, spikes, teeth and angry eyebrows.}

STRONG BAD: Whoa. Wait a minute.

{Music stops with a record scratch}

STRONG BAD: I think I need to start over. Thing doesn't look natural.

{Draws a speech bubble coming from the dragon that says 'The S is for sucks,' and pulls up a clean sheet of paper.}

STRONG BAD: Okay, so starting again, the same way. S, more different S.

{Music starts again}

STRONG BAD: Close it up real good at the top for his head,—

{Makes an attached, open-mouth head}

STRONG BAD: —and then, using consummate V's, give him teeth, spinities, and angry eyebrows.

{Draws all of what he mentioned, plus stick legs.}

STRONG BAD: Then, you can add smoke or fire,—

{Draws both coming from the dragon's mouth}

STRONG BAD: —or maybe some wings, you know, if he's a...wing-a-ling dragon.

{Draws two wings on the dragon's back.}

STRONG BAD: Let's put one of those beefy arms back on him for good measure.

{Draws a single beefy arm on the back of the dragon}

STRONG BAD: That looks really good. Comin' out of the back of his neck, there.

{Taps the drawing with his pencil point}

STRONG BAD: Now he needs a name. How about Trogdor the Burninator.

{Writes it below the dragon}

STRONG BAD: Oh yeah. Check out all his majesty.

{Draws rays of majesty coming from the dragon}

{Cut to Compy 386.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} There's my dragon, Kaizer. {music stops} Let's see how the other students are doing.

{Cut to scene in a big room with several tables. Strong Bad approaches Coach Z, who is drawing with chalk on a small slate.}

STRONG BAD: All right! What do you got for me, Coach Z?

COACH Z: Take a look there!

{Zoom in a squiggly drawing that resembles a snake with a huge head}

COACH Z: I think she's lookin' pretty good!

STRONG BAD: I said consummate V's! CONSUMMATE!!! Geez. {walks away muttering} Guy wouldn't know majesty if it came up and bit him in the face.

COACH Z: {offscreen} That happened once!

{Cut to Strong Mad. He is using an X-Acto Knife to carve the word 'DAGRON' into the table.}

STRONG BAD: Strong Mad. You just, keep doing your thing, man.

{Cut to Strong Sad, who has drawn a masterpiece.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, crap! I didn't know you were doing one.

STRONG SAD: Oh, sure. I think I've improved on your methods a bit, too. {zoom in on his picture} I employed some chiaroscuro shading, and— {cut back to Strong Sad and Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: I'll improve on your methods!!

{Strong Bad takes out his BMW lighter and sets Strong Sad's picture aflame. It quickly disintegrates with hardly a trace.}

STRONG SAD: What?! {pauses} That's not an improvement!

STRONG BAD: BWA HA HA HA!! Trogdor strikes again!

{Cut to black and white pencil-drawn scene of Trogdor. Rock music is playing in the background.}

STRONG BAD: {screaming} TROGDOR!!! TROGDOR!!! {singing} Trogdor was a man! I mean, he was a dragon-man! Er, maybe he was just a dragon. Um... But he was still TROGDOR!!!! TROGDOR!!!! Burninating the countryside! Burninating the peasants! Burninating all the people! In their thatched-roof COTTAGES!!! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!!

{Cut to Compy 386.}

STRONG BAD: And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the "R" in the "DAGRON" Strong Mad is carving to see Homsar's attempt at drawing a dragon.
{Strong Bad walks up to Homsar, who has written "TASTER'S CHOICE" on a piece of lined paper and taped it to the table. A roll of masking tape sits nearby.}
STRONG BAD: Get outta my house! {walks away}
HOMSAR: {Sadly} I do what I'm told...

Fun Facts


  • Chiaroscuro is a method for creating the illusion of a three-dimensional solid form in a two-dimensional piece of artwork through the use of contrasting areas of light and dark. Literally "lightdark" in Italian.


  • The Brothers Chaps say this email took the longest to make in an interview with Kevin Scott.
  • Strong Bad writes "TROGDOR the BURNiNATOR" using a lowercase "i" because the font that The Brothers Chaps use for Strong Bad's handwriting, Ahnberghand, doesn't have a capital "I."
  • The summary on the Podstar Runner RSS feed for this video says "Strong Bad starts a bad drawing revolution."


  • Even though the BMW lighter's flame is close to the table, the table never catches fire.
  • The Homsar Easter egg automatically plays during the email in the Podstar Runner version.


  • As noted in the DVD commentary (see below), Coach Z's drawing faces a different direction in the close-up from the previous scene.
    • This same situation also applies to Strong Sad's drawing.
  • When Strong Bad is drawing Trogdor's majesty, for a moment we can see that Strong Bad's arm is floating, unattached to anything.
  • When Strong Bad types "Let's see how the others are doing", he leaves out the word "see."


  • There is a small area above Coach Z's medallion that you can see through.

Inside References

  • "And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHHHT!!!!!!!" is a reference to the email guitar, where Strong Bad says "dragon" instead of "Trogdor".
  • Homsar having a roll of masking tape next to him is a reference to the Strong Sad Blog, where he is "holding" a roll of tape in the background of his e-vite.
  • The X-Acto Knife that Strong Mad uses is the same one that Strong Bad uses in the email flag day.
  • The first few chords of the Trogdor song are quite similar to the melody of Strong Bad's email song in property of ones.

Real-World References

  • Homsar's "drawing" says Taster's Choice, a popular coffee from Nescafe.
  • "Kaiser" is the ultimate dragon form of the hero in the Breath of Fire series of video games. Since The Brothers Chaps have stated that all of the emails except mile are authentic, this is either a coincidence, or the email writer was a fan of this series.

Fast Forward

  • Exactly three years after this email came out, Happy Trogday was released, which celebrated Trogdor's third birthday.

DVD Version

  • The Homsar Easter egg is automatically enabled, no selecting required.
  • The DVD version features hidden creators' commentary. To access it, switch your DVD player's audio language selection while watching.

Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Mike Chapman, Matt Chapman)

MIKE: This is one of the least popular emails we've ever done.

MATT: Yeah. Everybody hates it.

MIKE: Uh, this one took a really long time, and I remember, not, like—

MATT: Yeah, you wanted to abandon it. Like, we were three-quarters of the way done—

MIKE: This is one—

MATT: —and you wanted to start over.

MIKE: It was... we just—it's very long, and I felt—I dunno. When you're in the middle of it, sometimes it's hard to tell.

MATT: I wonder, though, if we had just, let's say we cut out the whole Trogdor metal thing at the end, if people would, like, if it's Trogdor, just this dr—bad drawing of a dragon or if it's the metal and the, like, drawings

MIKE: I think it's th—mostly the metal.

MATT: That's what I'm sayin'.

MIKE: Yeah.

MATT: So it'd be funny if we hadn't done that at the end or if we'd made it an Easter egg even, so less people saw it.

MIKE: So this is, uh, you know, we learned to draw the Ed Emberley way.

MATT: And later the Marvel Comics way.

MIKE: {laughs} That's true. Um...

MATT: That thing is unholy. {Mike starts laughing again} True. It's horrible. We always find ourselves humming this song that's in the background.

MIKE: Doo doo doot doot, see I'm doing it again.

MATT: Uh, what is a tincidence! What is a tincidence, Mike?

MIKE: Um... uh so yeah, the- this email, we're, it went up late Monday at probably, i dunno, 4 or 5 o'clock on Monday we were pretty much done with the whole email and Matt started singing the Trogdor song in this squealy—

MATT: {in squealy voice} Trogdor!

MIKE: —in the squealy voice and so then we sort of knew we had to make the Trogdor metal song and then when we made the Trogdor metal song we had to make all the...fancy-shaded Tro—uh, Trogdor drawings for the video.

MATT: And then didn't Trogdor, the name Trogdor the Burn—I think it was just, like, we decided he had to name him and just, like, it just came out, like, there was no deciding.

MIKE: {simultaneously, overlapping} Yeah, you just came up with it. There was no, like thought—yeah, right.

MATT: The drawing of Trogdor took a while. Took some...

MIKE: Yeah. And if you watch there, his thing flips.

MATT: What happened?

MIKE: Coach Z's drawing—well there, his head's on the left, but in the closeup the head's on the right.

MATT: Ohhhh.

MIKE: I mean, Coach Z's left, and Coach Z's right.

MATT: Right. Dagron.

MIKE: Dagron. He's misspelled the word "dragon." There's everybody's favorite. He's correctly spelled the words "Taster's Choice."

MATT: {laughs a little, then a pause} That's a good drawing, Mike. We still have those.

MIKE: Yep.

MATT: There's the BMW—the, the ever-present BMW lighter. Didn't we say we had some, some people we met that said they tried really hard to find one.

MIKE: Oh yeah.

MATT: And they don't exist in real life, so we apologize.

MIKE: So... I don't know how these drawings are going to look on your TV screen.

MATT: Yeah.

MIKE: All made big like this. They might look kind of pixelly and gross, but...

MATT: I'm, uh, I don't regret it, though, if they look pixelly and gross.

MIKE: No, we did that on purpose!

MATT: {laughs a little} Yes.

MIKE: You can see in the smoke of the flaming peasant's head, it just kind of—there's a straight line at the top of the smoke. It just kind of stops and that's from the edge of the page. It's just—

MATT: Oh really?

MIKE: Yeah. You can't see it—yeah, you can see just how it stops

MATT: {simultaneously} Oh there we go, I see.

MIKE: Yeah.

MATT: And so, of course, later this all became Peasant's Quest fodder.

Fun Facts

  • Ed Emberley is the author of several "how to draw" books for children. Emberley's methods consisted of drawing letters of the alphabet to simplify things.
  • "How to Draw the Marvel Comics Way" is one of a series of many, many books detailing how you too can learn to draw in the style of your favorite comic artists.

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