stunt double

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Sounds Dangeresque...

Strong Bad Email #80

Louis wonders if Strong Bad has ever used a stunt double. Strong Bad responds by showing clips from his latest movie, Dangeresque 2: This Time, It's Not Dangeresque 1.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad/Dangeresque, Coach Z/Renaldo, Strong Mad/Killingyouguy (possibly), Strong Sad (stunt double), Homestar Runner, Bubs/Unnamed Bad Guy, The Cheat, Marzipan/Cutesy Buttons

Places: Computer Room, Smoky Office, Bubs' Concession Stand, Strong Bad's Basement, The Field

Computer: Compy 386

Date: July 21, 2003

Running Time: 2:17



STRONG BAD: {singing} Oh, I took the email to the market, and I bought it some kind of fish sauce.

{on screen}

STRONG BAD: {reading} Hello Strong Bad, I'm a long time watcher first time writer ... ooh, an LTWFTW! I was just wondering if you ever use a stunt double. Your whatever, Luis. Er, Lewis. Louis.

STRONG BAD: {typing} A stunt double?!? No way, Lucy! Only big wusses and lesser wimps use stunt doubles. I've always done my own stunt work. Check me out in this summer blockbuster we just finished. It's called Dangeresque 2: This time, it's not Dangeresque 1.

{A cue card is held up with the title: Dangeresque II: This Time, It's Not Dangeresque 1. Then a newspaper is shown. The headline has been covered with a piece of paper that says, "MISSING TAPE STOLEN!!!" Dangeresque seen on the case. For real." Cut to an office scene with Strong Bad, wearing sunglasses, and Coach Z, wearing a turban.}

STRONG BAD: It's not going to be easy finding that missing tape.

COACH Z: Well, Dangeresque, if anyone can do it, I'm sure you can.

STRONG BAD: You're right, Renaldo. But the elevator's broken in this building. So I'm gonna have to jump! {makes a jumping motion}

{Cut to Strong Sad, wearing a paper bag on his head and oven mitts, standing on top of a ladder on the roof of Bubs' Concession Stand. He is pushed off and falls into a wading pool marked "shark pond." He walks out, and the shot is then edited so that it's Strong Bad walking away. Cut to Strong Bad's basement, where Strong Bad and Strong Mad are standing.}

STRONG BAD: Either give me that tape, or punch me in the face.

{Strong Mad punches. Edit to Strong Sad, who gets punched in the face and goes flying back. We hear a crashing sound.}

STRONG SAD: {off-screen} Ow.

{Cut to the field. Strong Bad is holding a ping-pong paddle. Behind him are the missing tape and Homestar.}

STRONG BAD: Where is that tape?

{Homestar realizes he can be seen and moves away. Cut to Bubs, wearing a monocle and holding The Cheat.}

BUBS: Welcome to oblivion, Danger-skew! {pulls a lever}

{Cut to Strong Bad standing in the field, then edit to Strong Sad. A Heavy Lourde falls on Strong Sad.}

STRONG SAD: Ow. It's what I like to call a broken neck.

{Cut to Strong Bad and Marzipan in the field.}

MARZIPAN: I won't watch you die, Dangeresque.

STRONG BAD: Don't worry, Cutesy Buttons. Tonight, dying's not on the menu. So I'm gonna have to jump!

{Strong Sad is once again pushed off of Bubs' Concession Stand. This time the pool is marked "Pie Factory."Edit to Strong Bad walking away. For a split second while Strong Bad is walking away the "Pie Factory" sign changes back to "Shark Pond". Cut back to the office.}

COACH Z: Sounds pretty dangerous.

STRONG BAD: {turns around} No. Sounds...Dangeresque.

{Cut back to the Compy.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Okay, you can all return from the edge of your seats. Wow, watching that gives me goosebumps every time, man. I mean, the stunts I do are so {pause} done by me. And remember to watch out in June 2004 for {stops typing as a logo appears for:} "Dangerseque 3: The Criminal Projective." In 3D! {"3D" is added to the logo and the screen becomes drawn in red and blue lines, like a 3D movie.}

{The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

  • At the very end, be sure have your 3D glasses ready and click on the big "3D" part of the logo.
STRONG BAD: Whoa! I'm in 3D! Check out all my dimensions. I got height...width...and now, for a limited time only...depth!
  • After the 3D spiel, be sure to click on the words "watch out" for some more 3D madness!
STRONG BAD: {turns to the camera} Who needs diskettes? {flings floppy disks at the camera} Brreow, brreow, brreow! {Holds up another floppy} Hey, you want this disk? {pulls it back} Well you can't have it! {holds it up again} No you j' di' take it. {pulls it back} No you can't have it. {taunts the viewer by holding up and pulling back the floppy repeatedly} No—don't—take—have it.

Fun Facts


  • The title of the newspaper is "The Local Newspapes."
  • The newspaper article reads:
The Lemmer was treated for polar bear related injuries shortly after the 4th inning shenanigans. Officials say the bear 'wandered on down' from the North Pole with rich, creamy nougat on its mind. Nay-sayers have dismissed this as dismissable citing, "I think it might be just an inflatable polar bear, actually." The young gun was unavailable for a Young Guns 2 screening that took place in my basement a few months ago and I haven't forgiven him since. Seriously, Mark, I don't know what's up. We used to be so close and now you're acting all
  • This is accompanied by a picture of some Atlanta Braves players on a baseball field with a polar bear digitally added in the background.
  • This is not the first time this article has appeared. It first appeared in sb_email 22.
  • When Strong Sad falls into the wading pool the second time, watch the label very closely. It says "pie factory," but just for a split second it says "shark pond" and then changes back to "pie factory."
  • The paper bag on Strong Sad's head has a picture of Strong Bad without the trademark sunglasses, even though he's supposed to look like Dangeresque.
  • Right after Strong Sad falls into the "shark pond", after Strong Bad is edited back in, you can see one of the oven mitts just behind the "pond." (It's easier to see in the Flash file.)
  • Strong Bad actually IS 3-D if you look through 3-D glasses.
  • The room Renaldo and Dangeresque are in is the same room from The Interview


  • Bubs mispronounces Dangeresque's name as "Danger-skew," as though trying to read it phonetically and failing horribly.


  • When the scene turns 3-D, Strong Bad's reflection has the colors in the same order as his non-reflected self, which makes his reflection appear in front of the screen. But to be reflected properly (behind the screen) the red should be to the left of the blue.
  • Apparently contrast buttons do not work in three dimensions, resulting in no option when the scene turns 3-D
  • If you put on 3-D glasses while watching the ending 3-D scene, the colors are flipped, so it won't be in 3-D.

Inside References

Real-World References

  • The baseball field in the newspaper photo is Fenway Park.
  • Bubs is holding The Cheat the same way that Ernst Blofeld/Number 1 (of the Bond movies), Dr. Claw (of Inspector Gadget), and Dr. Evil (of Austin Powers) hold their cats.
  • The tune of the Dangeresque theme is similar to the beat of the song "Papa was a Rolling Stone," but it is almost identical to the theme from The People's Court [1].
  • Strong Bad saying "Ooh, an LTWFTW" is taken from most call-in radio shows, when some people say LTFT or LTLFTC, meaning Long Time First Time and Long Time Listener, First Time Caller, respectively.
  • Coach Z (Renaldo's) turban with downturned moon and star and fez hat are similar to the uniform worn by the Shriners of North America. It may be that Coach Z is a Shriner himself.

Fast Forward

  • The theme from the summer blockbuster Dangeresque 2: This Time It's Not Dangereque 1 (instrumental bits of which can be heard in the email) is featured on Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits.

DVD Version

  • The way to access the Easter eggs has changed slightly. The Strong Bad icon on the center-right takes you to the first Easter egg, while the Strong Bad icon on the center-left takes you to the flying diskettes.
  • The DVD version features hidden creator's commentary. To acccess it, switch your DVD player's audio language selection while watching.
    • Note that the actual cartoon dialogue in the background is improperly synced to the toon during the commentary.

Commentary Transcript

{Commentary by Mike Chapman, Matt Chapman}

MATT: Uh, your impression of the guy from the Lord of The Rings Commentary, Mike. That effects guy.

MIKE: {Laughs} {imitating "the effects guy"} We were going to go to New Zealand and write. {Himself again, laughing} What's that guy's name, Richard—

MATT: Taylor. Richard Taylor

MIKE: Yeah. He's a good guy. {imitating Richard Taylor} Gollum really surpassed everything that had come before effects.

MATT: {Laughs} Um, sounds kinda like Robin Leech.

MIKE: {laughing} Yeah, that sounds—

MIKE: Um... {Laughs again} Uh, so, this is where Dangeresque came from, eh, Mike?

MIKE: That's true. Dangeresque.

MATT: What was his name originally, Danger Man, but then we found out there was already some other thing called that?

MIKE: Yeah, with Patrick McGoohan.

MATT: James Doohan.

MIKE: Uh, maybe that—

MATT: Well, there's the Lemerke...Lemke. Mark Lemke, everyone. Mark Lemke, from the Atlanta Braves. There you go.

MIKE: Uh, so there's Renaldo with the turban and the Fez.

MATT: That was our friend Chris's tattoo for the New Orleans Police. The little emblem with the star and the moon.

MIKE: Yeah. Uh, later on the Shark Pond becomes the Pie Factory. {Matt laughs} Which is a reference to the Fourth Board and Donkey Kong.

MATT: Yeah. Which is clearly supposed to be cement, right?

MIKE: Yeah. It's amazing, because—


MATT: —the graphics weren't very confusive {Mike laughs} as to making you think of cement.

MIKE: It didn't really look any more like pies than they did cement.

MATT: Eh, but they were in those like, what looked like a pie tin.


MATT: Uh, I don't know what else to say.

MIKE: Look, it flashed.

MATT: Shark Factory. Or Shark Pit. Or—

MIKE: —pond—

MATT: —for a second there. It was poor, poor flashing

MIKE: Yes. On our part. Um, we were going to do the whole episode in 3D at one point.

MATT: Yeah. It was good that we didn't. We would've given everyone a headache. I'm leaning too close again.

MIKE: Sorry.

MATT: Well, it's my fault.

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