trading cards

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Strong Bad Email #157
watch road trip some kinda robot
"Those aren't even from the same lame game."

Strong Bad shows us several examples of character trading cards.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Coach Z, Homestar Runner, Cheatball, Stinkoman, Strong Sad

Places: Computer Room, Planet K

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: September 11, 2006

Running Time:

Page Title: Lappy 486



STRONG BAD: {singing} Away you dribble down the court with an email, you leave your dreams at the top of the keeey. {brings up the email}

{Strong Bad says "Another freakin' guy named Daniel" instead of "Daniel" and "not safe, in Canada" instead of "N.S. CANADA".}

STRONG BAD: {typing and whispering} Oh, Thanks for the tip, Daniel. I'll lay low here in the states for a while until things cool off. {clears screen} Daniel, trading cards are the biggest waste of not a video game on the planet! In fact, I thought trading cards were outlawed the day they invented good graphics. As for the "gum" that comes with them, I'm pretty sure they replaced that with a pink piece of balsa wood back in the ealry 80's and nobody ever noticed. So, no, I shouldn't have trading cards. But most of the other idiots around here have engaged in some form of trading cardery. Let's rag on them, shall we?

{We see a wooden background, and trading cards are put on them as Strong Bad introduces them.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} First up is Coach Z's line of vaguely sportsish managerial cards. What self-respecting twelve-year-old doesn't want to collect pictures of the smelly old man behind our favourite sports teams? And who could resist memorizing all these fabulous stats? Ooh, a record high of 23 butt patts in '84.

{cut back to Strong Bad on his Lappy, with Homestar Runner next to him}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey, do you know the secret recipient of all those butt patts except o' one?

STRONG BAD: Let me guess, it...

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No, it was me. It was like I was made to hustle for that season.

STRONG BAD: So, who got that last butt patt?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh. I think he gave himself that one. He's renowned for that self-butt patts.

{closeup of Strong Bad's head}

STRONG BAD: Yeah, known in seven states.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} What?

{Cut back to Strong Bad typing on his Lappy. He clears the screen.}

STRONG BAD: Next up, we got the Cheat's trading card game, which is really more like a trading card activity or trading card goings-on, because the word 'game' implies fun and enjoyment.

{cut to the wooden background}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} And you won't find none of that here.

{wipe to 20X6 the field with Stinkoman and Cheatball}


CHEATBALL: Cheatball.

{Numbers appear in the four corners of the screen and change rapidly.}

STINKOMAN: Uhm, so, did I win? Does anyone know how this game works?

{wipe back to wooden background with trading cards lying on them}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} I'll trade you your Cheatball card for my Deathly Palor Lonely Lurker Attack card.

{cut back to Strong Bad on his Lappy, with Homestar Runner next to him}

STRONG BAD: Homestar, these aren't even from the same lame game. Or SLG.

{closeup of Strong Bad's head}

STRONG BAD: Your game is for musky nerds to play in the basement of the freshmen dorms. This cutesy Japanese game is for little kids to play during recess, to make sure they don't get any real exercise.

{cut back to Strong Bad on his Lappy, with Homestar Runner next to him}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: But how are them kids gonna earn any butt patts if they won't hustle it out?

STRONG BAD: I don't think butt patts are part of the approved curriculum in elementary schools these days.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, that's just sad.

{Strong Bad turns back to his Lappy, cut back to him typing}

STRONG BAD: The only trading cards I really gave a toot about were...

{cut to the wooden background}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} .. the Poopsmith's line of gross-out cards for kids.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} I'll trade you that Petey POOPsmith for this Marzi-PANCAKE.

{cut back to Strong Bad on his Lappy, with Homestar Runner next to him}

STRONG BAD: You just keep showing up, don't ya?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: O.K., O.K., I'll throw in this way off STING of Town, too.

{cut to the wooden background}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} How 'bout I trade you...

{cut back to Strong Bad on his Lappy, with Homestar Runner next to him}

STRONG BAD: ...a "get outta my face" for this...

{cut to Strong Bad drawing on a post-it note, with the Lappy between his face and the camera.}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} uhhhh...

{cut to the wooden background}

STRONG BAD: {offscreen} of a kind Strong Bad bench-pressing dinosaurs collector's card.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {offscreen} Hooo-ray!

{Cut back to Strong Bad on his Lappy, with Homestar Runner next to him. Homestar is covered in sticky notes with Strong Bad and dinosaurs on them.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: My collection is complete! And here, my good man, is your "get outta your face". {runs off}

{The Paper comes down. After some time has passed...}

STRONG BAD: How many times have we had that conversation?

{Homestar Runner quickly pops his head back into the screen.}


{disappears again quickly}

Easter Eggs

i fan myself w/ dimetrodon
  • Click on "good graphics" to reveal the title screen of the 1982 Videlectrix video game C.H.E.A.T.
  • Click on the Strong Sad card when Strong Bad turns around to see another Strong Sad card.
  • Click on the stack of cards at the end to see all of the trading cards featured in this email up close.
  • Click on the sticky notes on the floor at the end to see them up close.

Fun Facts


  • This is the first time we have ever seen 20X6 The Cheat's real name, heard him speak, or even seen what he actually looks like, other than his face.


  • The Dimetrodon Strong Bad fans himself with in an Easter egg was a real creature that is commonly mistaken for a dinosaur. Actually, it was a reptile that lived before the first dinosaurs appeared.


  • For a single frame, Strong Bad's drawing (148 more reps!) remains after he lifts the sticky note up.
  • "Pallor" is spelled as "Palor" on Strong Sad's playing card.

Inside References

Real-World References

  • "Whatsit Pile Tikes" are a parody of Garbage Pail Kids.
  • The title screen for "C.H.E.A.T." is a reference to the notoriously unpopular Atari 2600 game E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, which featured an uncharacteristically detailed title screen and is often cited as one of the main causes of the video game crash of 1983.
  • The "Beleaguered: Alliance" cards with Strong Sad are a reference to Magic: The Gathering.
  • The Stinkoman Cards are a parody of Japanese trading card games such as Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!; in particular, the points that appear onscreen during the 20X6 sequence resemble those from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime.
  • The floppy disk is labeled "Kyrandia Series", a reference to the Kyrandia Series of computer games.

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