Website Sightings
From Homestar Runner Wiki
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The 2004 Cartoonist's Choice Awards
Homestar Runner won in the Best Use of Flash category at "The 2004 Cartoonist's Choice Awards"
The $39 Experiment
On a site called The $39 Experiment a man named Tom Locke sent 100 letters to 100 companies asking for free stuff. In one letter to "Del Monte Pet Products" Tom claims that he has a dog named Li'l Brudder.
8-Bit Theater
- In Twinkin' out with RedMage 21:Errata!, a once-weekly advice column, a reader inquires: "How does strong bad type with boxing gloves"
In this article about how to literally burn CDs, the author notes to "burn it properly like Trogdor burninates the peasants."
Addicting Games
- The site features Stinkoman 20X6 and TROGDOR!
- Awexome Cross and Population: Tire were on the site before it was redesigned.
- In the game Track Master, if you get a good score it says good jorb.
- In the game Slacker 2, after you beat the game there is an epilogue, and if you zoom in on Slacker's nametag, it has a picture of Homestar Runner.
- In the game Scribble 2, Level 17 you draw an arrow, and the description reads "Arrow'd."
All Your Base parody list
The TmsT Zero Wing Parodies Emporium features "All Your HomeStarRunner are belong to Trogdor".
The Andy Milonakis Show website (MTV2)
The website for this show has the marshmallow Wallpaper on the background of Videos, Photos, Episodes, Cast, and Shop.
- On the Textures page, They have many Homestar related designs such as Homestar, Strong Bad, The Cheat, etc. that can be found by typing in the search box.
- An image of Strong Bad to be used on the Animal Crossing cat, Blanca, appears here.
Atari Age
At this site, someone hacked the Atari "Donkey Kong" game. Player, Enemy, and Object sprites have been changed to resemble characters from Homestar Runner. You can find it here.
BB-Spot-Which website are you?
In the website personality test at, one of the possible answers you can get is
Best Page In The Universe
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In one article, Maddox rants about the amount of emails he gets, and remarks "I know there are other big websites out there that generate a lot of email (my sympathies to the Chapman brothers)". This must mean he is aware of, and according to his book signing tour in 2006, he likes Strong Bad.
Brooks TV
- Homestar can be seen in the bottom left panel in this comic.
- The main character, Brooks, kills Strong Bad by order of Homestar in a comic which can be seen here.
- In this comic, Brooks mentions Butt IQ when answering fan mail.
Bryan Waterman Interview
Bryan Waterman, who does the series "Waterman" had an interview and he mentioned the best internet cartoon was Homestar Runner:
- Who is your favorite flash movie artist or flash artists if you have more than one? What are some of your favorite flash movie series?
- BRYAN WATERMAN: Above all else Homestar Runner not only do I love the cartoon, Mike and Matt are two good friends of mine. Bonus Stage is another one I really like and I do look forward to Joseph's animations.
Burning Sand
A Trogdor icon was made in the Burning Sand thread in the Falling Sand Game Forum. You can find the page that displays the icon here and you can download the most recent version of Burning Sand here.
Charlie Clay And The Clay Crew
At this site, all of Season 1's episodes contain Homestar cameos.
Episode 1 A Trogdor arcade game can be seen behind the Sonic arcade game that the crew is playing.
Episode 2 The crew finds a gray monster, but when they put the flashlight on it, they find out it is actually Homestar and he helps them get their power back.
Episode 3 Jacob wears Homestar's shoes and gets beat up by Homestar, the text "ROCK'D" pops up when Charlie is hit by a rock in the head, the text "ROCK'D AGAIN!" pops up as a guy who commented the grammar error gets a rock thrown at his head, and Trogdor gets defeated by Charlie doing homing attack on him.
Episode 4 "Thief'd" is the episode name and Homestar gets stolen by the thief.
Episode 5 Homestar escapes from the thief with Charlie.
Choose your own change
If you submit a story to Choose Your Own Change, the following message appears: "Your article has been received... If Instructions on the previous page have been followed your story will be posted soon, if not it will be baleeted!"
On June 10th, 2004, was featured on's main page as the icon for its "FUN FOR ALL AGES" news article, where Homestar Runner's image was displayed, along with a link to the website and The Brothers Chaps' meeting with G4TechTV.
Dance Dance Immolation
On a site for Dance Dance Immolation, a flaming DDR, a gallery contains a picture of a man on fire with the caption "BURNINATED!!". [1]
- A flash developer on Albino Black Sheep, Dangerskew, is a reference to Dangeresque.
- Some of the games developed by this author are Attack of the Cheese Eating Robots, Industry, and Red Light.
Double-Tongued Word Wrester
Neolinguist Grant Barrett has done an entry on "asplode" on his site. It looks like "asplode" was not coined by the Brothers Chaps, but he agrees that "This term was popularized in 2004 by the character Strong Bad on the HomestarRunner web site."
Duct Tape Guys
At on this webpage there is a picture of a duct tape backpack featuring Strong Bad, Marzipan, and Homestar.
The image featured on this page is Strong Bad's "Eating Five Batteries" illustration from english paper.
Episode Comparisons
The anime episode comparison site Mew Mew Power Uncensored sometimes uses the term Baleeted and frequently uses the Teen Girl Squad-esque term DELET'D in their comparisons to say when a scene was cut out.
Eric Conveys The Brothers Chaps?
- Eric at Eric Conveys an Emotion got together with The Brothers Chaps for a rough and tumble game of football, complete with Eric's warped and hilarious sense of humor. See a step-by-step progression of The Game. On page 1 Trogdor is in the background, on page 2 The Ugly One is in the background, on page 3 Old-Timey Homestar is in the background, on page 4 Homestar is in the background, on page 5 Strong Bad is in the background, on page 6, The Cheat is actually in the foreground, on page 7, The Cheat, Strong Mad and a keg of Melonade are in the background, and on page 8, Stinkoman is in the background.
- Also, in "Getting a great idea... while falling to your doom" Eric has a Homsar shirt on. greatideafalldoom.jpg
Europa Universalis Forums
This site has a large number of fanfiction entries for Paradox Entertainment games, such as Europa Universalis and Hearts of Iron. The author Prufrock451 put a "Private Benedetto" in this Hearts of Iron 2 After Action Report. He's told to "keep that mess down".
On the FAQ page of this website, the ever-popular boxing glove question is asked.
Fake Domain Registration Info
The registration information provided for "" references Mundelow, Schenectady Crispies, Abdi LaRue, Cheap as Free, Cory, ND, The Cheat, Strong Badia, Free Country, USA, Coach Z, and his locker room.
On the FeedBurner website, in the section in which you can manage your feeds, random messages show up. One of them is this: "To the nearly 140,000 customers using FeedBurner... we are totally crushing (in a good way)." The link takes you to Teen Girl Squad Issue 2.
Finding Sushi
In Part 4 of Finding Sushi, the opening is a complete rip-off of the email senior prom, with JarJar(Bubbles) getting his very own cartoon show, very akin to The King Of Town's Very Own Quite Popular Cartoon show, complete with matching music. The first segment involves Marlin checking an email that is very similar to the sbemail different town. A music video is then done with The Different Town Song. Also, When Yoda throws the rocks at Nemo, the "Throw baby" sound clip from Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer plays. Also, in Part 5, Homsars quote "Alms for the pudgy" from Homestar Presents: Presents and Coach Zs quote "JEAOOOOOOOOORB" from A Jorb Well Done is used in the fake intermissions.
Flame Warriors
The entry for Garble includes a reference to a certain infamous question often asked of Strong Bad.
Flying Omelette's Kitchen
- According to this site, Strong Bad may have been switched at birth with Viewtiful Joe or the Red Power Ranger as found in this article .
- Also, The Cheat is compared to Pikachu in this article.
The Humor
At a Star Wars Fansite's humor section one of their "Top 46 lists" titled 'Top 47 lesser known goals of the evil empire' says "Secret co-production of Dangeresque 1, 2, & 3" at number 8. The List The Site
Forum Stage
On the main page, the description for episode 1 is "Idiot gets sucked into the internet creating a cartoon so bad, Homestar Runner died." It can be seen here.
The Four Word Film Review
One of the reviews for Mars Attacks! contains the review "Their hed a splode"
Fred The Monkey
Fred the is a Flash animation site that is greatly influenced by Homestar Runner. It's been around for three years now. Like Homestar Runner, the site features a "First Time Here"-video and a mailbag, very much like Strong Bad's e-mail, and in the sixteenth mailbag, he comments on how he gets a lot of emails from people pretending to be Strong Bad. Another more obvious reference is displayed in this toon, where Fred The Monkey wears a Strong Bad mask at the end. Also, during the end credits, it says that " Strong Bad is (obviously) property of h*r"
Fruitcake MIDI
Dr. Fruitcake, a famous video game music sequencer and remixer, has created a song called "The Occasional Beat (Strong Bad Remix)" in tribute to new hands. Check the song out here. Fruitcake MIDI
Funny Junk
In a flash cartoon here(warning: adult material), Strong Bad is dancing in the middle of the screen at about the middle of the flash cartoon. He dances like he does in The Luau.
Funny Part
Funny part, a website with numerous funny pictures, cartoons, and jokes, had Teen Girl Squad issues 2 and 3 on their website, though they have since been removed.
Futurama Madhouse
At the Futurama Madhouse, they have a regular feature on "Uses for a hacker".
- Use #498 is entitled "Homsar's Translator" and features everyone's favorite blue midget Homestar, Homsar!
- Also notable is the fact that the copyright reads "© Tandy 400, Chapman Bros".
- Use #667 is entitled "Homestar Runner's Evil Twin", and features, just that.
- Use #669, entitled "Strong Bad's Torture Victims Who Misspell Repeetedli", is the latest Homestar-related use for a hacker.
When under construction, the official site for G4TV displayed an error message which read "ERROR'ed!"
- Homestar Runner is mentioned on the GameCheetz link page under "Excellent Humorous Sites".
- In the comic "Buzz Buzz", there's a caption in the 7th frame that reads "If you don't recognize this, then you need to go to".
- One of the Forum avatars is a picture of Ilko's head.
- On the GameFAQs video game database, there are pages for Peasant's Quest here and Stinkoman 20X6 here, where each game has user-submitted walkthroughs, reviews and more, as well as its own message board!
- Homestar Runner is listed as a company here.
- Also, The Unofficial Homestarrunner board can be found here.
- On April Fools 2006, a poll on GameFAQs listed a series of internet phrases, one of which being "YOUR HEAD ASPLODE".
The Game Rag
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In My 24 Hours With G4TV, the author writes at 3am: "[I]t’s late and I’m getting tired. I begin to go slightly insane, and draw Trogdor on the bottom of my foot." A photo of his drawing is included in the article, sans wings.
Golo Theme song
In this song, D.J Silver and his little brother Diego both mention the email privileges.
- During development, Google Page Creator was codenamed "Trogdor".
- On an episode of Google Current, the host (Conor Knighton) wears a Strong Bad shirt. Video
- The Google Personalized Home Page Content Directory contains a Homestar Runner piece that you can add to your personalized home page.
Hardcore Gaming 101
In the Bionic Commando article, the writer mentions a "strong Badd" (the name of the enemy army), and then proceeds to laugh over his gag and pointing it out.
Holy Bibble
- On the comic page of comic #93, Cannan mentions "Every time somebody gets burninated in Holy Bibble, I get the most awesome dreams..."
A Homestar Runner wall-size printout demonstrating's Rasterbator software (Web service)
In this article about the Cold Heat soldering iron, they refer to the solder as being "burninated", an obvious reference to Trogdor.
- The image behind the Nintendo Wi-Fi Registration Tool is from a Teen Girl Squad comic in this article.
- In the Animal Crossing: Wild World video review at the 2:52 mark, there is a selection screen where you pick the design for your clothes. There are three Homestar inspired designs, including the red star shirt, a Homestar head, and Strong Bad. The video selection page is found here, and the actual video is on the top left, or here.
- Concerning a Video Game Law in Oklahoma, IGN titled the article "Oklahoma Burninates Game Law" found here.
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- Pickleman and the Green Thumb of Triumph
- When you are bitten by the vampire bat, you become a block of cheese, accompanied with the message "CHEESED!". See the page here.
- I-Mockery's Great American Road Trip
- After Pjalne pretends to have stabbed himself in the arm, there is a picture of Andy with a caption of "Halloween'd", which is a direct reference to Teen Girl Squad. See the page here.
- Bishop of Battle
- On the second page of his review, the image of the Bishop swallowing J.J. is captioned with a reference to StrongBadZone, "YOUR HEAD A SPLODE!" A direct link to the page is available here.
Insert Disc Two
In the sketch My Dream Date with James Joyce, Lori Williams' character has a The Cheat doll on her bed.
Inspirational Posters
A website cataloging inspirational posters based on role-playing games includes one titled "Artistry", which features the "S is for Sucks" from dragon.
Jay is games
Jay is games is a site that reviews a large number of online games. They have had reviews of Peasant's Quest [2] and Thy Dungeonman 3 [3].
This website always puts up links to the latest Homestar updates. The name of the site came from Homsar's quote in Where's The Cheat?
The Joshua Childers Show!
The Joshua Childers Show! is a webshow on YouTube where a teenager parodies different TV show genres. In the first episode, Joshua is seen wearing a Stinkoman shirt.
- One of the articles is entitled "Nyko's Intercooler may burninate the Xbox 360" and features a picture of the pencil-drawn Trogdor (from dragon) next to an Xbox 360 with an Intercooler unit.
- The "Today's hottest game video" article for the 15th of December 2006 features a screen capture from Sample of Style Too at the beginning of the article.
Kingdom of Loathing
When choosing who to fight in a Player vs. Player battle, you can Bully, Burninate, or Backstab. [4]
Kings of Chaos
After attacking an enemy in the MMORPG Kings of Chaos, the victory page will sometimes say "You burninated the enemy!" an obvious reference to Trogdor.
- On the page showing Splinter Cell: Double Agent "Fishtank Gameplay", the author mentions that "PETA is going to get all up ons".
- On the page listing just how easy it is to comment on Kotaku, the word "BANNINATE" is used, an obvious pun on burnination.
- In the "Rainbow Six Vegas Demo Out On Live, But Not In Vegas" article, the term "double deuce" is used.
- Kotaku also reported on the debut of Viidelectrix.
La La La
The video "La La La" on UGOplayer contains a few Homestar Runner characters, including Strong Bad and Homestar Runner. It also includes the Homestarmy wallpaper image, edited to suit the cartoon.
Laser Dragon University
In Students, there is a character who wears a T-shirt with the logo for the Strongbadian band Taranchula. It also hints of "Beavis and Butt-Head" with the whole dropouts-in-band-shirts motif.
- In Kerrigan's Big Invention there is a picture of Strong Bad and Homestar on the chalk board.
- In Senya's movie review: Alien V.S. Predator there are several cheat commandos toys by the toy box.
- In the newest cartoon the main characters name is Brudder, an obvious reference to Lil' Brudder.
Lemmy's Land
In one of Lemmy's Funnies called "Superstar Mario in Too Much Water" By Drew, we see the classic "Scene missing" bit from Parsnips A-Plenty and The Homestar Runner says, "What?" while Mario was still drinking water to become fat.
"The Lost Experience" ABC's Official Blog
In Speaker's "Reader Mail 2", after one question was repeated one too many times, Speaker angrily responds, "Grah! What? Who? GAH! Is this my 'How do you type with boxing gloves on?' question?" Later, Speaker posted a "Video Reader Mail" on YouTube, which prominently featured the Kick The Cheat doll in the background and referred to "e-mail personalities" having raspy voices (like Strong Bad).
Mind Body Guide
- Strong Bad is the featured image of a slightly tongue-in-cheek tally of the body’s many muscles on this site.
- Strong Bad Email suntan is quoted when the article states, "let’s not forget the cloits and dloits!"
- The footnote says "There are no such thing as cloits or dloits. This is a reference to anatomy according to Strong Bad, which is hilarious, and included here entirely for the sake of comic relief. Kind of like the whole article, come to think of it."
More Awesome Than You!
- This page (warning: explicit "under construction" graphic) the index.html page title is "More Awesome Than You PAY PLUS!", an obvious reference to PAY PLUS!.
- The main logo has a picture of Trogdor on it.
- Seven of the sub-forums are marked as been in the "Burnination" parent forum. One of the child forums in the "Burnination" parent forum is entitled "Peasantry". Another is titled "Bowels of Trogdor". Yet another is titled "Planet K 20X6". A child forum under the "Peasantry" forum is "Made-Up Animals", with the description: "If you were a sim, what would you like as if?". The description for the "Playsets & Toys" forum references the catchphrase of the Cheat Commandos.
- Several phrases used are similar, or based on Homestar Runner phrases. Examples include: "Game exploding in a big fiery ball that is visible from space" and "GameCube is no place for a mighty warrior."
- One of the available objects is the Trogdor topiary from Weclome Back ([5]).
- Part of the forum footer reads "Powered by The Cheat".
- Another available object is the Kick The Cheat toy ([6]).
Neglected Characters
- This is a site where the Neglected Characters of Mario games are honored. One of them, Dr. Donez, answers questions regularly (much like Strong Bad Email) at Ask Dr. Donez.
- In question 595, question 1412, and question 1842 he gets asked how he types with boxing gloves on his hands, which he responds differently each time.
- In one of Bowser's speeches, Koopa asks Bowser, "How do you know Trogdor?" and he replies "We went to Burniniation classes together."
- Neopets released a new avatar with the caption "Your Lupe A Splode" which is an obvious reference to video games and StrongBadZone.
- In this avatar, the caption reads "Garlic'd!" at the end-an obvious Teen Girl Squad reference.
- Another avatar features a Scorchio (a dragon-like Neopet) with the caption "Burninate!", an obvious reference to Trogdor.
- Neopets also has an avatar reserved for theneopetsteam, a staff username, which references the "a splode."
- There is also a Petpet Laboratory, that can change your Petpet's image, and one thing that can happen is your Petpet's name can change to So and So.
NES Horsemen
- On this site, this page has several references, including a variation on the "dot dot dot" quote from Under Construction and a reference to the Extra Real Dating Sim XR ("featuring the most polygonal of technoligies"). 20X6 is also mentioned.
As an April Fools prank, Nintendojo put up a fake list of characters for the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Trogdor is among the characters listed.
The "commonly misspelled words" page has a statement saying, "Since not everybody owns a copy of 'Strong Bad's Rythm N' Grammar,' we've tried to do our part to help by compiling a list of common internet misspellings." It also posted a "Happy Birthday Trogdor" link from January 13th through January 16th, 2006.
Olde English
In their General Procrastination sketch, Raizin was holding off going to battle by going on the internet and watching the new Strong Bad Email. (which really wasn't even an email, he opened up the Strong Bad bio 'toon and the email menu.)
On the website for OrbiTouch, a new, safe way to type, they mention that you can "Type with Boxing Gloves On" in the lower right-hand side of one of their pages.
Polas' Goodtime Retro Cafe
In the Commodore 64 "Classics" review, Trogdor lyrics are used as the opening paragraph for the review of the game Thantos.
Progressive Boink
- In The 100 Greatest Christmas Shows list, the Homestar Runner Decemberween toons are grouped together and ranked at #79.
- In The 50 Worst Halloween Costumes list, Strong Bad is among those as "Any costume that may lead to poor voice impressions".
- In Kyle's Top 20 Video Games list (part of the site's 100 Favorite Video Games), Kyle criticizes the voices of the enemies in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (his 9th favorite game) as sound "identical to Strong Bad".
- In Jon's Top 20 Most Beautiful Women list (part of the site's (100 Most Beautiful Women: 2003), Jon describes his #1 pick, Shakira, as being famous for "the ability to sing like both a Latina schoolgirl and Homsar in the same verse."
- The entry for Cheese (from the cartoon series "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends") in the Internet Hanna-Barbera Fashion Database describes the show as being "located just down the block from Trogdor the Burninator and across the street from Juggernaut calling people b****es."
- In a review of Lamb Chop's Special Chanukah, the character Charlie Horse's use of a computer is compared to Strong Bad in the form of an e-mail asking how he types with hooves on his hands. The e-mail is signed, "crapfully yours, crapface mccrappington, asbury park, nj."
Pure Pwnage
At the beginning of episode 10, Jeremy answers e-mails in the exact same style as Strong Bad does. The computer used says "Compy 386" in the corner. (WARNING: Contains language and derogatory terms!)
PVP Online
Pan Pan shows up in a panda line-up on, done by guest artist Howard Taylor.
In the December 24, 2003 edition of the letters page Scribes, one letter states:
Can you answer emails in Flash like Strong Bad does? I think it would be funny because we could all hear you speak with an English accent, which us North Americans find amusing. :) Also, we could hear you groan when you get a bad one, like those other e-mails you get... you know, the ones that aren't sent by me.
The response:
British accent, Arse, British accent. Anyway, no. That would be a terrible error.
Real Ultimate Power
Parodies of Real Ultimate Power are everywhere. A fan made one featuring TROGDOR.
Red vs Blue
- At Red vs Blue they made a public service announcement about tattoos (It appears every 4 weeks or so in the season 1 archive). When Church suggests you get a tattoo of your favorite character from your favorite online comic (obviously referring to himself), Strong Bad's face appears on-screen instead.
- A Strong Bad and a Homestar sticker is also seen during the Red vs. Blue segment in the Halo 2 Limited Collectors Edition DVD, on the window of a door.
Retarded Animal Babies
- In Retarded Animal Babies 10, when the characters get sucked into the internet, they walk by all sorts of Flash animation websites, including a Homestar menu page. They walk by it in disgust, saying "gay."
RinkWorks Graffiti
Homestar is referenced twice on the RinkWorks graffiti pages.
- The text "Baleted" can be seen here.
- An image of Strong Bad has been crudely pasted in to all the other crazy stuff going on here.
- On the 3/15/2005 episode, we see a clip of the March 14th SXSW Panel and Amanda interviewing Homestar.
- On the 12/5/05 episode of the v-log Rocketboom, Amanda Congdon is wearing a Homestar Runner shirt.
- On the 4/12/2006 episode, after Amanda reports about a human clock, she comments that she still likes her Strong Bad Clock better.
Sam & Max Episodes
On the FAQ page for the new Sam & Max game, Homestar Runner is mentioned--praised, even.
The Schumin Web
The splash page for November 2005 showed an image of Ben Schumin dressed up as The Thnikkaman. The same image also appears in the Splash Page Archives.
Shenmue II : The Gang Edition
In the fan-movie Shenmue II : The Gang Edition, when Ryo arrives at Guilin, he is distracted by a The Cheat Talking Plush Doll, which is the guardian of the village where Shenhua lives.
Later, Ryo kicks the Plush Doll, making it complain.
Shoot the Cliché
Trogdor appears as one of the clichés in this game from another site. Click here to play the game.
Something Awful
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Strong Bad, Homestar, Strong Mad, The Cheat and Marzipan appear as grotesque caricatures in Tub Bites vol. 2.. The computer used in the toon appears to be a parody of the Compy 386. The first email is "Recycle Binned!". Homestar returns Strong Bad's Tag Team Wrestling game, as well as some of his "crappy catchphrases" (the one used as an example is "holy crap!"). Also, this is reprised with an obvious parody of a "How do you type with boxing gloves on?"-style Strong Bad e-mail in Karnov Bites.
- The Easter egg in Tub Bites 2 is a parody of Marzipan's Answering Machine, featuring calls from parodies of Strong Bad, the King of Town, Homsar, Coach Z and Strong Sad.
South Park Studios
Somebody at South Park Studios is a fan, as a January 28, 2006 FAQ update contains the following:
Q. - How do you type with boxing gloves on?
A. - I'm sorry, this is "Ask South Park" not "Ask StrongBad (sic)."
the show
On the September 7, 2006 episode of the show, zefrank included a link to duck pond as a "silly thing". Moreover, on the May 1, 2006 episode, the game can be seen on zefrank's monitor in the background.
Stinkoman 20X6 on
- have done a remix of some of the Stinkoman 20X6 soundtrack. However, since VGMusic doesn't allow direct linking to MIDI files, the creator has put them up on his website for download. The links can be found here:
- Level Select
- Level Start
- Level 1
- Boss Theme
- Level 2
- Level 8
These files were sequenced by Tyler Prevost.
The Straight Dope
The StrongBadZone was submitted for Weird Earl's on The Straight Dope, a category featuring strange and/or awesome sites.
Stick RPG 2
On the news post for May 17, there is a line that says "what are you using, a 386?", with "386" being a link to invisibility.
Strong Bad Pilots an F/A-22 Raptor
For a short time, Strong Bad could be seen on the Lockheed Martin F/A-22 Raptor Team Web Site F/A-22 Raptor.
This Suave page is about Trogdor, Strong Bad, and The Cheat.
- In a "Bizzaro letters" segment, one guy writes "Dear Strongbad: How do you type with boxing gloves on?" [7]
- Also, the creator says "head a'splode" in a little blurb following this comic cover
On, in the tpemail Icons, the e-mail message at the bottom says "Email me. Bad emails will be burninated, er burned"
[8]This website is an obvious reference to The name and main page both come from the Strong Bad Email credit card, and they also have an Easter egg with a fan-made, Homestar Runner Space Invaders game.
Here there is a picture showing plastic toys dressed up for Halloween. One of the toys is dressed up as Strong Bad (or, as they call him, "Strong Bob").
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- On the ever-popular factually-inaccurate encyclopedia Uncyclopedia, the VfD (vote for deletion) template reads "Baleeted! This article is total crap. Please VFD."
- The template for articles that contain too much information reads: "This article contains way too much information. Absorbing all of it may cause one's head to asplode. You can help Uncyclopedia by removing stuff."
- According to this article, Homestar Runner has gone missing. Several inside references.
- In this image, one of the error messages is the "Everything is fine. Nothing is ruined." error from 50 emails.
- One of the user awards includes Burninator.
- In the Recentnews template, one of the news items reads that "An astremely astonishing asperiment has show that acessive asposure to Strong Bad Zone has an astraordinarily affect on grammar."
- If you attempt to restore File 1 of Zork, you have some Grumblecakes in your inventory. You are also wearing the Kerrek's belt.
- Fake (or at least, mostly fake) descriptions of the characters have been entered.
- Homestar Runner: "A prolific actor (famous for playing the role of Matt Chapman in the 2000 movie "Flash Cartoonists")"
- Strong Bad: One of "the most notable and prolific singer/songwriters of the past decade".
- Coach Z: "An athletic genius" and "a prolific writer and rapper".
- Pom Pom: "A large, balloon-like alien from the planet Inflatrosis".
- Trogdor: "The son of the Friendly Giant and Puff, The Magic Dragon".
- homsar has been "sporked" from this Wiki (see here). There is also an article on the Tandy 400, as well as one on this Wiki.
- 50K RaceWalker is listed as the 43rd worst computer game of all time.
- There are 5 Homestar Runner variations of the phrase "You have two cows".
- The start of Game Online is a direct rip-off of the start of Thy Dungeonman.
- Two of the choices for the monster template are "a Yello Dello", "a cavalry of dongrels" and "a bear holding a shark".
- Two of the choices on the random "killed by" template are "burninated" and "BALEETED!"
- The page on Nowhere starts with the Flagrant System Error message.
- The Beowulf image has Strong Bad (with abs, a key-sword-tar, and a horned helmet) and The Cheat (again, with a horned helmet) teaming up to fight Trogdor.
- On the article about the made-up superhero , Captain Obvious, a picture of Homsar is there, and his shirt is depicted as "One of the shirts custom made by Captain Obvious."
Uni Watch
- Uni Watch, a blog devoted to following the trends of sports logos, jerseys, and other sports-related designs, links to the e-mail redesign in the December 1 blog entry "Keep Your Pants On". The "little animation", as it is referred to, is mentioned as a "good commentary on logo updates". [9]
Urban Dictionary
On July 1st, 2005, the main page "word of the day" on Urban Dictionary was biz cas fri. (It is misspelled as "bis cas fri.") [10]
Various other phrases and words are defined on the site (with varying degrees of accuracy in spelling and content) such as Teen Girl Squad, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, fhqwhgads, and "Somebody get this freakin' duck away from me!".
On this site dedicated to modding The Sims 2, two of the objects are a Painting of a guy with a big knife (here), and a Strong Bad monument (here).
VG Mix
Here there is a remix of the first racing tune from Rad Racer (which is also Stinkoman's theme). The title references to japanese cartoon and the song itself contains quotes from said e-mail.
- On Life On Sedna's Weekly Fanstuff for The Last Week Of August, the official logo for Life On Sedna (See Comic Sightings) is drawn on a whiteboard. Also, a funny drawing of Homestar is there.
Wikipedia's April Fool's Day Article 2005
Homestar in his Daisy Dukes was eventually added to the somewhat lengthy Wikipedia April Fool's Day 2005 article detailing a hostile takeover of Wikipedia by Encyclopedia Britannica. He was part of Wikipedia's "new corporate structure" as the Minister of Long Pants. He was then pictured lower on the page in the "Immediate Aftermath" section, then moved to the "Related Information" section, then finally dropped altogether. The page as it exists now can be found here, and the edit history for the page here. Strong Bad was also named Minister of Deleting email, and is found directly under Homestar's listing.
While YouTube was down for maintenance on August 17 2006, pictures of the youtube offices were posted on the youtube homepage. Two of them showed a Kick The Cheat doll. photo 1, photo 2.
Many Homestar Runner-related You're The Man Now, Dog pages have been created, such as this one, which involves the Cheat Commandos, this one which is an anniversary site, this one, which includes a scene from dangeresque 3, and these, which all reference Main Page 13. OH NOOOOOOES!!! MISSINGNO! has one of the System Sounds looping.
The paintings section of the website features an acrylic painting entitled "Guy With a Big Knife".
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