japanese cartoon

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m (Already mentioned in transcript, yo.)
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*This is the first appearance of Stinkoman.
*This is the first appearance of Stinkoman.
*If you look carefully in the second easter egg, you will see that Stinkoman is running, but he is not going anywhere.
*If you look carefully in the second easter egg, you will see that Stinkoman is running, but he is not going anywhere.
*Strange Strong Bad would say that someone else would do the voices, because [[Matt Chapman]] still does the voices for Stinkoman and 1-Up.
===Inside References===
===Inside References===

Revision as of 23:34, 2 June 2005


Strong Bad Email #57

Strong Bad describes what he would look like as a Japanese cartoon, and 20X6 is born.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Stinkoman, 20X6 The Cheat (spaceship), 1-Up, Pan Pan, Homestar Runner (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, Planet K, Homestar's House

Date: January 6, 2003

Running Time: 2:01



STRONG BAD: So cool an email. I thought you would enjoy it. Ding dong, {reading}

{Strong Bad pronounces "f." "fffffffffff"}

STRONG BAD: {typing} A Japanese cartoon, eh, James? I saw one o' thems once. Let's see what I can remember.

{cut to a white screen with Strong Bad standing there. As he describes how he would look different, the changes are applied}

STRONG BAD: Okay, so first of all, my head would have to be a little bean. With real, real big eyes. Get rid of my thumbs, make me all shiny {clean noise that sounds like a harp, or bells, or both} ...my boots would be a whole lot cooler. Like robot boots. {robotic 'shooo' noise} And for some reason, I got blue hair. You gotta have blue hair. Then there's my mouth. Real tiny when it's closed; ridiculously huge when it's open. And then you basically just put me in space and let me fly around in cool poses!

{we see Stinkoman, the anime Strong Bad, flying around in assorted cool poses. He then lands down in a futuristic anime rendition of the field. Music from the NES game Rad Racer plays in background (Stinkoman's theme song)}

STRONG BAD: And they'd probably have somebody else do the voices.

{1-Up walks on}

1-UP: Hey Stinkoman! Everybody says you're the guy, but I wanna be the guy too!

STINKOMAN: No way, you're just a kid! Maybe when you're older.

{Pan Pan, the anime version of Pom Pom designed to look like a panda, bounces in and squashes 1-Up}

STINKOMAN: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Pan Pan is fat! Ha ha ha ha ha! He fell on you! Ha ha ha ha! He's a good bear!

{Suddenly, the cartoon transitions into an ink-drawing of the scene. The Stinkoman K theme song starts playing. The lyrics are:}
Challenge and fighting and
Fighting that challenge tonight.
Everybody's fighting for the
Challenge of the fighting and the
Challenge and fighting and
Fighting that challenge tonight.

{While the song is playing, the background then changes to a similar sketch of Stinkoman powering up, upon which the credits appear:}

Executive Producer

H. Yamauchi


S. Miyahon

{The backdrop changes to Stinkoman in a different pose.}


S. Miyahon

Ten Ten


Ten Ten

{The backdrop becomes a head with huge spikes for hair and Strong Bad's eyes. The style resembles Akira Toriyama's, who is best known for the Dragon Ball shows.}


T. Nakazoo


Sound Composer


{Then we're back to Compy with Strong Bad typing.}

STRONG BAD: {in Stinkoman's voice} Japanese cartoons are w— {clears his throat} Oh, ahem, excuse me. {goes back to typing and uses his regular voice} Japanese cartoons are weird, man. Though I may be on to something with that blue hair. {stops typing} Look pretty nice, it look-a pretty nice!

{The scene does an ink-transition and more credits apppear as Strong Bad sings the 20X6 theme tune:}


Mike Rock




Oolong Singy

Click Here To Email Strong Bad

{You can click on the final "credit" to e-mail Strong Bad.}

Easter Eggs

  • At the very end you can click on the words "Japanese cartoons" to see "Stinkoman" in action.
  • At the end of "Stinkoman K 20X6" you can click on "Japanese cartoons" again to see Homestar Runner watching it and singing along to the theme song.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Challenge and fighting and fighting that challenge tonight, bum da da something something something something...
  • If you watch it long enough, Stinko Man eventually stops running on the TV, meaning the animation is not actually looped like most of the other animations on the site.
  • While or after Homestar is watching the intro to Stinkoman, you can click on the "NES Endings" video tape to see various endings to NES games. Once the NES Endings window opens, you can click on it to show more.
    • The endings for the Nintendo games are as follows:
    1. Rad Racer (Rad Racer is also the source of the Stinkoman theme song)
    2. Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (Normal Ending)
    3. Mega Man 2
    4. Super Mario Bros. 2 (Super Mario USA in Japan)
    5. Hoops
    6. Ghosts N' Goblins (Good Ending)
    7. Blaster Master (This has "Blue Hair" and an arrow pointing to the character's hair written on it)
    8. The Legend of Zelda (First Quest)
    9. Metroid (1–3 Hours Finishing Time)
    10. Jackal
    11. Rygar

Fun Facts



  • At the begining of the email, Strong Bad recites a Haiku, which is very fitting:
So cool an email
I thought you would enjoy it
Ding dong dear Strong Bad
  • Strong Bad recites a haiku at the start of the e-mail, yet in Halloween Fairstival, he claims that he doesn't "know or care what a haiku is."
  • This is the first appearance of Stinkoman.
  • If you look carefully in the second easter egg, you will see that Stinkoman is running, but he is not going anywhere.
  • Strange Strong Bad would say that someone else would do the voices, because Matt Chapman still does the voices for Stinkoman and 1-Up.

Inside References

  • The name Stinkoman is a reference to island. Homestar suddenly calls Strong Bad "Stinkoman."
  • The first line of Strong Bad's haiku is a reference to Strong Bad E-mail #34, weird dream, in which the Cheat's computer, Tangerine Dreams, has an icon labelled 'So Cool A Flash.' (also see Real-World references)
  • The two videos next to the NES Endings are "Joy of Painting" from the Toons Menu.
  • Stinkoman's knife from his first cool pose is the Big Knife.

Real-World References

  • In the third slide of the credits for Stinkoman K, you can see a parody of Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z), made to look like Stinkoman.
    • Specifically, it parodies Vegeta going Super Saiyan, a rather common occurence from Dragon Ball Z and GT.
  • One of the credits is S. Miyahon. This was a translation error in the original game, as it was meant to be the Legendary Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and many other classic Nintendo games. The Kanji for Hon (Book), and Moto (Base) are the same Kanji.
  • The credit for H. Yamauchi is presumably a reference to Hiroshi Yamauchi, former president of Nintendo.
  • 20X6 is a reference to Mega Man, which is set in 20XX, or the first Metroid game, which is set in 20X5.
  • Stinkoman's 'robot boots' are the same ones that Roll, Mega Man's sister, wears.
  • The spaceship looks a lot like this spaceship from the videogame Galaxy 5000.
  • The first two lines of Strong Bad's haiku are very similar to an infamous subject line used by the Klez email virus, which read "so cool a flash,enjoy it". (also see Inside References)

DVD Version

  • The 20X6 and Homestar watching Easter eggs are now opened by different icons. The Strong Bad's head icon on the right side of the Compy 386 screen opens the former, and the one in the lower left corner of the Compy 386 opens the latter.
    • Be warned that if you open the Homestar Easter egg, you have to restart the toon in order to see the other one
  • The NES Endings are, surprisingly, still accessable, though you have to wait for the Homestar video clip to be finished before you can access them.
  • This email also features hidden creator's commentary. You can access it by switching your DVD player's audio language selection while watching.

Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Mike Chapman, Matt Chapman)

MATT: This is CD number one.

MIKE: Number two.

MATT: Number three.

MIKE: And number four.

MATT: That's from that Flaming Lips four disc thing.

MIKE: All right.

MATT: So this is when we started this email at, like, 10 PM on Sunday night, didn't we?

MIKE: I think so.

MATT: And we didn't finish until, like, early or late Monday?

MIKE: I dunno.

MATT: Or early Tuesday.

MIKE: No, I think it was up on Monday.


MIKE: But it was definitely later in the day.

MATT: I remember Matt and Jenna, our friends Matt and Jenna came over and we had just drawn some of these preliminary drawings of Strong Bad as Stinkoman and we showed it to them.

MIKE: I don't remember that.

MATT: They did! They came over—

MIKE: I believe you! I'm just saying I don't remember it.

MATT: Well I don't—

MIKE: I don't have anything to add to that, uh, line of—

MATT: I don't know why we did, we probably had a good time for a little while.

MIKE: Maybe.

MATT: and then they left.

MIKE: Yeah?


MATT: This is another scene, nobody likes this scene, everybody hates this scene, though.

{Mike laughs a little.}

MATT: You know. There's that ship! Originally we were going to say that ship was The Cheat.

MIKE: Oh yeah, that's right! {laughs}

MATT: That was going to be, the 20x6 version of The Cheat was that ship.

MIKE: We should still do that.

MATT: Yeah, maybe—maybe so.

MIKE: Uhm... I like Homestar's boots there.

MATT: Yeah. I mean, I think we didn't—until we recorded this line, we weren't going to, like, call him Stinkoman, were we? And it was, we were just making that reference, to the old, to Island, the email.

MIKE: {at the same time, overlapping} You've got to remember...you're right.

MATT: I love those mushroom things. I love those—the mushroom things—

MIKE: There's the tear over your head.

MATT: The tear.

MIKE: And the snot bubble.

MATT: There's some other stuff.

MIKE: So many weird things that happen in—

MATT: Those mushroom things happen in, uh, Animal Crossing, when they get mad there.

MIKE: Oh yeah, that's right!

MATT: Of course, these are all the credits from, uh, the original Legend of Zelda.

MIKE: Konchan, sound composer. Does good work.

{Matt starts singing the Legend of Zelda theme song, then Mike continues it.}

MIKE: Sorry. Uhm... so yeah.

MATT: So the one-two punch of Trogdor and Stinkoman are probably—

MIKE: Yeah, back to back weeks

MATT: —are probably the most popular emails. Combolations. {laughs a little}

MIKE: Later, Senor Cardgage gives combolations to Strong Bad in the 100th email.

Fun Facts

  • The album in particular Matt and Mike reference at the beginning is Zaireeka by The Flaming Lips. Zaireeka was a highly experimental album designed to be heard on 4 separate discs played simultaneously. The part of the album they reference happens at the beginning of each track and serves as a way to let you know you synced the discs properly.
  • The talk about The Cheat 20X6 being a spaceship is a reference to the anime Tenchi Muyo, where the cabbit (cat-rabbit) Ryo-Ohki could transform into a spaceship several hundred times her size.

See Also

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