Main Page 26
From Homestar Runner Wiki
A Xeriouxly Forxe-themed main page.
Cast (In order of appearance): Homestar Runner/H. Star, Marshie/Marxie, Strong Bad/S. Bad, Strong Sad/S. Sad
Places: The Stick
Date: Monday, April 12, 2010
Icon: Xeriouxly Forxe X
Page Title: Revamped for the Nineties!
Contents |
Button Effects
- Toons — Each time the button is scrolled over, a spike is added to H. Star's head. After three spikes have appeared, seven more pop out. Scrolling over one more time causes them to all vanish.
- Games — H. Star raises his robotic arm and snaps the pincers on it twice.
- Characters — Marshie floats on screen, and is then turned into "Marxie" via a lightning strike. He says "Speed increased!" with an echo after "increased", and then explodes and vanishes.
- Downloads — S. Bad peeks on screen and says, "I can't underxtand a word that you're xaying!"
- Store — A lightning strike causes The Field to change into a Xeriouxly Forxe version of itself, with The Stick being replaced with a yellow, white, and purple flashing crystal. Scrolling over Store again reverts it to its normal status.
- Email — S. Sad flies across the screen, accompanied by wind effects, saying, in a gruff voice, "I'm mad that I'm flying!"
Fun Facts
- The RSS description of this toon is:
Xeriouxly Forxe mania has hit the main pages of like a shiny, pointy mouth that refuses to open when it talks! Get an exclusive look at both Marshie and the Stick in their Xerioux formx on this new main homepage! Even the copyright date got updated! Holy smoxe! Click here to mouseover to the EXTREME!
- This main page does not use the new metallic sheen style of the previous two main pages.
- H. Star's left metallic arm does not show up in this main page.
- H. Star doesn't use the "extreme" pronunciations (e.g. "toonx" for "toons").
- This main page does not have a loading screen.
- This is the first time that a form of Marshie isn't a type of food.
- S. Sad is sometimes visible in the upper left corner if he loads before the page.
Inside References
- S. Sad's line is a reference to Strong Sad's line in Main Page 15.
- Marxie's line comes from Marshie's Malloween Mix-Up.
- Both Marxie and Gel-Arshie have visible brains.
- The listing for this main page in the TV Time Toons Menu is (in part) "Zesty b/w tangy".
External Links
Main Pages |
The Moon | Mountains | Island | Bowling | Waffles | Heaven | Graveyard | Falling | Notebook | Old-Timey |