Fan Costumes '09
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Toon Category: Holiday Toon |
Again, Strong Bad riffs on his fans' terrible costumes.
Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Stinkoman, Crack Stuntman, Jibblies Painting, Strong Sad (all audio only)
Costumes depicted (in order of first appearance): Homestar Runner, Strong Bad, Marzipan, Homsar, The Deleteheads, The Cheat, Sticklyman, Stinkoman, The S is for Sucks Dragon, Poopertrooper, Trogdor, The Umpire, Pistols For Pandas, The Rocoulm, Coach Z, The Ugly One, Gunhaver (human sketchbook version), Pom Pom, Professor Experimento, Strong Mad, Where's An Egg? detective, Garden Boy, Stave It Off Guy, The Prince Of Town, Sterrance, Dangeresque Too
Places: Basement of the Brothers Strong
Date: Sunday, November 8, 2009
Running Time: 4:48
Page Title: Obscure costumes, ahoy!
Contents |
{The wall of Strong Bad's basement is visible, and a projector screen comes down from the ceiling. The room lights turn off as an offscreen slide projector turns on, filling the screen with white light. The projector displays the first slide: A man dressed as Homestar, a woman dressed as Marzipan holding a cardboard Carol, and a small child on "Homestar"'s lap dressed as Strong Bad.}
STRONG BAD: Aw, look. It's Homestar, Marzipan, and their adorable baby— WAIT A MINUTE! Homestar plus Marzipan does not equal Strong Bad! It equals...
{The next slide appears: A man wearing a yellow hat clad in a large cardboard "Homsar" shirt, photographed in mid-yell.}
STRONG BAD: ...this guy!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: All right, settle down there, son.
STRONG BAD: Ahh! Don't call me that!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ahh—! Sounds like somebody needs a juice box.
STRONG BAD: Shut up, da—I mean, Homest—I mean, get outta here!
{The next slide appears: A young man seated at a computer, wearing a hat shaped like a "Del" key and holding a card in front of him.}
STRONG BAD: Oh, a kid dressed up as a card-carrying Deletehead! Deleted!
{The next slide appears: It shows two people with fabric renditions of Strong Bad and The Cheat draped over them. The Strong Bad poncho has brown fabric as a background to fill the space around the picture of Strong Bad.}
STRONG BAD: Baaags... Couple of big bags. So wait, are you dressed up as a potato with me painted on it? 'Cuz it's a pretty good potato-with-me-painted-on-it costume if that's what you were shootin' for.
{The next slide appears: A person dressed in all black with a large round head holding a black shovel.}
STRONG BAD: No way! A Sticklyman costume! {An image of Sticklyman appears.} Uh, I mean...
STINKOMAN: No way! A Sticklyman costume!
{The Sticklyman image flips away as music starts playing. The next slide appears: An image of a man dressed as Stinkoman in a double deuce pose standing in Times Square.}
STINKOMAN: Are you asking for an obscure costume {speed lines radiate from the photo} CHALLEEEEEEENGE?!
{The music stops and the speed lines disappear. The next slide appears: a baby dressed as the S is for Sucks Dragon with a pink bow.}
STRONG BAD: Awww, a newly-hatched S is for Sucks Dragonling. The "S" is for "solid parenting"!
{The next slide appears: A man dressed as the Poopertrooper, holding a riot shield and baton. The living room seen in the background is cluttered.}
STRONG BAD: Hey, nice Poopertrooper in riot gear costume! Got the Poopstick and everything there. That almost makes me wanna support the Municipality. {whispering} Hey, pssst, guy who sent me this: clean up your living room. I have admittedly low standards, and I wouldn't set foot in there.
{The next slide appears: A fan in a Trogdor costume, with blocky-looking head. One arm is tucked inside the costume; the other is holding a cooler marked "Cold Ones", with the Strong Bad screensaver image on the side. "Skills of an Artist" music plays.}
STRONG BAD: To begin, make an "S", for "shoebox". Next, make a more different shoebox. And then drive off in your...
{The next slide appears: The rear of a hatchback car with the trunk open. Red fabric is draped from the trunk to give it the appearance of an open mouth, and the car is decorated with cardboard angry eyes, sharp teeth, wings, and a beefy arm to make it resemble Trogdor. Papers on the rear bumper read "BURNINATOR", followed by an image of Trogdor.}
{The next slide appears: A man in a yellow paper mask wearing a blue shirt and black pants making a "you're out!" hand motion.}
STRONG BAD: I've never seen a piece of manila paper put to such effective use! {An image of the Umpire appears.} And you're really selling it with that right arm {the right arm of both the costumed man and the Umpire flash yellow}, and that bow-legged stance. {the legs of both flash} If you were just three feet wider {the image stretches horizontally} and... not dressed up as a terrible character, this would be a perfect costume!
{The next slide appears: A man dressed in a black-and-white baseball shirt, with the Pistols for Pandas logo and a white balaclava covering his face, holding a revolver.}
CRACK STUNTMAN: BLAAAAAH, it's always great to see my hard court-ordered charity work paying off!
{The next slide appears: A young man dressed as the Rocoulm, sitting in a closet in the Jibblies painting pose and holding a torch. Green rays come out of the image over the next line.}
JIBBLIES PAINTING: Come on in heeeeeere!
STRONG BAD: Whoa, I'm too impressed by this costume to get the jibblies!
{The next slide appears: A toddler dressed as Coach Z. Spooky music plays.}
STRONG BAD: Aahhh, jibbliejibbliejibbliejibblie {increasingly incomprehensible; the image starts to shake} jibbliejibbliejibbliejibblie bad parenting... bad parenting...
{The next slide appears: A fan covered by a giant cardboard box with The Ugly One drawn on it.}
STRONG BAD: {singing softly} This one doesn't count / This one doesn't count / This one doesn't count, as... a costume.
{The next slide appears: A man wearing sunglasses, a leather jacket, and fedora, posing dramatically in the forest holding a gun.}
STRONG BAD: I give up. You win. I have no idea what you're supposed to be.
STRONG SAD: Well allow me to—
STRONG BAD: {overlapping} OH GREAT!
STRONG SAD: —explain. He's not simply—
{The next slide appears: A fan wearing a Pom Pom costume.}
STRONG SAD: —dressed up as a character, or—
{The next slide appears: A fan dressed as Professor Experimento, quickly accompanied by a picture of Professor Experimento.}
STRONG SAD: —a character dressed up as someone else, or—
{The next slide appears: Four people dressed as the bush, textile factory, barrel, and trash can disguises from bike thief; the trash can is holding a bromide petition. Pictures of the original toon characters appear when Strong Sad says "thing".}
STRONG SAD: —a character dressed up as something else, or a—
{The next slide appears: A young man dressed as the man from "Where's an Egg?" holding an egg, superimposed on a background from the game. The character sprite from the game appears for comparison.}
STRONG SAD: —character from a video game, or—
{The next slide appears: A fan dressed as Gardenboy, holding a rake and watering can and sitting on a bench. An image of Strong Sad as Gardenboy, holding the same gardening implements, appears from the left.}
STRONG SAD: —a really cool character dressed up as a super cool guy all the time character, or—
The next slide appears: A man dressed as the "Stave It Off" guy, sitting in a chair strumming a ukulele. An image of the character appears for comparison.}
STRONG SAD: —that "Stave It Off" guy...
STRONG BAD: I call him "Stave"!
{The next slide appears: A man dressed as the Prince of Town. An image of the character is shown for comparison.}
STRONG SAD: Or an alternate version of a character. No, no hohoho!
{The next slide appears: The man with the gun from the beginning of the sequence.}
STRONG SAD: He's dressed up as an alternate drawing {an image of The Cheat appears from the man, moved off to the side} of an alternate version of a character {the image of The Cheat turns into Gunhaver} from the Sketchbook! {The image transforms into an image from the Sketchbook labeled "gunhaver human commando".}
STRONG BAD: All right, that is (a) amazing, (b) depressing, and (c) amazingly depressing.
{The next slide appears: A toddler dressed as Sterrance sitting in a stroller.}
STRONG BAD: {singing} Walkin' round the mall with a Sterrance costume
That you made for your kid
Think of all the time and hard work you put into that Sterrance costume
And how nobody knows what it iiiis!
And your kid doesn't seem to care one way or the other.
Because they're oooone!
{The next slide appears as music begins playing. A sequence of seventeen images of fans dressed as Homestar are shown, switching every couple of seconds without the normal slide transition effect or sound.}
STRONG BAD: {singing} Ohhh, a red T-shirt and taped-on star
Has anybody told you how terrible you are?
Some white face paint, or maybe none at all
Just standin' around in your front hall. {music stops} Man, those morons that dress up as Homestar just can't seem to get a good costume going! Lucky for me, I—
{The next slide appears: A fan wearing a large mascot-style Strong Bad costume. The costume has indistinct features, is drooping and uneven in several places, and overall has a rough appearance. The fan is holding a pumpkin with Strong Bad's face carved into it. A record scratch is heard.}
STRONG BAD: Nngg! {nervously} Hellooooo... costume... oh! OH! Oh, see, wait, well, see, wait, I know what you're thinkin', and it's what you thought. But that is actually a costume of Strong Bad after he's been... run over twelve times! By a cliff. Off a skyscraper. Into a discount... felt... surplus... store. Phew! {quietly, as the screen fades to black} Talked my way outta that one. Out of the side of my mouth. {normally} Oh, and I almost forgot.
{The darkened basement wall background reappears, sans couch or screen. Images of the fans dressed as The Rocoulm (labeled "DANIEL WINGATE"), the S is for Sucks Dragon (labeled "KRISTI COMER"), the Prince of Town (labeled "ANDREW BERNHARD"), Sterrance (labeled "JASON AND BECKY HASKINS"), and the Poopertrooper (labeled "MATTHEW ZIMMERMAN") appear.}
STRONG BAD: Here's the losers that were the winners.
Fun Facts
- The preview (old) for this toon features another costume not in the short. This year, it's a Bear Holding a Shark holding an Aunt Gert.
- The RSS description of this toon is:
Strong Bad says - Listen tightly as I unload on all the unfortunate saps that decided to try and dress up like me or somebody less cool than me for Halloween this year. I also announce the winners of the Costume Contest. Man, those winners are losers. But seriously, thanks to all the lame-o's that dressed up. If I didn't make fun of you specifically this year, just know that deep down in my heart of hearts, I'm always making fun of you, regardless of the crap you have painted on your face, or the paper you have taped to your shirt.
- The feed also shows a fan costume picture that was not shown in the toon proper: FIRST Robotics Team 190 dressed as various characters gathering around a 5-dor standee. The group won "Best Team Costume" at River Rage 13.
- The image used for Professor Experimento is the image from his page on this wiki.
- Several featured fans are Homestar Runner Wiki users:
- Monkeytender as the Umpire
- TBustah as Pistols for Pandas
- Mhkuch as Sketchbook Human Gunhaver
- Mhkuch was previously seen as Scantron in Fan Costumes '08.
- Strong Vader as the man from "Where's an Egg?"
- Nihaho13 as Gardenboy.
- Cash Money as the second "terrible Homestar"
- PomstarPommer as the eighth "terrible Homestar"
- Open Source Greg as the second-to-last "terrible Homestar"
- Ben Again as the final "terrible Homestar"
- The thirteenth "terrible Homestar" is actually dressed as "AntiHomestar", a fan-created character.
- Strong Sad breaks the fourth wall during the human Gunhaver segment by mentioning the Sketchbook and by acknowledging the portrayal of "characters".
- A picture of the original bush, textile factory, barrel, and garbage can from bike thief are shown. However, in that toon (and in the fan costume) the garbage can's eyes were simply Homestar's eyes printed on the can's exterior; in this appearance, the can has eyeholes much like the other three disguises.
Inside References
- The music heard during the Sticklyman picture is the battle music from Under Construction.
- The dramatic music heard during the picture showing a baby dressed as Coach Z comes from Jibblies 2.
- During this scene, Strong Bad gets the jibblies.
- Strong Bad also expressed horror at a child dressed as Coach Z in Fan Costumes '06.
- The sketchbook drawing of human Gunhaver is from 2008. It had a slightly different caption, had Gunhaver in the opposite orientation, and also featured a human version of Fightgar.
- Strong Bad's improvised songs about the Sterrance and Homestar costumes are musical moments.
- Strong Bad claims that the final costume is one of him after he has been run over twelve times.
External Links
- watch "Fan Costumes '09"
- watch "Fan Costumes '09" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "Fan Costumes '09"
- forum thread re: "Fan Costumes '09"