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Strong Bad Email #2
watch some kinda robot butt IQ
"Uhdyeah, what ees it, Strong Baaaaayaad?"
This article is about the Strong Bad Email. For the character, see Homsar.

A misspelling of "Homestar" leaves Strong Bad to introduce us to, and attempt to kill Homsar.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homsar

Places: Computer Room, The Field

Computer: Tandy 400

Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Running Time: 0:46

Page Title: Tandy 400!!!

DVD: strongbad_email.exe Disc One



STRONG BAD: {singing, types "run Strongbad's__email"} I'm gonna check my email all of the time, doo doo doo...

{Strong Bad says the last line as "From Vinnie C."}

STRONG BAD: You know what, Vinnie? You're right. I'll be right back. {gets up}

{Cut to Homsar standing in the Field. Strong Bad enters the frame in the foreground.}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Homsar!

HOMSAR: {faces Strong Bad} Uhdyeah, what ees eht, Stwong Baaaaayaad?

{Strong Bad leaves the frame and the Heavy Lourde falls on Homsar, completely crushing him. Cut back to the Tandy 400.}

STRONG BAD: {sits down, typing} Oh man, Vinnie. That feels so much better. Thanks a lot! {stops typing} Okay, so until next time, keep sending me your questions, and I will keep making fun of your punctuation and spelling. I mean, answer them.

{The Paper comes down}

Fun Facts


"old emails" button


  • Strong Bad's mouth doesn't move when he says "doo doo doo."
  • The Flash file for this email is the smallest in terms of file size, at just over 100 kilobytes.
  • The Heavy Lourde falls from nowhere.


  • Strong Bad's mask doesn't have laces on the back of it when he goes outside.
  • Strong Bad's neck cannot be seen when he pulls away from the Tandy.
  • Homsar's mouth doesn't sync to his speech.
  • In his reflection and the Tandy 400 screen, a little gray mark is sticking out of the V shape on Strong Bad's mask. This goof is easier to see when it is zoomed in.

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