myths & legends

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==Fun Facts==
==Fun Facts==
* Viewing the flash file when the "ancient fence drawings" are going by, you can see the text, "by Strong Bad, age 5" written outside of the typical viewing area.
* By viewing the flash file when the "ancient fence drawings" are going by, you can see the text, "by strong bab age 5" written in sloppy, childish handwriting outside of the typical viewing area.

Revision as of 21:23, 13 February 2006

Strong Bad Email #145
watch narrator some kinda robot
A glimpse of the monsterman?

Strong Bad recounts the legendary myth of the Bear-Shark.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, A Mighty Warrior (Easter egg), Trogdor (Easter egg), The Cheat, Bubs, Strong Sad, Homestar Runner, Coach Z (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, Strong Badia, Bubs' Concession Stand, The Forest

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: February 13, 2006

Running Time: 2:54

Page Title: Lappy 486



STRONG BAD: {singing} I'm livin' the Strong Bad life, I take an email for my wife. I take an email for my wife. {brings up and reads the email}

{Strong Bad says "Strongbad" as "Two words. Two different words. That are not one word. That are 'Strong' and 'Bad'." and the name and location as "Cephas Cornwall of the Corn Army".}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Mysterious Myths or Legendary Legends? Isn't that a show on one of those channels up in the high hundreds? Ya know, like between the CG Dinosaur Channel and the Homes with Rollercoasters in Them Network? Well, if not, it should be! {makes a static-like sound} Come on! {makes it again, but this time the screen cuts to static} There we go.

{Cut to Strongbadia. Strong Bad carries a stick.}

STRONG BAD: Strongbadia. An idyllic fruit-opia. Rich in madeupstories and nottrueities. The nottrue-est of which...

{He prods The Tire with his stick. The Bear-Shark pops up. The Cheat runs by, panicked.}

THE CHEAT: {screams in The Cheat}

STRONG BAD: the mighty bear holding a shark. {spooky music starts} More than a mere security counter-measure, its origins lie in the skies of old.

{Cut to a starry sky. Constellations of the Strongbadia flag's snake, the guy with the big knife, a hand giving the "OK" symbol, a board with nails in it, General Tso's chicken, a fish with an afro, and a marathon runner.}

STRONG BAD: The stars tell us that two of the seven elemental spirits of Strongbadia, the fish wearing a 'fro wig and the British distance runner, combine forces to defeat the others.

{The two constellations in question fight, and in the end, the runner holds the fish over his head.}

STRONG BAD: In paintball... or maybe Red Rover.

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: Then, through years of bad story-telling and the telephone game,

{Over the following, images of a satyr holding a fish, labeled "Wildernessman withst Sea-Beast", an elk with a fish in its antlers, and a bad drawing of the bear-shark on the fence appear.}

STRONG BAD: The mythic beast transformed into the bear holding the shark we know today. These ancient fence drawings show evidence of destroyed crops, stolen babies, and family bike-rides. {The screen pans over to show bad drawings of the same.} Or family pie-sitting contests. Bear-holding-a-shark fever gripped the nation.

{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand, with various Bear-Shark paraphernelia.}

BUBS: {holding up an ice cream bar} We got Bear-holding-a-shark frozen delights, {looking at a pile of glasses near him} and these shot glasses are always popular with the kids. Oh, and my favorite: {reaches down and produces a necklace} these Bear-tooth-holding-a-shark-tooth necklaces!

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} Of course, not everyone caught the fever.

{Music starts and Bubs dances. Then, cut to Strong Sad. The screen reads "Bear Holding a Shark Skeptic".}

STRONG SAD: I'm sure it's just a weather balloon or a foreign exchange student. These strange beasts just aren't real!

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: ...said the elephant-footed ghost man. And then, one day, the Bear-holding-a-shark got the break all made-up creatures dream of. {The screen becomes more and more blurry, and zooms further and further into Strong Bad, on each word in:} Blurry photographic evidence.

{Cut to Homestar Runner}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Now, I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I was in the woods, walking my dog Pom Pom. All of a sudden, he was growlin' and poopin' all over the place. And that's when I saw him.

{Static, then cut to a very fuzzy video reel of the Bear-Shark walking through the woods.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiceover} A very. Scary. Monsterman.

{More spooky music}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} Now that we've seen all the evidence, it's up to you to decide: {the following words appear on the screen} Mysterious Myth? Or Legendary Legend?

{Cut back to the Lappy}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Join us next week when we examine startling new evidence in the Biscuitdoughhandsman conspiracy.

{More spooky music. The Paper comes down.}

Easter Eggs

Walking with Trogdor
  • Click on CA in the email to see a Teen Girl Squad frame of the Mighty Warrior taking on a corn army.
  • Click on "CG Dinosaur Channel" to see Trogdor walk on the screen, advertising "Walking with Trogdor".
  • Click on "startling" at the end to see a scene with Strong Bad and Bubs.
STRONG BAD: So this is s'posed to be the bear holding a shark? Looks more like...Morgan Freeman.
BUBS: Oh, right! That's what it is! Now gimme twenty extra bucks for that Shawshank style.
  • Click on "Biscuitdoughhandsman" to see Coach Z reporting an incident.
COACH Z: {with voice digitally altered} So there I was, minding my own creepy business, when I found this severed hand in the locker room! {He holds up a biscuit with a bite taken out.}

Fun Facts


  • By viewing the flash file when the "ancient fence drawings" are going by, you can see the text, "by strong bab age 5" written in sloppy, childish handwriting outside of the typical viewing area.


  • "CG" is short for "Computer graphics".


  • The TV show sound effect incorporates the same musical notes as The Geddup Noise.
  • At 2:54, this is the shortest Lappy era email to date.

Inside References

  • The Mighty Warrior discussing corn is a reference to Teen Girl Squad Issue 10.
  • Coach Z's voice was digitally altered before in couch patch.
  • The Cheat was revealed to be scared of the Bear-Shark in date.
  • Strong Sad's Soolnds are mentioned again.

Real-World References

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