Date | Download | Head | Quote | Source
1000020 March 2008
| download
| Marshie
| Marshie: "Bomb Capacity Increased!"
| Marshie's Malloween Mix-Up
1000113 March 2008
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Thar she blows the Cheat! Aim for the blow hole!"
| Blubb-O's Commercial
1000207 March 2008
| download (mirror)
| Schenkel McDoo
| Schenkel McDoo: "Yah guys! Maybe find some coin!"
| buried
1000328 Feb 2008
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs: "Oh. Uh... I'm a public flasher!"
| licensed
1000414 Feb 2008
| download (mirror)
| Cheerleader
| Cheerleader: "As I was saying, Vamlumtimes Day is serious times. If I don't get cards from enough boys, I could lose all my Mindy cred!"
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 12
1000507 Feb 2008
| download (mirror)
| Old-Timey Strong Bad
| Old-Timey Strong Bad: "Alright, The Sneak, watch me toss these creepity crawlities through the window like I was Edgardo J. Sportsman himself!"
| Quote of the Week exclusive
1000631 Jan 2008
| download (mirror)
| Senor Cardgage
| Senor Cardgage: "Carageenan, Monteljohn. Can you detect me to the nearest bus stamp?"
| fan club
1000724 Jan 2008
| download (mirror)
| Marshie
| Gel-arshie: "I'M AN ABOMINATION! And I'm comin' to your house after school."
| winter pool
1000817 Jan 2008
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z
| Coach Z: "Mmmmm! Drink in that bun!"
| environment
1000910 Jan 2008
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Marzipan: "I'm pretty sure that's just Strong Mad absconding with Bob's conces-- Bob's...{Missy briefly laughs and inhales} {I'm pretty sure} that's just Strong Mad absconding with Bubs' constesh-- constession stand."
| Fall Float Parade blooper
1001013 Dec 2007
| download (mirror)
| DJ Teh Cheat
| Singers: "Smart drinks. These are smart drinks. (These are definitely not smart drinks.) Have another round. (Don't.)" {entire song: "Smart drinks. (These are not smart drinks.) These are smart drinks. (These are definitely not smart drinks.) These are smart drinks. (Definitely not.) Have another round. (Don't.) {quickly} Have another round! (Don't.)"}
| nightlife
1001106 Dec 2007
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "Ohh! And you think Poodonkis did it."
| Jibblies 2 outtake
1001229 Nov 2007
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z
| Coach Z: "Coach Z, R-A-P. Accidentally featuring Peacey P..." {entire "Rap Song"}
| Rap Song
1001315 Nov 2007
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z
| Coach Z: "I feel like that school child on the first day of Christmas!"
| Quote of the Week exclusive
1001401 Nov 2007
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Marzipan: "Jibblie jibblie jibblie jibblie jibblie. Does that sound frantic?" {Matt can be heard saying "Yeah, keep going" faintly}
| Jibblies 2 outtake
1001525 Oct 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Mad
| haircut
1001625 Oct 2007
| download (mirror)
| Sickly Sam
| Sickly Sam: "Can you spare any mush for me?"
| Parsnips A-Plenty
1001718 Oct 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Oh, way to impress, Spirit of St. Loolis. The peanut brittle coulda swam better than that."
| business trip (first sentence an outtake)
1001812 Oct 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Borgorroth of Coolswordorroth shimmies for no man!"
| web comics
1001904 Oct 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Oh and one more thing, if your jim-jams happen to be a pair of takelongs..." {Matt can be heard laughing faintly}
| slumber party outtake
1002027 Sept 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Mad
| Strong Mad: "Did you just say polychaete worms?"
| caffeine outtake
1002120 Sept 2007
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z
| Coach Z: "Oh. I guess I forgort to port. Oh! I guess I forgat to prat! OH! Gorka fa pork!"
| mini-golf
1002213 Sept 2007
| download (mirror)
| The Sad Kids
| The Sad Kids: "Frosty? Flurry."
| Quote of the Week exclusive
1002306 Sept 2007
| download (mirror)
| Senor Cardgage
| Senor Cardgage: "Oh. I should eat a pony."
| original
1002430 Aug 2007
| download (mirror)
| sloshy
| sloshy: "We don't really even care about you. Get out of my backyard or maybe don't. Cause I'm about to watch a movie movie movie oh!" {entire "We Don't Even Really Care About You" song}
| Extended concert song
1002523 Aug 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad
| Strong Sad: "Yeah, I don't think Sloshy could arpeggiate a diminished 7th if their philosophy degrees depended on it."
| concert outtake
1002616 Aug 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "I'm gonna be so far under par, I'm gonna be over par!" {The Cheat: {The Cheat noises} Strong Bad: "Oh, well then, I'll just be really far under par, then."}
| mini-golf outtake
1002709 Aug 2007
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs: "That would be a sweet deal I couldn't resist! N-E-S-T-L-E-S!"
| Ever and More! outtake
1002821 Jun 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Garbage disposal: what a way to go! Garbage disposal, meet So and So."
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 13
1002914 Jun 2007
| download (mirror)
| That Ugly One
| The Ugly One: "I love longitudes." Cheerleader: "Not me, I'm a latitude snob."
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 11 outtake (see also Sketchbook)
1003007 Jun 2007
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "So what are you saying? That you -GULP- want his bod?"
| Date Nite
1003124 May 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Do not attempt to adjust those trucker caps you're all wearing. Or wait, in fact, DO adjust them. Everybody turn your trucker caps sidewise!"
| Field Day Intro
1003217 May 2007
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Marzipan: "There was this little worm and I brought him inside because he seemed like he would fit into a little jar. And I gave him the name of Fat Albert."
| extended clip from Homestarloween Party
1003311 May 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Mad
| Strong Mad: "Did you just say parakeet?"
| caffeine
1003403 May 2007
| download (mirror)
| Stinkoman
| Stinkoman: "We deserve a break! Everyone grab a spoon and take a break with pudding."
| Under Construction outtake
1003526 Apr 2007
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "Oh, hello guys! This is my talk and mouth move. Great times!"
| Quote of the Week exclusive recorded for the Georgia Tech Talk
1003619 Apr 2007
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "Drinko some Malinko! Malinko flavored water! Crystal clear like domestic beer!"
| rough copy (second phrase an outtake)
1003712 Apr 2007
| download (mirror)
| Blue Laser Commander
| Blue Laser Commander: "These hardly qualify as PANTS!"
| An Important Rap Song outtake
1003805 Apr 2007
| download (mirror)
| Drive-Thru Whale
| Drive-Thru Whale: "Sever your leg, please. It's the greatest day."
| Drive-Thru
1003922 Mar 2007
| download (mirror)
| Taranchula
| Taranchula: "Ooh hoo ha ha haaa. Brother in a jar. Brother in a jar. Brotherinajar!" {entire "Brother in a Jar" song}
| your funeral
1004015 Mar 2007
| download (mirror)
| Gunhaver
| Crack Stuntman: "I've had it up to HERE with your shinoligans! {pronounces "shinoligans" like "SHY-knowligans"} If you could see me you'd see that I'm holding my hand up to my chin. And I'm pretty tall!"
| Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 14.2 outtake
1004108 Mar 2007
| download (mirror)
| The King of Town
| The King of Town: "Woo! What is that reek? The Poopsmith, you smell like a Crapsmith."
1004201 Mar 2007
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "I wonder how you spell tabasco. TABASCOooo!"
| the movies
1004322 Feb 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Singers: You and me, babe, livin for dreams, lifin' for love, drinkin' for free. Sittin' on top of an old robot, sharin' and carin' it out. The memory's scrubbin' you down!
| theme song
1004415 Feb 2007
| download (mirror)
| Cheerleader
| Teen Girl Squad: "2-3-4. What time is it? It's Valentimes. What time is it? It's Valentimes. What we gone get? Several boys! How we gonna get em?"
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 12
1004508 Feb 2007
| download (mirror)
| King Bubsgonzola Supreme
| Singers: "King Bubsgonzola King-King Bubsgonzola Supreme"
| unnatural
1004601 Feb 2007
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Marzipan: "Word booty!"
| looking old
1004718 Jan 2007
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad
| Strong Sad: "I can't remember cereal, I can't remember TV. Is it football season yet? I don't even watch football. I hate football but I'll play football. Run you over in football..." {quote continues: "Run you down the field like a clown!"}
| caffeine, though under Strong Bad's voiceover
1004811 Jan 2007
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs: "Crabadonk. Crabadonk! CRABADONK!"
| the chair multiple takes
1004921 Dec 2006
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "A-listen to me now. Cheer up, Coach Z. It doesn't have to be creepy and depressing all the time..." {entire "Cheer Up, Coach Z" song}
| Decemberween Short Shorts
1005014 Dec 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad
| Strong Sad: "Strong Bad, did you put {Matt laughs a little while still maintaining his Strong Sad voice} Montelbon pheremones..?"
| what I want blooper
1005107 Dec 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Whoa, it's been upgraded to stank. Just last week it was only stink. Stonk can't be far away."
| the chair outtake
1005230 Nov 2006
| download (mirror)
| The Homestar Runner
| The Homestar Runner: "Well, folks, you know what that means... Now I'll do a dance."
| 20X6 vs. 1936
1005317 Nov 2006
| download (mirror)
| Videlectrix Guys
| Videlectrix Guys: "What did I say?! Good gr- To make good- What did I tell you to do?! To make good graphics. GOOD GRAPHICS!" {quote continues: "I COME TO WORK AND I HAVE TO LOOK AT THIS MESS! I can make good graphics. I—YOU BETTER MAKE GOOD GRAPHICS! I'M SUPPOSED TO RELEASE A VIDEO COMPUTER GAME ON TV WITHOUT THIS GRAPHIC! What? YOU HEARD ME!"}
| Peasant's Quest Preview Easter egg
1005409 Nov 2006
| download (mirror)
| What's Her Face
| What's Her Face: "When you fall in a bottomless pit, you die of starvation."
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 4
1005503 Nov 2006
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Singer: "Want some bread and butter pickles. Ooo-ahh! Give me that bread and butter pickle, bread and butter pickle. You are."
| Lyrics to Marzipan's music from Happy Hallow-day
1005627 Oct 2006
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Marzipan: "Oh yes, folks, there's no better way to be brutally honest with someone than to construct a hate float and put it in a televised parade."
| Fall Float Parade outtake
1005720 Oct 2006
| download (mirror)
| Marshie
| Marshie: "Take a trip to the mountains!"
| retirement
1005812 Oct 2006
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "Doo doot. Tch. Doo doo dit. Tch. Doot doo doot. Tch. It's the hold music..." {quote continues: " doot. Tch. Pa doo doot. Tch. Boodoo doo doot. Tch. Hold music!"}
| isp
1005925 Sep 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Naw it's a moon computer. Y'know, the kind the planets use to do their taxes."
| A Decemberween Pageant
1006018 Sep 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad
| Strong Sad: "Tonight is my night to play Caaardinal Sins."
| Where's The Cheat?
1006107 Sep 2006
| download (mirror)
| Melt Shake
| Singers: "And now we're jammin. Jammin tunes, jammin tunes. Now we're jammin. jumbo/LARGE!"
| road trip
1006231 Aug 2006
| download (mirror)
| Blue Laser Commander
| Blue Laser Commander: "Awesome! Just...AWESOME!"
| Quote of the Week exclusive
1006318 Aug 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "When email comes to town you know, you know it's like a rainstorm in your browser.When email comes to town I know, I know it's like a netscape hurricane"
| Extended version of the theme song email intro, with background music from the end of theme song.
1006411 Aug 2006
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "Hey guys! H'whatcha teekenbot?"
| Strong Bad is a Bad Guy
1006503 Aug 2006
| download (mirror)
| What's Her Face
| What's Her Face and The Ugly One: "And the chumbly wumbly bear came a tumblin down! Did he sell beans? Lord no! Did he sell eggs? Lord no! But he couldn' he stapled it down!" {entire chumbly wumbly bear song}
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 11
1006627 Jul 2006
| download (mirror)
| Lazor Larry
| Lazor Larry: "She was only 2017-She was a low res beauty queen-She was a brain sister-Texas Instruments all day-She remembers how they used to duet-Tha'll think you know what I mean." {entire "Brain Sister" song}
| Summer Short Shorts
1006720 Jul 2006
| download (mirror)
| Science Fiction Greg
| Science Fiction Greg: "Oh, I can take my shirt off."
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 11
1006813 Jul 2006
| download (mirror)
| The King of Town
| The King of Town: "Let the KOT have some!"
| senior prom outtake
1006906 Jul 2006
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Marzipan: "We are the Cool Tapes. We make some phat papes. Doley-O, doley-o, doley-o.(x3) {Strong Mad: DOLEY-O! The Cheat: (The Cheat noises)} Stop creepin' at me."
| Quote of the Week exclusive
1007029 Jun 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "You will note the artist's attention to fine wines, his masterful use of shadow...stevens. Circle gets the square."
| portrait outtake
1007118 May 2006
| download (mirror)
| Small Mouth Strong Mad
| Small Mouth Strong Mad: "I DON'T KNOW WHEN TO SAY WHEN!!"
| isp outtake
1007211 May 2006
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Marzipan: "Hey! Watch those hands David Coppafeel!"
| senior prom outtake
1007304 May 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Alright I gotta get out of here. I'm meetin Delelilia for some vietma- viamatese tunuffins!"
| senior prom outtake
1007427 Apr 2006
| download (mirror)
| Senor Cardgage
| Senor Cardgage: "Oh...I live a hard life." {faint laughter from Mike can be heard at end}
| Quote of the Week exclusive
1007506 Apr 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "You got the munch, the crisp and the crunch. Livin' in the gutter with Grandma. When Coach puts you in, you gotta go for the win. Y2K turned out alright..." {entire SBLOUNSKCHED! jingle}
| candy product
1007630 Mar 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Oh, if you want it to be possessive it's just 'its,' but if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's I-T apostrophe S! ...scalawag."
| local news
1007724 Mar 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad
| Strong Sad: "Your computer room is now my tai chi space. And it doubles as my chai tea space, too!"
| Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon outtake
1007816 Mar 2006
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "You're doing great! Now shoulders down! One and two! Feel the burn and go to bed! Make some breakfast, talk to me!"
| lady fan
1007910 Mar 2006
| download (mirror)
| The King of Town
| The King of Town: Not Talkin' Bout Butter (remix by DJ Teh Cheat)
| Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2
1008002 Mar 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad
| Strong Sad: "Uh, Strong Bad, were you just first basin' it with that piece of loose leaf?!"
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 10
1008123 Feb 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "What?! Under Siege 2?? You got me this for like the last 3 years, man!"
| The Best Decemberween Ever outtake
1008216 Feb 2006
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs as Dr. Christmas: "I got it-I got everything you wan know. Everybody know me, my name Cornbread."
| A Decemberween Pageant outtake
1008309 Feb 2006
| download (mirror)
| The Jolly Dumple
| Special Fanstuff Quote of the Day!! High school band actually playing the CGNU Fight Song! {entire instrumental fight song with opening and closing comments}
| Quote of the Week exclusive; references the emails mascot (song) and mile (beginning and end)
1008402 Feb 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "The Cheatbot! Do you use that same mouth to kiss your... motherboard."
| technology outtake
1008526 Jan 2006
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "They flew on a sweet, sweet mushroom bridge to"
| flashback outtake
1008619 Jan 2006
| download (mirror)
| Cheerleader
| Cheerleader: "I come for the wuggas, but stay for the jiggy juggas."
| death metal Easter egg
1008712 Jan 2006
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs: "Hey, Coach! Tell her I said, 'Hey!' No, no, just--Tell her I said, 'Bananas!' Tell her I said, 'A bluh-buncha bananas.'"
| Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 5.0
1008808 Dec 2005
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z
| Coach Z: "You say tomater, I zader matermorts."
| Fall Float Parade
1008925 Nov 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homsar
| Two Homsars: "Let's sing a song of Pennzoil!"
| Fall Float Parade
1009017 Nov 2005
| download (mirror)
| Old-Timey Strong Bad
| Old-Timey Strong Bad: "I'll be marching around in gold pants in no time!"
| That A Ghost
1009110 Nov 2005
| download (mirror)
| The King of Town
| The King of Town: "The punishment is not too bad, eh?"
| Revenge of the King
1009203 Nov 2005
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs: "You're pretty good, shorty! That's worth an Under Siege 2 collector's spoon!"
| Halloween Potion-ma-jig outtake
1009327 Oct 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Oh! Very mean say. Funny also, too."
| Quote of the Week exclusive
1009421 Oct 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Singers: "Strong Bad is a bad guy, bad guy, bad guy." {entire song}
| Strong Bad is a Bad Guy
1009520 Oct 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "The good times are over!!"
| Bug in Mouth Disease
1009606 Oct 2005
| download (mirror)
| Horrible Painting
| Horrible Painting: "Come on in heeeeere."
| bottom 10
1009729 Sep 2005
| download (mirror)
| The Geddup Noise
| The Geddup Noise Indie-tronic Remix by DJ Teh Cheat
| geddup noise
1009822 Sep 2005
| download (mirror)
| Sickly Sam
| Sickly Sam: "Can you spare any mush for me?"
| Parsnips-A-Plenty
1009915 Sep 2005
| download (mirror)
| Reynold
| Strong Bad as Reynold: "Oh, I really need to go grocery shopping. I wish my girlfriend didn't leave me."
| Cheat Commandos
1010008 Sep 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "What in Pete Sampras is going on here?!?"
| Cool Things
1010101 Sep 2005
| download (mirror)
| 1-Up
| 1-Up: "I want pudding!"
| Under Construction
1010225 Aug 2005
| download (mirror)
| Marshie
| Marshie: "Those rotten little punks next door won't know what hit 'em when you...fill 'em...fulla lead."
| Malloween Commercial outtake
1010318 Aug 2005
| download (mirror)
| Marzipan
| Marzipan: "Ready boys? 1-2-3-4 Cool tapes are cool 'cause they're where it's at. Cool tapes are cool and we like it like that..." {entire song}
| Cool Things
1010411 Aug 2005
| download (mirror)
| Senor Cardgage
| Senor Cardgage: "My left name is tremendous savings, Ms. America!"
| Senorial Day
1010504 Aug 2005
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z
| Happy Fireworks
1010621 Jul 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "buttdance again, like the rhythm's down your pants now!"
| bottom 10
1010707 Jul 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "A wagon full of pamcakes? In the Champeenship?! I'd like to see ya try!"
| montage
1010830 Jun 2005
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs: "Check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out..." {continues}
| Lookin at a Thing in a Bag
1010923 Jun 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "You bet! Hit me on the slant!"
| Senorial Day
1011016 Jun 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "THE GOOD TIMES ARE OVER!!!"
| Bug In Mouth Disease
1011110 Jun 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Naw, it can't be heaven. There's not enough Twinkies."
| Where the Crap Are We?
1011202 Jun 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homsar
| Homsar: "AAAaaaAAh'm the human wedgie!"
| origins
1011312 May 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "I'm on a RAMPAGE!!"
| rampage
1011428 Apr 2005
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z
| Coach Z: "Once again Biscuit Dough Hands Man slips through our fingers!"
| Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon
1011521 Apr 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: {imitating the Lappy 486's start-up noise} "Dong DIIING!!!"
| animal
1011614 Apr 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Mad
| Strong Mad: "I'M THE HUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
| other days
1011731 Mar 2005
| download (mirror)
| The Homestar Runner
| The Homestar Runner: "Well, folks, you know what that means: Now I'll do a dance."
| 20X6 vs. 1936
1011825 Mar 2005
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs as Dr. Christmas: "Everybody knows me. Mine name Cornbread."
| A Decemberween Pageant
1011917 Mar 2005
| download (mirror)
| The King of Town
| The King of Town: "Stop what? I don't do nothing!"
| 3 Times Halloween Funjob
1012010 Mar 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Oh. Why do me anymore. I—I've lost it!"
| origins outtake
1012127 Feb 2005
| download (mirror)
| Crackotage
| Crackotage: "Look out below, geronimo! Hee hee HA HA!"
| Cheat Commandos...O's
1012217 Feb 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homsar
| Homsar: "I'm the human wedgie!"
| origins
1012310 Feb 2005
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire. Awww."
| kids' book
1012427 Jan 2005
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Powered by The Cheat Bubs: "My name's Bubs! This is my regulah voice!"
| Sample of Style
1012520 Jan 2005
| download (mirror)
| Cheerleader
| Cheerleader: "We're Kissyboots and it's nice to meetcha" {entire song}
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 8
1012614 Jan 2005
| download (mirror)
| Homsar
| Homsar: "Alms for the pudgy? Alms for the pudgy?"
| Homestar Presents: Presents
1012730 Dec 2004
| download (mirror)
| Marshie
| Marshie: "BOOGIDY BOOGIDY! I'll scare your dad!"
| Malloween Commercial
1012816 Dec 2004
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad
| Strong Sad as The Deathly Pallor: "We got another 50 minutes straight of music free commercials comin atcha! Don't you touch that- zabbitablough!"
| radio outtake
1012909 Dec 2004
| download (mirror)
| Bubs
| Bubs presumably as The Wheelchair: "I know you're close by, Eh, Steve. I can smell your natural musk!"
| Possible Sweet Cuppin' Cakes outtake
1013002 Dec 2004
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner
| Homestar Runner: "Li'l Brudder! I—I don't know what I'm doing with my life!"
| crying
1013122 Nov 2004
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad
| Strong Bad: "I doh du duoh crapfully yours. ID DO DU DUOH CRAPFULLY YOURS!"
| virus
Date | Download | Quote | Source
1000011 Nov 2004
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: {singing the "You're A Girl" song}
| montage
1000108 Nov 2004
| download (mirror)
| Bubs: "Women can't drive!"
| Halloween Fairstival
1000218 Oct 2004
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: "Let me in, da da da. Let me in!"
| 3 Times Halloween Funjob
1000307 Oct 2004
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: "That's bupkis!"
| the facts
1000430 Sep 2004
| download (mirror)
| Little Girl: "That sounds like funny!" Homestar Runner: "It sounds like funny, but it's not."
| Homestar vs. Little Girl
1000523 Sep 2004
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "And I'll just erase it using my... electron... towel."
| Outtake from haircut
1000619 Sep 2004
| download (mirror)
| Gunhaver: "Cheat Commandos.. Rock, rock on!"
| Cheat Commandos
1000708 Sep 2004
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: Todayborday is Labor Day song
| Labor Dabor
1000802 Sep 2004
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad & Homestar Runner: "Looks like we're gonna have to jump!"
| dangeresque 3
1000926 Aug 2004
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z: "It was Biscuit Dough Hands Man! I knew it!!"
| Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon
1001019 Aug 2004
| download (mirror)
| Stinkoman: "Hey, Sticklyman, whaaaaat are you doing?"
| Under Construction
1001112 Aug 2004
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: {click} "Don't forget to experience the fury of our gift shooop." {click}
| theme park
1001205 Aug 2004
| download (mirror)
| Wheat Grows Sweet (2-bit mono internal PC sound song)
| Peasant's Quest
1001329 Jul 2004
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: {as Li'l Brudder} "I can make it on my own!"
| crying
1001419 Jul 2004
| PC Mac (mirror)
| The Worm: "Is a miracle."
| Decemberween Sweet Cuppin' Cakes
1001529 Jun 2004
| PC Mac (mirror)
| Blue Laser Commander: "I just hate you so much!" (an additional "I just hate you sooo much!" on download)
| Cheat Commandos
1001617 May 2004
| PC Mac (mirror)
| The Cheat Commandos Theme: "Cheat Commandos, maybe fighting for freedom, and each is sold separately. Cheat Commandos, they're probably battling evil. Buy all our playsets and toys!"
| Cheat Commandos
1001703 May 2004
| PC Mac (mirror)
| Bubs: "Shinin' up a chicken in the mo'nin', mo'nin'."
| lunch special
1001822 Mar 2004
| download (mirror)
| Larry Palaroncini: "We're from the band Limozeen!"
| flashback Easter egg
1001908 Mar 2004
| download (mirror)
| Olda Boy: "I'm gonna miss video games."
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 5
1002009 Feb 2004
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: "Here comes The Thnikkaman!"
| monument Easter egg
1002102 Feb 2004
| download (mirror)
| Marshie: "What more do they want?!!"
| Malloween Commercial
1002212 Jan 2004
| download (mirror)
| Vector Strong Bad: BACK OFF BABY.
| video games
1002310 Dec 2003
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad: "Marzipan, Marzipan!!!"
| caffeine
1002403 Nov 2003
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: "And somebody's a-ga-wabbin' a-my butt."
| 3 Times Halloween Funjob multiple takes
1002529 Sep 2003
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad: "I don't like food anymore"
| 2 years
1002608 Sep 2003
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "Strong Bad did a jig while holding all the grapes, and The Cheat learned to fly!"
| kids' book Easter egg (DVD version)
1002701 Sep 2003
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "Ah, the self-proclaimed King of Town. Like you aren't an easy jab for my witty glivers and put-dubs."
| labor day blooper
1002828 Aug 2003
| download (mirror)
| Bubs: "Shake it once! Shake it twice, a-gimme little bit o' sugar spice!"
| Bubs' character tape
1002925 Aug 2003
| download (mirror)
| Strong Sad: "Oh, some animal died."
| A play on Homestar's quote in impression
10030?? Jun 2003
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "Jeez, The Cheat, you can't sneak up on a brotha like that!"
| privileges
1003117 Mar 2003
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: "Let's do this like Brutus."
| monster truck
1003228 Jan 2002
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: "I could go for a few cold ones right about now."
| Where My Hat Is At?
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "Possums!"
| Teen Girl Squad Issue 3
| download (mirror)
| The King of Town: "Dwoo hoo! We hoo! Woo! I'm absolutely being assaulted! Woo di dhoo hoo!"
| Where's The Cheat?
| download (mirror)
| Coach Z: My name is Coach Z. Pronounced with an 'oach Z'."
| The House that Gave Sucky Treats
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "Why you lazy crap for crap!"
| The House that Gave Sucky Treats
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "This is the quote of the day!"
| Quote of the Week exclusive
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: {farts} "You guys, that was a pretty good one." {laughs}
| Quote of the Week exclusive
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "Check me out! No, seriously, check me out."
| Similar to First Time Here?
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: {Singing} "This is the Strong Bad show, everybody come on down, there's gonna be lots a guests, and it's gonna be pretty fun, maybe at the end, I'll have a serious moment to talk to you guys, but right now I'm gonna throw a bunch of pies, at The Cheat!"
| Quote of the Week exclusive
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "Okay, now I got to bust a wicked solo. {a bad acoustic guitar solo is played} Thank you, goodnight!"
| vacation
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: "I'm a belle!"
| halloweener
| download (mirror)
| Homestar Runner: "Seriously, Pom Pom, I'm about to pee my pants."
| A Jumping Jack Contest
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "It's that cloc—" Mike Chapman: "Sorry."
| vacation blooper
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "Pretty impressive, huh? I bet you're pretty impressed."
| Homestar Quiz
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "I am the very strongest. You guys are not very strong."
| Line from the original book
| download (mirror)
| Strong Bad: "MATT!!"
| 50 emails
| None
| The Wicked Guitar Solo
| personal favorites
| None
| Marzipan: "I'm the only girl"
| Who Said What Now?