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Strong Bad Email #2
watch some kinda robot butt IQ
"Uhdyeah, what ees it, Strong Baaaaayaad?"
This article is about the Strong Bad Email. For the character, see Homsar.

A misspelling of "Homestar" leaves Strong Bad to introduce us to, and attempt to kill Homsar.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homsar

Places: Computer Room, The Field

Computer: Tandy 400

Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Running Time: 0:46

Page Title: Tandy 400!!!

DVD: strongbad_email.exe Disc One



STRONG BAD: {singing, types "run Strongbad's__email"} I'm gonna check my email all of the time, doo doo doo...

{Strong Bad says the last line as "From Vinnie C."}

STRONG BAD: You know what, Vinnie? You're right. I'll be right back. {gets up}

{Cut to Homsar standing in the Field. Strong Bad enters the frame in the foreground.}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Homsar!

HOMSAR: {faces Strong Bad} Uhdyeah, what ees eht, Stwong Baaaaayaad?

{Strong Bad leaves the frame and the Heavy Lourde falls on Homsar, completely crushing him. Cut back to the Tandy 400.}

STRONG BAD: {sits down, typing} Oh man, Vinnie. That feels so much better. Thanks a lot! {stops typing} Okay, so until next time, keep sending me your questions, and I will keep making fun of your punctuation and spelling. I mean, answer them.

{The Paper comes down}

Fun Facts

"old emails" button


  • This email marks the debut of Homsar.
  • This is the first email in which Strong Bad makes fun of someone's spelling.
  • This is also the first email that shows an area outside of the computer room.
  • This is the first email where a character other than Strong Bad appears.
  • This marks the first appearances of Homsar and the Heavy Lourde.
  • The back button at the end of this email used to go to the games menu instead of the Strong Bad Email menu (an "old emails" button used to be present that would link to the old emails). After flashback was released, The Brothers Chaps removed the old emails button and fixed the back link. The old version can still be viewed here.
  • The conclusion is a reworded version of the one in some kinda robot.
  • The YouTube description for this email is "Someone can't spell "Homestar." The world is never the same."


  • Strong Bad's mouth doesn't move when he says "doo doo doo."
  • The Flash file for this email is the smallest in terms of file size, at just over 100 kilobytes.
  • The Heavy Lourde falls from nowhere.
  • Homsar's non-sequitur speech patterns have not yet been established, and he continues to talk sensibly until The House That Gave Sucky Treats.


  • Strong Bad's mask doesn't have laces on the back of it when he goes outside.
  • Strong Bad's neck cannot be seen when he pulls away from the Tandy.
  • Homsar's mouth doesn't sync to his speech.
  • In his reflection and the Tandy 400 screen, a little gray mark is sticking out of the V shape on Strong Bad's mask. This goof is easier to see when it is zoomed in.

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