morning routine

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Strong Bad Email #54
watch comic cheat talk
"So I got a lot of eggs, and I keep 'em in the couch."

Strong Bad details his morning routine, but keeps getting interrupted by Strong Sad.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Strong Sad, The Cheat, Strong Mad

Places: Computer Room, Basement of the Brothers Strong

Computer: Compy 386

Date: Monday, December 9, 2002

Running Time: 2:09

Page Title: Compy 386!

DVD: strongbad_email.exe Disc Two


[edit] Transcript

STRONG BAD: Augh. {smacks mouth} My mouth tastes like... emails.


{Strong Bad says "routine" as "Ha-routine," and says "Pa" as "P-A."}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Mike, as you know, the morning routine is the most important routine of the day.

{Cut to Strong Bad sleeping on the couch, mumbling}

STRONG BAD: {mumbles}

{Strong Sad walks up}

STRONG SAD: Hey Strong Bad.

STRONG BAD: {mumbles}

STRONG SAD: Wake up!

STRONG BAD: {mumbles}

STRONG SAD: I wanna watch that show on public broadcasting hosted by that British guy.

STRONG BAD: {mumbles}

STRONG SAD: You told me not to let you sleep past noon!

STRONG BAD: Super Bomberman...

STRONG SAD: Wake up!

{Strong Bad gets up from the couch, and we see that one of his hands is inside a bag of Potate brand potato chips. He starts walking off, slouching. He walks up to the computer and sits down.}

STRONG BAD: Augh. {smacks mouth} My mouth tastes like... emails.


{Strong Bad says "routine" as "Ha-routine," and says "Pa" as "P-A."}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Mike, as you know, the morning routine is the most important routine of the day. The "R" in routine stands for r {says "rrrrrrrrrr" then gets interrupted}

STRONG SAD: {offscreen} Hey Strong Bad! {Strong Bad turns to see Strong Sad standing there} I found this egg in the couch. Is this yours?

STRONG BAD: Yes, it's very fragile. Put it down.

{Strong Sad puts down the egg and walks off. Strong Bad resumes typing.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} So anyways, Mike, as I was saying, The "R" in routine stands for (types "r", but doesn't say anything)

STRONG SAD: Strong Bad, I found what I believe to be a goose egg in the couch.

STRONG BAD: Thank you, Interrupter Jones. That is also my egg. Now put it down.

{Strong Sad puts it down, and Strong Bad resumes typing again}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Sorry about that, Mike. So, the "R"

STRONG SAD: Here's a duck egg, a nuthatch egg, ostrich egg, maybe a dinosaur egg, one of those brown eggs...

STRONG BAD: What are you trying to say, Strong Sad? So I got a lotta eggs. And I keep 'em in the couch.

STRONG SAD: There needs to be a better word for "weird".

{The Cheat runs onscreen with underwear on his head and Strong Mad in pursuit}


{They run off}

STRONG SAD: Okay. I'm moving out.

{Strong Sad walks off, Strong Bad resumes typing}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Fine with me, Strong Sad. I mean Mike. I mean {pause} whatever.

{The Paper comes down.}

[edit] Easter Eggs

A nutritious part of your morning routine!
  • At the end, click on "COMPY 386" to see some of Strong Bad's "eggs". The box of Strong Bad's "eggs" has the following phrases on it.
    • Strong Bad's EGGS brand type cereal
    • "nut-hatch" eggs
    • "goose" eggs
    • "brown" eggs
    • "duck" eggs
    • A nutritious part of your morning routine!
    • side words
    • 0 mg (listed seven times as the only content of the nutritional table)
    • Ingredients: eggs, eggs, eggs, two more eggs

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Trivia

  • Potate is introduced in this email.
  • The Couch Mumbling gag begins in this email.
  • The label on the disk in the floppy disk container reads "lode runner".
  • The YouTube description for this email is "The 'R' in Strong Bad's morning routine stands for..."

[edit] Remarks

  • Strong Bad manages to type wearing not only boxing gloves, but also the potato chip bag. He may have typed one handed like he did in tape-leg, though in that email he typed with just his right hand (for a short while). If he wasn't typing with the potate bag, he must have been using his left hand. It is possible Strong Bad is ambidextrous.
  • Strong Sad mentions seven eggs, but finds nine.
  • Apparently, Strong Bad's computer room was supposed to be in the basement next to the couch; this concept seems to have been abandoned (see Arcade Game).
    • It is also possible that Strong Bad may have used the basement's second exit to reach the computer room.
  • When the singers on the TV stop singing, Matt Chapman can be heard saying, "I don't remember that part, Mike."

[edit] Goofs

  • When Strong Bad sits down at the computer to answer his email, the reflection of his face can be seen outside of the monitor on the right side momentarily.
  • As Strong Bad is shown walking to the Compy after waking up, the underscore at the end of "a>_" isn't flashing like it usually would.
  • While Strong Sad is placing the eggs on the table next to Strong Bad, the text on the Compy looks different. Some of it is not shown because it is behind Strong Bad's head. (Progressively: when Strong Bad types it, the "a>" is gone, and the word first paragraph is spaced differently; the second "routine" and the word "stands" are on the previous lines, there's no underscore after the lowercase "r", "routine" in the last line is spelled incorrectly, and there's a period and the word "So" after the last "Mike".)
  • The ostrich egg should be much larger in relation to the others, as the ostrich lays the largest eggs of any living bird species. It should also be white.
  • On the cereal box in the Easter egg, the "nut-hatch" egg should be written as "nuthatch", without the hyphen.
  • When Strong Bad is talking to Strong Sad for the last time, the left side of the monitor appears to be slightly jagged.
  • In the Easter egg, some of the outlines of the eggs overlap each other.

[edit] Inside References

  • This email makes numerous references to eggs.

[edit] Real-World References

[edit] Fast Forward

  • Strong Bad's line at the beginning, "My mouth tastes like... emails," is later reused during the CGI sequence on the first disc of the Strong Bad Email DVD, but instead, says, "My mouth tastes like... DVDs." He says "My mouth tastes like... backwards" in mini-golf.
  • The phrase "the R in routine" is used later in a book title in the email rampage.
  • Strong Mad chases The Cheat again in a rampage Easter egg.
  • Strong Bad sells the eggs for $54 in garage sale; 54 also happens to be the number of this email.
  • The term "Two more eggs" (which is in the ingredients on the Easter egg cereal box) is on a post-it on a fridge later in pop-up. The term also becomes the name of a series produced by The Brothers Chaps for Disney XD and its YouTube channel.
  • Strong Bad would discover an additional egg six years later in Rotten Eggs.
  • In the DVD commentary for cartoon, Mike asks Strong Bad if he remembers what the "R" in routine stand for, and Strong Bad states that he forgot as soon as Mike mentioned it.

[edit] YouTube Version

  • When it was uploaded, the audio cut out near the end and the rest of the video was silent. This was fixed and re-uploaded later in the day.

[edit] External Links

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