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Strong Bad Email #205 |
Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Lil' Strong Sad, Grandmaw Auntpaw (Easter egg)
Places: Computer Room, The Field, Basement of The Brothers Strong, Homestar Runner's House
Computer: Compy Compé
Date: Monday, October 5, 2009
Running Time: 3:30
Page Title: Compy Compé
Contents |
{Strong Bad is at the Compé. The wallpaper is a picture of marshmallows.}
STRONG BAD: Checkin' e-mails with boxing gloves. The sweet computer science. {double-clicks on the sbemail.exe icon}
To Whom It May Concern; (aka Strong Bad)
I'm getting married in August. I'm looking to hire
a "videographer" to videotape our wedding. Could
you use all your skills and powers and take on such
a task? I want it to look real nice.
Robert McSwain
Video Media Technologist
ITS Department
{Strong Bad reads "aka" as written and "ITS Department" as "It's Da Partment!"}
STRONG BAD: {typing} Well McSwobert, that works out perfectly, because "videographer" is just one of my many professions that have quotes around them.
{clears screen}
STRONG BAD: {typing} I'm also a "heart surgeon," a "licensed technician," a "poultry farmer," and a "fireman." And you say you're getting married in August? So like, 2 months ago? Also, not a problem. My videograph will have so many fancy wipes, fades, and transitions, your wife will never even know you guys aren't in it! Take a look at my demo reel.
{cut through static to a miniature screen of Strong Bad in The Field. It disjointedly gets larger until it fills the entire screen}
STRONG BAD: Hello there. I'm famed quotation marked videographer Strong Bad. Do you like quick zooms and solarizing effects? What about diamondy transitions, pixelated wipes, or slow fade-outs? All these effects and more will make your cherished event that happened last month be cherished forever.
(diamond cut to Locker Room}
STRONG BAD: Jimmy's lacrosse debacle never looked so good.
(Static cut to Strong Bad's shoes at The Field)
STRONG BAD: {Unintelligent mumbles} Little Jimmy is playing lacrosse! {More mumbles} Oh, he scores the winning lacrosse point! { A whistle is heard}
{Wipe to three lacrosse sticks being held in the air}
STRONG BAD: Oh, and his dad was totally there and not at Applebee's! {The camera lowers to reveal The Cheat holding the sticks.} Good shot, John-Jimmy!
{static cut to The Garage. Strong Bad is holding a "Seedy Rom".}
STRONG BAD: Add panache, pizzaz, and pep with a CD Rom work of animated clip art and copyright-free classical music.
{Cut to a title screen reading "Video Evidence of Homestar & Marzipan's 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 10th Anniversary Celebration!!!"}
HOMESTAR: Are you sure this will work, aka Strong Bad?
{Cut to Homestar in his living room}
STRONG BAD: {whispered} Definitely! Just act like you're celebrating!
HOMESTAR: {dancing} Oh, twice! I'm a lavish gift-giver!
{Cut to Strong Bad in The Garage}
STRONG BAD: Weddings? Bar-mitzfvfahs? Bar-Fvfights? First steps? Droopy {snickers} drawers? You name it! I'll videographafize it!
{Cut to Strong Bad in a cowboy outfit at a table}
STRONG BAD: {in a faux-cowboy accent} Take family meat loaf night back to the ooold west! {normally} Did somebody say... sepia tones?
VOICES: Uh, no. I don't... think so. I definitely didn't.
{Cut to Strong Bad in the kitchen}
STRONG BAD: And with our new sweet sweet suite of video toasters, your precious memories will have titles that defy the very laws of reason.
{Cut to a picture of a decoration. "Your Wedding Video" appears onscreen, followe by "The Union of ROBERT McSWAIN: VIDEO MEDIA TECHNOLOGIST and THE LADY HE MARRIED IN AUGUST".}
STRONG BAD: Hopefully that will be enough to keep your wife from wondering why her video media technolgist husband wasn't smart enough to put a video camera on a tripod across the room and press record.
{Cut to Computer Room}
STRONG BAD: {typing} But you could probably also get away with just putting a label that says, 'WEDDIN TAPE' on a VHS cassette since none-out-of-none couples actually ever watch their wedding video. Unless of course a baby drops an f-bomb, somebody pukes in their toupee, or Grandmaw Auntpaw rolls down the stairs in her wheelchair. In which case you simply post it online and turn it into internet gold! And I can definitely arrange for some of that stuff to happen at your wedding, if you enlist my services as an "event coordinator." {stops typing} A-heh heh heh, heh heh heh-HEM.
{The Compé-per comes up}
Easter Eggs
- Clicking on "internet gold" at the end gives you part of the YouTube URL for the video Coach Z pukes in dude's toupee.
- Clicking on "Grandma Auntpaw" at the end shows a short clip of Strong Bad showing off his video camera.
- STRONG BAD: My state-of-the-art camera has a state-of-the-art microphone mounted right next to the giant videotape motor. So you're guaranteed to hear mostly that, and not what Grandmaw Auntpaw just said on her hundred-and-ninth birthday.
- {Title card reading "Grandmaw Auntpaw's 100-Somethingth Birthday Stand-around" appears. Cut to a scene showing a wall and the shadow of an old woman sitting in a wheelchair just out of frame. The recorder's motor plays loudly.}
- GRANDMAW AUNTPAW: {barely audible} I never loved any of you.
Fun Facts
- Lacrosse is a field sport mainly popular in Canada and eastern United States, played with a rubber ball and long handle racquets.
- Video Toaster is a hardware and software system for editing and adding effects to videos.
Inside References
- Strong Bad sings about typing with boxing gloves.
- Strong Bad was last shown with pan with a chicken leg in it in slumber party.
- The music played at the beginning of Strong Bad's demo reel is the theme song from the Sbemailiarized toons.
- Strong Bad's wallpaper is one of the Wallpapers from the Download page.
- The music that plays during the meatloaf night scene is the theme song to "The Strong Bad", which was introduced in pizzaz.
- The last time The Brothers Chaps created a YouTube exclusive was when they released Strong Bad Gameways, the URL hash for which appeared in a similar Easter egg in shapeshifter.
Real-World References
- Applebee's is a US chain of family dining restaurants (that used to be based in Atlanta).
- Problem Child was a series of early 1990s films and an animated series about a bratty child. However, there were only three films in the series.
External Links
- watch "videography"
- watch "videography" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "videography"
- forum thread re: "videography"
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