sbemail 206
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Strong Bad Email #206 |
After years of checking his email on kitchen appliances, Strong Bad gives April Fools' Day on the Internet a piece of his mind.
Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, The Homestar Runner, Old Timey Strong Bad, Coach Z, Strong Sad, Marzipan, The Cheat, Strong Mad, The King of Town, Bubs
Places: Kitchen of The Brothers Strong, Computer Room, Bubs' Concession Stand, The Field, King of Town's Castle
Computer: Lappier
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Running Time: 4:47 (official), 5:12 (actual)
Page Title: Econowave 4761-V
Contents |
{Strong Bad is in front of a microwave on a kitchen counter.}
STRONG BAD: {singing} Emails are like Hot Pockets, they're full of garbage and cheese.
{The microwave beeps and turns on. Text scrolls from right to left on the small screen.}
{Strong Bad reads the words haltingly as they appear. Reads sender's name as "Matt Massapequa". The microwave beeps, and "DONE." scrolls down from above.}
STRONG BAD: Wait a minute, have I not always checked my email on kitchen appliances?!
{Cut to Strong Bad in front of a running blender. "DEAR STRONG BAD" scrolls across a tiny screen.}
STRONG BAD: "Dear Strong Bad..."
{Cut to Strong Bad in front of a toaster. Toast pops up with "DEAR STRONG BAD" burned onto the side.}
STRONG BAD: "Dear Strong Bad..."
{Cut to Strong Bad in front of a fridge. He pushes a glass into the ice dispenser.}
STRONG BAD: "Dear crushed ice..."
{Cut to Strong Bad in front of the Compé. The screen says:}
Dear Strong Bad,
Do you enloy reasing?
I do two! How 'bou?
-The Tawdry Man
STRONG BAD: "Dear Strong Bad..."
{Cut back to Strong Bad at the counter. He turns away from the microwave.}
STRONG BAD: Oh, yeah! Computers! {He hops down from his stool} Let's go see how that old Compé is doing!
{Cut to Strong Bad in front of his computer table. The Compé appears to be buried in a huge mound of dust, with only its top-right corner poking out.}}
STRONG BAD: ...Ooh. That is... that is some dust. {Close up of the desk. Strong Bad steps closer} Well, I'd best get to blowin'! I said a-FWWWWWWWWWWWW...
{He blows into the mound. A cloud of dust obscures the screen. When it clears, the Lappier is sitting where the Compé used to be. The top-right corner of the Compé's monitor is balanced on the Lappier's screen. It clatters to the desk.}
STRONG BAD: Whoa! All that dust compressed my old computer into a newer, even better computer! Like coal to a diamond!
{Rear view of the Lappier. Strong Bad picks up the Compé corner.}
STRONG BAD: Ah, Compé, we hardly knew yé. Whup! {He tosses the Compé corner off to the side}
{Cut back to the front of the Lappier. It boots up with a jingle and a 3D model resembling the Lappy logo that zooms and in rotates twice. "Lappier" appears on-screen.}
STRONG BAD: The Lappier. Just like the previous model, only crappier. I mean, more expensive. I-I mean, lappier.
{The Lappier dings. A notice appears with the text "Today's date is April 1" and the Lappier logo.}
STRONG BAD: What?! April First?! Aw, man, I can't check my email today!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {excited} Here it comes, {Cut to wide shot. Homestar is sitting on the computer table to the right of the Lappier, knees tucked in and feet drumming on the table.} here it comes! {He stops drumming his feet} Brace myself! {He holds his breath.}
STRONG BAD: Homestar, what are you doing here?
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Just Waiting for you to drop that April Foo' Day bomb, Strong Bad! {He hops off the table} Our website always has the best pranks!
{Close up of Strong Bad.}
STRONG BAD: Homestar, everybody knows the internet already ruined April Fools' Day. ...On February 7, 2008, ironically enough.
{Close up of Homestar.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: But it's the day the internet gets on the internet to make inside jokes about the internet!
{Wide shot of the two of them.}
STRONG BAD: Exactly. {sarcastic} And I can't wait to be soooo fooled when {Cut to the welcome screen. Strong Bad and Homestar continue talking as voiceovers.} my favorite website looks like it's from another time period!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh. Man. {A cursor enters the screen and wiggles back and forth.} This looks just like one of them Flash-y cartoon websites {The cursor stops over "watch intro" and a Flash Player Settings popup appears over Homestar's face.} from 2002!
{The cursor moves to the update button and clicks a few times. It starts waggling again as Strong Bad speaks.}
STRONG BAD: No! Shut up! I haven't done it yet! Boo-ling...
{The welcome screen transforms into an Old-Timey version with a mechanical version of The Homestar Runner. As Homestar speaks, it moves to click on "WEB".}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: What happened to my websize? It's gone Old Time Jones!
{The cursor clicks on "SITE". A sign comes down from the top of the screen.}
THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: E'erybody, e'erybody.
{The Homestar Runner rotates counterclockwise out of the screen, and a mechanical Old Timey Strong Bad rotates into the screen in the same direction.}
OLD TIMEY STRONG BAD: Insert one pence for tomfoolery!
{Old Timey Strong Bad rotates back out of the screen, replaced by The Homestar Runner.}
THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: Insert a baby. {opens his mouth.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, no, I'm not falling for that prank again. Strong Bad, let's move on to the next thing you're gonna make fun of.
{Cut to a green rating card.}
STRONG BAD: And don't forget all the great fake movie trailers we get to suffer through.
{As the voiceover speaks, extreme closeups of Dangeresque's sunglasses.}
VOICEOVER: Sometimes, a cruel, cruel world needs a man with cool, cool glasses.
{Shot of Dangeresque's glasses in a spotlight. The theme from Dangeresque 2, This Time It's Not Dangeresque 1 plays. Cut to two Dangeresques facing off on top of Bubs' Concession Stand, each holding a nunchuck-gun. One of them is holding his gun by the nunchuck.}
DANGERESQUES: Two Dangeresques?!
{Wider shot, now including two Dangeresque Twos. One has a mustached face drawn on his star.}
DANGERESQUE TWOS: And two Dangeresque Twos?!
{Renaldo pops up front and center.}
RENALDO: But that equals...!
{Cut to black screen. "Dangeresque" scrolls upwards in the background while a "4" scrolls approaches in the foreground.}
VOICEOVER: Dangeresque Four... {The "4" is replaced with "÷ 2"...} Divided by Two... {...followed by "= 6".}Equals Six!
{As the theme ends, the full title appears: "Dangeresque 4 ÷ 2 = 6". Cut to a closeup of Dangeresque.}
DANGERESQUE: Or did I? {"Or did I?" appears below his face. Additional I's appear as he adds} ...I, I, I, I, I? {Musical sting with a cut to a six-lens'd pair of Dangeresque sunglasses.} ...Is that-- is that six?
When's it coming out?! When's it coming out?! I gotta forward this to all my peeps on Google Buzz!
STRONG BAD: Now, hang on, we don't want to forget about the fake ads for nerd culture products that don't really exist.
STRONG SAD: Did someone say, "nerd cultures"? Ahh!
ANNOUNCER: Burninate back-to-school with the Trogdor Beefy Arm Backpack. Two straps! One beefy arm! Secret com-pockt-ments for all your consummate V's. And you'll look "rather dashing" in this Burninated Peasant Zip-up Trench Hoodie.
STRONG BAD: It's only fake unless enough of you say you'll buy one, in which case, support my crowdfunding campaign!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: I want one! Imagine me with three arms! Oooooooh! I gotta send this to all my Google Waveboards!
STRONG BAD: Forget all that mess! I'm yanking April Fools' off the internet and back into the real world! Where it can physically hurt people!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Nobody falls for that stuff no more, Strong Bad!
STRONG BAD: Hey, Homestar! I'd like you to meet your long lost twin brother!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Chauncey! Give us a three-arm hug!
STRONG BAD: Ha! April Fools'!
MARZIPAN: Are you sure this is gluten-free?
STRONG BAD: April Fools'!
STRONG BAD: Hey, King of Town, I'd like you to eat... your long lost twin brother.
STRONG BAD: A-tee hee.
STRONG BAD: And a-tee hee hee.
BUBS: How am I supposed to get inside my car?
COACH Z: How am I supposed to get outside my apratment?
STRONG BAD: Now, that's how you April Fools' a body. Pain and suffering. Not... inconvenient web browsing.
STRONG BAD: Hey, look at that! Now I can check my email. Alright boxing gloves, get ready to work your inexplicable magic. I check my email on computers, huh-HA! Uh, no toast!
Easter Eggs
- Click on "Update?" at the end to access another Old-Timey style Index Page scene.
- {Animatronic The Homestar Runner can be seen briefly, before an animatronic Old-Timey Strong Bad appears in his place.}
- ANIMATRONIC OLD-TIMEY STRONG BAD: {his words appear in frames as he speaks them} Olde Time Jones! Drug Filled Tonic! It's for children, you!
Fun Facts
- This email was previously teased in a Tweet on February 27, 2012 that read "Someday, when you least expect it...". Attached was part of a script (which has since been changed heavily).
- This is the first Strong Bad Email to be uploaded since videography on October 5, 2009, ending its longest hiatus to date (approximately five and a half years).
- The Lappier is based on Strong Bad's third computer, the Lappy 486.
- The YouTube version is titled "sbemail206 - April 1st".
- The Floppy Disk Container reads "level 10", very likely a reference to Stinkoman 20X6.
- The fake merchandise shown is worn by Mike Chapman.
- Before Strong Bad dusts off the Compé, its gray plug is clearly visible. However, after the Lappier is revealed, it becomes a beige plug.
- Strong Bad's pants have no reflection when Marzipan is seen with The Cheat in her throat.
- Strong Bad is able to activate the microwave without pressing the Start button.
- When Coach Z appears as Renaldo, his arms are a paler shade of green than his body.
- During the rear-view shot of the Lappier, a section of the table is missing on the bottom-right corner.
Inside References
- The fake merchandise shown is based on the characters Trogdor and Rather Dashing.
- Homestar wants a Trogdor backpack (which includes a beefy arm) so he can have "three arms".
- Homestar mistakens his reflection for his "twin brother 'Chauncey'".
- In hygiene, Homestar (as John) called a moth that lived in his mouth by this name.
- When Homestar breaks the mirror, he gets shards of broken glass in his face, which previously occurred in licensed.
- The mirror shown has an appropriately placed mustache on it.
- Marzipan is standing behind a cinder block with a chalkboard reading "gluten-free concert for birds".
- This email marks another instance of Strong Bad smiling.
- The King of Town takes a bite from a mirror.
- The upside-down turtle next to Strong Mad was previously seen getting oatmeal dumped on it in new hands.
- There is another mention of Jones.
- Strong Bad was previously asked if he happens to "enloy reasing" in an Easter egg email in unused emails.
Real-World References
- Google Buzz was a social network launched in February 2010, and discontinued in December 2011 when it was replaced by Google+.
- Google Wave was collaborative, real-time editing web service launched by Google in September 2009. It has since been discontinued.
- "Olde Time Jones Drug Filled Tonic" being marketed towards children is a reference to how children's medicines of the past contained ingredients that today would be questionable at best, including opium and cocaine.
External Links
- watch "sbemail 206"
- watch "sbemail 206" on YouTube
- watch "sbemail 206" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "sbemail 206"
- forum thread re: "sbemail 206"