Timeline of Homestar Runner

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Original Book

1996 "Everybody loves the Homestar Runner. He is a terrific athlete."

Where My Hat is At?

1999 Where your hat is at, Homestar?


2000 The Homestar Runner!

Strong Bad Email

2001 "Oh, who is the guy who checks all his emails? That's me, Strong Bad."

Compy 386

2002 "A spectacle of graphics and sound!"

Puppet Stuff

2003 "And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!""Don't ask me why I said it. Because I already forgot."

Cheat Commandos
Peasant's Quest
Lappy 486

2004 "Finally, a computer for your lap!"

Stinkoman 20X6
Everything Else

2005 "Teen Girl Squad Tenthennial Extravaganza!"

Podstar Runner

2006 "What am I doing in this tiny box?"

New Paper

2007 "Heunh heownh heunh heownh vvvvvt eangt clonk-a-donk!"


2008 "Time to tear up another day, the Strong Bad freakin' way!"


2009 "So sleek! So-phisticated! So... Compé!"

Xeriouxly Forxe

2010 "Xhut up and juxt xay your linex!"


2011 "DON'T throw baby!"

sbemail 206 teaser

2012 "Someday, when you least expect it..."

W00tstock 5.0

2013 "Go away, Homestuck."

April Fools' 2014

2014 "You got this, Homestar. This is nothin'."

sbemail 206

2015 "Just like the previous model, only crappier. I mean, more expensive. I mean, lappier."

MAM 17.2
20th Anniversary Show

2016 "What? How can her mailbox be full?"

Skills of an Artist

2017 "Welcome back to another Skills of an Artist!"

Deleteheads Download

2018 "A cooperative game of burnination, majesty, and consummate V's."

Trogdor!! EP

2019 Just remember all the awesome stuff that Trogdor did!

Original Soundtrack
Level 10
Post-Flash site update

2020 Come on in!

Main Page 27
Halloween Hide & Seek

2021 Come celebrate Trogday with the first new homepage in over 10 years.


2022 What the crap? A non-chocolate and/or LEGO Decemberweenvent calendar? I used to could eat both of thems

Roomisode Triungulate

2023 Three bite-sized different Roomisode...isodes.

This is a brief overview of the history of the Homestar Runner body of work.


[edit] 1996

[edit] 1999

[edit] 2000

[edit] 2001

[edit] 2002

[edit] 2003

[edit] 2004

[edit] 2005

[edit] 2006

[edit] 2007

[edit] 2008

[edit] 2009

[edit] 2010

[edit] 2011

  • September 29 — @StrongBadActual is registered.
  • Following the December 22, 2010 update, homestarrunner.com was not updated during 2011, and most of the merchandise in the Store was put on sale on May 16.

[edit] 2013

[edit] 2014

[edit] 2015

  • April 1 — Strong Bad checks his email for the first time in five years in sbemail 206. The Compé is unceremoniously "compressed" by dust into the Lappier, and the Compé-per is replaced with a CGI Paper.
  • March 3 — The store is redesigned and moved to a different website.
  • March 27 — NavBar updated; "subscribe" link replaced with "youtube"

[edit] 2016

[edit] 2017

[edit] 2018

[edit] 2019

[edit] 2020

[edit] 2021

[edit] 2022

[edit] 2023

[edit] See Also

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