User:Qermaq/Words said or seen once
From Homestar Runner Wiki
There are a surprising number of words which have been used only once in the Homestar Runner universe. They range from unusual (cacodemons) to commonplace (rainbows). In this list, each word is linked to the email, toon or other item where the word is uniquely found. See if you can guess the source before clicking the link.
Feel free to extend this list, adding new words in alphabetical order. The word must be seen or heard only once. If it's heard and seen simultaneously, that's OK. If it's a special case, like a word that happens twice (or, rarely, three times) in one and only one toon, put it in the Honorable Mention section.
No unique/incorrect spellings (buisness), coined words (SBLOUNSKCHED!), proper names (Mudgeman), non-English words, etc. are allowed. A real word used as a slang word unassociated with the word's meaning (e.g. "stampers") is disallowed. Just plain words used as plain words, please. If a word is spelled correctly once and misspelled again, that counts as two instances of that word (because misspellings aren't correct) and the word isn't a one-time word. Ex. "cigarette" in space program and "cigarrette" in Teen Girl Squad Issue 5 count as two uses of the same word "cigarette", and therefore neither qualifies here.
Only toons (big, shorts, SBEmails, Answering Machines, character pages, etc.) count, including the Easter eggs within the toon. Don't include the actual games, Videlectrix pages, Strong Sad's Lament, other webpages opened through Easter eggs, commentaries, etc. Link with the toon's name so others can guess the answer.
Feel free to sign any words you add to the list. Please use only three tildes (~~~) to produce a signature but no time stamp. This is not a contest, this is only an exhibition; please, no wagering.
[edit] Words heard/seen only once in H*R cartoons
[edit] Honorable Mention
These words appear more than once in a single toon or email, usually either in rapid succession, or where the word appears first during the main part of the toon and again in an Easter egg.
- alibi (said twice in one toon)
- alms (said twice in one toon) Lira (talk)
- analyzed (said twice in the toon) The Knights Who Say Ni
- antimacassar (said twice in rapid succession with different pronunciations) ■■ PURPLE WRENCH ■■
- bequeath (said three times in rapid succession) -Brightstar Shiner
- brioche (said twice in related context) The Knights Who Say Ni
- broached (said thrice in quick succession) Catjaz63
- bullhorn (said twice in one email) kai lyn
- caucus (said twice in one toon) Lira (talk)
- chard (said twice in rapid succession) Lira (talk)
- cleanse (said twice in one toon) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- clink (said twice in quick succession) Catjaz63
- continent (said three times in the same sentence) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- contraction (once in toon, again in an Easter egg) I R F
- corporeal (The Homestar Runner says it repeatedly and Narrator Strong Bad doubts his knowledge and repeats it himself.) --Jeffjman
- couth (Said twice within a couple of seconds) The Knights Who Say Ni
- crabby (said twice in rapid succession) Gfdgsgxgzgdrc
- crêpes (said twice in one toon) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- crumple (said five times in quick succession) Catjaz63
- curveball (heard in toon, then again in Easter egg) — KieferSkunk (talk) —
- datum (said twice and seen written once in one email) That'sBupkis!
- destiny (said twice in one toon, the second time referencing the first) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- dilemma (said twice in one toon) - Qermaq - (T/C)
- ditto (said twice in rapid succession, seen a few seconds later) The Knights Who Say Ni
- dorsal (said twice in one email) kai lyn
- draconian (said twice in rapid succession) Gfdgsgxgzgdrc
- exam (said twice, first time as a plural) --DorianGray
- faint (said twice in rapid succession) --DorianGray
- figurative (said twice in rapid succession) — Defender1031*Talk
- flushed (said twice in one email)
- frustration (said twice in rapid succession, second time as plural) — KieferSkunk (talk) —
- galvanized (said eight or nine times across the toon) The Knights Who Say Ni
- gelatinous (said twice in one email) ~That Guy Over There ()
- ghoul (said twice in an Easter egg) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- government (said twice in rapid succession)
- grandiose (said three times in the email) The Knights Who Say Ni
- handshake (said three times throughout the toon, once plural) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- herbs (said three times throughout the toon) The Knights Who Say Ni
- hummus (said twice in rapid succession) — KieferSkunk (talk) —
- joyous (said three times in the same toon) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- kneel (said six times in rapid succession) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- ladybug (said twice in the same scene) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- leadership (heard at the beginning, then seen later) — KieferSkunk (talk) —
- linebacker (said/seen once, mumbled later) --- Collin - (T/C)
- llama (said twice in quick succession) Lira (talk)
- macabre (said three times, plus one more in an unusual pronunciation) --Jay (Gobble)
- machete (said twice in rapid succession with different pronunciations) ■■ PURPLE WRENCH ■■
- macrame (said four times in related contexts) --Jay (Gobble)
- medically (said in two separate Easter eggs, the latter instance being a reference to the former) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- megabyte (said three times in the same toon) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- mining (said twice in quick succession) - Qermaq - (T/C)
- moderately (Heard once, then seen in an Easter egg) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- nutmeg (said three times and seen once in one scene)
- outgoing (said in two consecutive messages) The Knights Who Say Ni
- oxen (said once colloquially; then three times properly, all in quick succession) The Knights Who Say Ni
- oyster (once in toon, then again in an Easter egg) Catjaz63
- palette (said twice in the same toon) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- pangs (said four times in rapid succession) Gfdgsgxgzgdrc
- payable (said twice in quick succession) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- peaceful (said twice in a couple of seconds) —Shwoo
- peppers (not in a toon, but in a website Easter egg of a toon) — Has Matt? (talk)
- piñata (said twice in one email, the second time as a plural) The Knights Who Say Ni
- platter (said twice in one email in related context) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- podcast (said three times in one toon)
- possessive (once in toon, then again in an Easter egg) — KieferSkunk (talk) —
- proboscis (said twice in related context) The Knights Who Say Ni
- Professor (Once in the toon, and twice in the Easter egg) —Shwoo
- provost (said twice in rapid succession) ■■ PURPLE WRENCH ■■
- pumpernickel (once in toon, then again in an Easter egg) The Knights Who Say Ni
- relish (twice in one toon) Jay (Gobble)
- removers (said four times in one toon) Catjaz63
- rye (once in toon, then again in an Easter egg) - Qermaq - (T/C)
- scalawag (once in toon, again in an Easter egg) - Qermaq - (T/C)
- scripture (said twice in about two seconds)
- scrum (said three times in rapid succession) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- seasoning (said twice in the same scene) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- slant (said three times in similar contexts, one of which was in an Easter egg) Jay (Gobble)
- slogging (said twice) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- smokestack (said once in the main toon and seen once in an Easter egg) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- spices (said three times across the cartoon) The Knights Who Say Ni
- sporting (said twice in the same sentence) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- strafe (said/seen twice in one toon) Jay (Gobble)
- suggestive (said twice in one toon) Catjaz63
- syncopations (sung several times near the end of the toon and in an Easter egg) DEI DAT VM┌datvm center\super contra┘
- taffy (said twice in one scene, the first time as a plural) Gfdgsgxgzgdrc
- timeless (said twice in succession) FelixCroc
- toga (said three times in the toon) The Knights Who Say Ni
- toggle (said/seen twice in one toon) Jay (Gobble)
- traipsing (said three times during the email song) The Knights Who Say Ni
- travelogue (said twice in the same toon, also appearing on-screen the first time) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- uncouth (said twice within a couple of seconds) —Shwoo
- urchin (said three times in the same toon) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- vine (said twice in quick succession) —Shwoo
- watchman (said twice in the same toon) — Keegster2 (Howl at me)
- weasel (said twice in quick succession) --DorianGray
- Whammies (said twice in quick succession) Jnelson09