Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective

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Baddest of the Bands Homestar Ruiner
This article is about the SBCG4AP episode. For the Strong Bad Email, see dangeresque 3. For other uses, see Dangeresque.
Dangeresqe 3: The Criminal Projective logo

Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective is the fourth episode of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People game series, due in November 2008. It was written by Mark Darin and The Brothers Chaps.

The long-awaited third episode of the much-beloved and well-acted Dangeresque series is finally released to the world!... Once Strong Bad can make it, that is.

It is worth noting that since it will be utilizing the Wii graphics, the game will, in fact, be in 3D, just as Strong Bad declared in stunt double. However, by all appearances, it will not be anaglyphic.

Cast: Strong Bad as Dangeresque, Homestar Runner as Dangeresque Too, Coach Z as Renaldo, The Cheat


Preview Transcript

{ The "On the next episode of SBCG4AP..." screen is shown.}

{Homestar as Dangeresque Too? is in the Field.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {whispers} Okay, now? Okay—

{Strong Bad as Dangeresque peers from behind Bubs' Stand.}

STRONG BAD: {whispers} Shut up! We're rolling!

{The screen flares "STRONG BAD is 'Dangeresque'" in blue text, but then fades into orange text. A slight beat starts.}

{Strong Bad and Homestar are sitting in the Gremlin. The Cheat can just barely be seen running past the car with a tree to simulate movement.}

STRONG BAD: I'm wanted outside Brainblow City for "Undisclothed Violations". If I go beyond this point, I could be shot on sight!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {sounding annoyed} Take the shot!

{The screen flares "HOMESTAR RUNNER is 'Dangeresque, Too?'" in blue text, but then fades to orange, just like the last caption.}

{Homestar is back in the Field.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: You got what you had coming to you, {he takes off his Dangeresque, Too? glasses} Toe-fu!

{The screen flares "DANGERESQUE 3: The Criminal Projective" in the same manner as "HOMESTAR RUNNER is 'Dangeresque, Too?'" and "STRONG BAD is 'Dangeresque'", then the text zooms into orange and displays "New episode every month!"}

{Homestar and Strong Bad are on top of Bubs' Stand.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER AND STRONG BAD: {simultaneously} Looks like we're gonna have to jump!

{Homestar and Strong Bad jump off of Bubs' Stand, the screen freezes and fades a little into orange and displays on the Wii version "Play it on Wiiware", and on the PC version, "www.telltalegames.com".}

Fun Facts


  • If the preview is watched following the end credits of Baddest of the Bands, The Stick appears in the background behind Bubs' stand, still covered in toilet paper. Watching the preview from the main menu, however, does not show The Stick at all.

External Links

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