fan club

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Strong Bad Email #188
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"All right, deleteheads. It's been a big week for the fan club."

Strong Bad talks about his fan club, "The Deleteheads".

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Strong Sad, Strong Mad, Cinder Block, The Cheat, Homsar or Senor Cardgage, Homestar Runner, Vector Strong Bad (Easter egg), Marzipan (Easter egg), The King of Town (Easter egg)

Places: Computer Room, Strong Sad's Room, Marzipan's House (Easter egg)

Computer: Lappy 486

Date: Monday, January 28, 2008

Running Time: 4:26 official, 4:32 actual

Page Title: Lappy 486

DVD: strongbad_email.exe Disc Six, Sbemails' 50 Greatest Hits DVD


[edit] Transcript

STRONG BAD: {singing} Green green grass... A pleasant ghost... Strong Bad Email, make us some toast! {brings up the email}

{Strong Bad stutters the word "it''s" a little, and pronounces "whose" heavily and with an s instead of z sound.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Ah, fan clubs. Sweet, innocent, restraining order-inducing fan clubs. Don't get me wrong, fans are great. It's the addition of 'club' that totally roons it. {clears the screen} Which is the opposite of how it usually works. For instance: turkey = {the word is typed in a dull brown color; other voices groan} mrenh, turkey club = {the word appears in a rainbow of colors} mmmMMRENHhhhh! {the other voices cheer "Yay!"} But yes, there is a sbemail fan club. Its members call themselves 'Deleteheads' and in a chocolate-covered bit of Stockholm syndrome-esque irony, their president is brother Strong Sad!

{Cut to Strong Sad standing at a table in his room. There is a notebook on the table. He is wearing a hat styled after a computer's delete key, which reads "Del" on it.}

STRONG SAD: {singing} Popa-ulation: Tiii-iii-iiire! {sits, producing the Geddup Noise} All right, deleteheads. It's been a big week for the fan club.

{Cut to Strong Mad, The Cheat, and the Cinderblock sitting across from him, all wearing the same delete key hats.}

STRONG SAD: We finally switched over our web hosting from {cut back to Strong Sad} Geofire to Angelcities.

{A screen of the Deleteheads website, called "The Delete-Heads Website", pops up. There is a pixelated picture of Strong Bad dancing, as well as links to "Our friend Scott's website".}

STRONG SAD: And they've upgraded all of our dead links to hyperlinks!

{The website screen drops off again, showing Strong Sad once more.}

STRONG SAD: We also had several interesting discussions in the ongoing debate series "Non Sequitur Champion: Cardgage or Homsar".

{Scene cuts to either Senor Cardgage or Homsar, chosen at random:}

  • HOMSAR: {wearing a computer key hat that reads "Thump"} My name's Millions, and I'm a son of a Chipwich!
  • SENOR CARDGAGE: {standing next to a duffel bag} Carrageenan, Monteljohn. Can you detect me to the nearest bus stamp?

{Cut back to Strong Sad.}

STRONG SAD: ...Uhp, debate's over! Oh, and I just received confirmation today that Abdi LaRue, {scene switches to the view of Strong Mad and The Cheat} sender of the first {Strong Mad grins} Strong Bad Email, {cut back to Strong Sad} is a lock for this year's FHQWHfest.

{A flier for "FHQWHfest '08" appears.}

STRONG SAD: And there's a rumor {the flier disappears} going around that Stro Bro himself might show up to sign autographs!

{Strong Bad walks by, seen through the doorway, carrying an extremely long submarine sandwich. The sandwich continues to go by the doorway after Strong Bad walks off.}

STRONG BAD: {casually} Yeah... I'm not comin'.

STRONG SAD: Don't forget to bombard Strong Bad with emails on Sunday night. {thumps fist for emphasis} I think we should go with asking about Bubs's first wife. Some good potential there.

{At this point, The Cheat, still wearing his Deletehead hat, can be seen through the doorway, carrying the other end of Strong Bad's sandwich.}

STRONG SAD: She was a real firebrand, that one!

{Cut back to the Lappy.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} So that's fan clubs, the next worst word you can couple with the word 'fan' is, you guessed it, {ominous, eerie music plays} the word {Strong Bad's voice slows down, and the camera zooms in on the word as he types it} 'fiction.'

{Cut to a sheet of paper. The words appear typed on the paper as Strong Sad says them.}

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: {voice-over} A Grade A Gray Day, {typewriter chime} a sbemail fanfic by S.Sad

{Pan down to show the Lappy from the rear. Strong Sad's words appear above the scene as he speaks.}

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: {voice-over} The Lappy hummed quietly to itself.

{The scene changes to show Strong Bad rubbing his chin and puzzling over the Lappy.}

STRONG BAD: {voiced by Strong Sad} Curious...

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: ...said Strong Bad.

STRONG BAD: {voiced by Strong Sad} Very curious indeed.

STRONG BAD: {toward the camera, in his normal voice} Since that's totally the way I talk.

{Cut to a shot of the Lappy's screen, showing the message "Your inbox has 0 new messages".}

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: {voice-over} His inbox flickered "0 new messages" back at him.

{Cut back to a long shot of Strong Bad and the Lappy, with empty space on the left side.}

STRONG BAD: Oh, this is definitely fiction.

{Homestar walks in. After the word "striding", the words fade out and no longer appear at the top of the scene.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiced by Strong Sad} Ahoy, Strong Bad!

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: ...said Homestar Runner striding casually into the room.

{Close up of Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiced by Strong Sad} You'll never have to answer another email again!

{Cut back to Homestar and Strong Bad.}

STRONG BAD: {voiced by Strong Sad} Grandiose.

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: ...replied Strong Bad, eyelids lowered. {Strong Bad lowers his eyelids}

STRONG BAD: {voiced by Strong Sad} "What did you do this time?"

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {whispering, in his normal voice} Hey, Strong Bad. Check out my Strong Sad impression. Ahem.

{Close up of Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {voiced by Strong Sad} "I turned them all over to Twelve-Times-A-Day Man!"

{Cut to a long shot of Homestar with empty space on the left side. Twelve-Times-A-Day Man, who is Strong Sad dressed in a yellow mask and cape, with a logo reading "12X" on his chest, flies down from the top of the screen and lands behind Homestar.}

TWELVE-TIMES-A-DAY MAN: I can do it! I can do it twelve times!


{Cut to Strong Bad, raising his arms in outrage.}

STRONG BAD: Twelve-Times-A-Day Man? You can't just start makin' up terrible new characters!

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: {voice-over} ...he said, putting on a bonnet, {a bonnet suddenly appears on Strong Bad's head. He tries to take it off with stiffened arms to no avail} and giving Homestar a deep-tissue massage.

{The Lappy flies up out of Strong Bad's way, as he raises his arms and approaches Homestar unwillingly.}


HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, this gon' be good!

{He turns his back toward Strong Bad.}

STRONG BAD: That's it. Two can play at this extremely nerdy game!

{A piece of notebook paper comes down. Strong Bad's words also appear as he says them, while dialogue appears in word balloons.}

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: {voice-over} INTO the MORONOSPHERE!! A deleteheads fan fiction, {the following does not appear} because I have plenty of time to say both syllables. {the following words appear} By Strong Bad.

{Cut to a rough drawing of Strong Sad sitting at a table, with a poorly drawn The Cheat and a drawing of Strong Mad that more closely resembles a large cardboard box with an angry face surrounding the table.}

STRONG SAD: {voiced by Strong Bad} "And that's why I like ALL them Star Tracks!"

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: ...said Strong Sad, an entire bag of Twizzlers falling out of his mouth.

{A saliva-covered bag marked "TWIZ" hits the table in front of Strong Sad.}

STRONG SAD: Hey! You know I can't eat Twizzlérs!

{Cut to a drawing of Strong Sad being menaced by a long, snakelike sandwich with eyes and fangs. Two pieces of bologna are dripping from its mouth like saliva.}

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: {voice-over} Suddenly, an eight-foot sub sandwich constrictor {The caption "engsmsplode!" is added to the drawing, with a burst around the sandwich constrictor for emphasis} out of nowhere!

{Cut to Strong Sad, who is very poorly drawn}

STRONG SAD: You can't just start making up terrible new words!

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: {voice-over} ...whined Strong Sad,—

{Scene changes to a drawing of the sandwich constrictor wrapped around Strong Sad up to his waist.}

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: {voice-over} —already up to his waist in braided hoagie roll.

STRONG SAD: Okay, okay! I'll go easy on the fan fic!

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: {voice-over} Just then,—

{The scene changes to show Homestar gleefully coming in from the left. His shirt and soles are missing, though he still has a star on his chest and his propeller hat. A leaf is covering his crotch.}

NARRATOR STRONG BAD: {voice-over} —Homestar traipsed in, naked as a jaybird.

STRONG SAD: Fiction! I mean fiction! I'll go easy on the fan FICTION!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {leaning in close; Strong Sad has turned away with his eyes shut tightly} Hey 12 Times A Day Man, are you gonna eat all them Twizzlérs?

{Cut back to the Lappy.}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Ohh, grandiose! Very grandiose, indeed! Maybe fan clubs and fan fiction aren't so bad after all. In fact, I'm gonna go dabble in a little King of Town fan fiction right now.

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: {voice-over} ...said Strong Bad.

{Strong Bad gets up and leaves, producing the Geddup Noise.}

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: {voice-over} ...said Chairscoot.

{New Paper comes down.}

NARRATOR STRONG SAD: {voice-over} ...said the New Paper.

[edit] Easter Eggs

"Shut up! I'm a card carrying Deletehead."
  • Click on "Deleteheads" to see a Deletehead's member card.
  • At the end, click on the first "grandiose" to see Vector Strong Bad get his catchphrase jumbled up.
  • At the end, click on the first "fan fiction" to see Twelve-Times-A-Day Man "save" Marzipan.
    MARZIPAN: {playing a paddleball game until she misses} Aww, shootie-kahootie. I could only do it eleven times today.
    {Twelve-Times-A-Day Man flies down from the top of the screen.}
    TWELVE-TIMES-A-DAY MAN: I can do it! I can do it twelve times!
  • At the end, click on "dabble" to see a picture of Homsar's "parents": a photo of a mug of coffee and a Chipwich cookie.
  • At the end, click on "King of Town" to see Strong Bad's King of Town fan fiction.
    {Cut to a roughly drawn cartoon of The King of Town with a puddle in front of him, and an unknown substance splashed around his mouth}
    STRONG BAD: {voice-over; speaking as The King of Town} I can't believe I ate that whole pile of whatsit! {normal voice} ...Said the King of Town.
    THE KING OF TOWN: I wish that were fiction...

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Explanations

  • Stockholm syndrome is a condition where hostages show signs of empathy toward their captors.
  • A non sequitur is a response that bears no relevance to the preceding statement.
  • Twelve Times a Day Man is an example of a Mary Sue, a common affliction of fan fiction.
  • A deep tissue massage is a massage that focuses more on a specific joint or muscle group in order to access deeper tissue.
  • Carrageenan is a food additive derived from seaweed.
  • Strong Sad's comment about bombarding Strong Bad with emails on Sunday night refers to the fact that the Brothers Chaps typically post emails on Mondays.
    • Although Strong Bad "answers" emails on Mondays, it takes several days for the Brothers Chaps to actually animate one.

[edit] Trivia

  • The Deleteheads card reads:
Del Shut up! I'm a card carrying
ones pref: coldson lite
fav palaroncini: perry
current status: 1 lady fan
member since: sugarbob
  • Strong Sad's notebook at the meeting reads:
  1. Pledge
  2. Hosting
  3. Fhqwhfest
  4. Blinkg Fun
  • The website reads:


Our friend Scott's website
Our friend Scott's website
Our friend Scott's website
Our friend Scott's website

A Member of the Strong Bad WebRing

{picture of the Atari Dragon}
Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Some Kinda Robot, himself:
Plus: A. Chimendez, Lem Sportsinterviews,
and 6 of the 10 Dans!

[edit] Remarks

  • The "Homsar's Parents" Easter egg shows up even if the "non-sequitur champion" scene shows Senor Cardgage, and Homsar himself does not appear.
  • Vector Strong Bad's "engsmsplode" comes out of his mask, rather than his mouth.
  • Marzipan claims she could only do 11 paddleballs, yet in the Easter egg she's only seen doing 9, although she could have done two before the Easter egg started.
  • When Strong Sad is presiding over his meeting, his eyes appear farther apart than usual.
  • The bonnet on Strong Bad's head stays in the same position even when he turns his head upward.
  • Strong Bad says "Twizzlers" normally, but both Strong Sad and Homestar pronounce it with an acute accent over the e ("Twizzlérs").

[edit] Goofs

  • When Strong Bad is first seen during Strong Sad's fan fiction, a bit of his right arm extends outside his body.
  • When Strong Bad says "Twelve-Times-A-Day Man? You can't just start making up terrible new characters!", the left side of his mouth extends outside of his head.

[edit] Glitches

  • In the Podstar Runner version, Senor Cardgage's lines play against the visual of Homsar's scene, and the audio for the following scenes of Strong Sad speaking and Strong Bad at his computer play out of synch with the animation. After Strong Bad says, "the next worst word you can couple with the word 'fan' is, you guessed it, the word 'fiction'", the DVD title card for the email and a portion of the intro play before the "Grade A Gray Day" scene appears and the email resumes as normal.

[edit] Inside References

[edit] Real-World References

  • "Geofire" and "Angelcities" are portmanteaus of the free web host Angelfire and the now-defunct free web host GeoCities. However, there is an actual web host named AngelCities. GeoCities and Angelfire pages were notorious for lack of maintenance, often leading to any links found on the pages dying.
  • "Star Tracks" is a play on the TV show Star Trek, which is considered something a stereotypical nerd would be interested in. There are two albums of music from science fiction films, including Star Trek, which are called "Star Tracks".
  • The Chipwich is a frozen dessert consisting of vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate chip cookies and then rolled in chocolate chips.
  • Twizzlers are a brand of licorice-style candy sold by Hershey's.

[edit] Fast Forward

[edit] DVD Version

  • The non-sequitur scene is shown thus: Homsar's scene is the only one shown in the actual toon, while the Senor Cardgage version of said scene is accessible as an Easter egg.
  • Like in the Podstar Runner version, before Strong Sad begins reading his fanfiction story, there is a brief cutaway back to the email's intro screen and part of Strong Bad's intro song.
  • The DVD version features hidden creators' commentary. To access it, switch the DVD player's audio language selection while watching.

[edit] Commentary Transcript

(Commentary by: Mike Chapman, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner)

STRONG BAD: I want to comment on this, Mike.

MIKE: Okay.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I want to comment on this, Mike.

MIKE: Oh, great.


MIKE: What's up, guys?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: The double deuce.

STRONG BAD: The double deuce.

MIKE: Talk at the same time for me.

MATT: {quickly alternating between Homestar's and Strong Bad's voice} Okay, we're gonna talk at the same time.

MIKE: You sound like you're from Twin Peaks. The Man from Another Place.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: The little man.

MIKE: The theme from A Summer Place.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {singing a melody} Dooo do do doo do dooo.

MIKE: Alright, so, Homestar, are you a member of any fan clubs?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No, yes, no. In that order. {Mike laughs}

STRONG BAD: Yeah you are, you're the member of the fan club diaper-wearing-right-now fan club... dirty-diaper-wearing-also-right-now-on-top-of-the-other-diaper-you're-wearing fan club.

MIKE: So, wait a minute, he's got on a clean diaper, and on top of the clean diaper he's got on a dirty diaper.

STRONG BAD: That's right.

MIKE: Uh, he had to go through some effort, put forth effort to do that.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Look, Mike, it is— I am a dedicated fan. I will do what I have to do.

MIKE: Alright. Um...

STRONG BAD: So I had no idea this was going on for years. Look at their friend Scott's website.

MIKE: They're Deleteheads. Do you think those are that kind of soft foam that those cheese heads that the Green Bay Packers wear?

STRONG BAD: It is. The same company makes them.

MIKE: Okay. Is that Polymascotfoamalate?

STRONG BAD: {laughing} It probably is.

MIKE: So, what do you think about your fans?

STRONG BAD: I don't like them, this is bad, it's bad— it's like, you never want to meet your fans, 'cause they're always gonna be these kinda guys. Lame dudes—

MIKE: Like your brothers?

STRONG BAD: Crazy, that sit around and talk about you, y'know. The cinder block's the only one at that table I respect. Honestly. That F— FHQWHfest? Have you ever been to one of those?

MIKE: Uhh...

STRONG BAD: A fan fest?

MIKE: Uh, I have been to a few, yeah.

STRONG BAD: Oh man, t— that sandwich.

MIKE: Next time, you should go— go to one of those fan things, bring me one of those sandwiches.

STRONG BAD: I put a presquito on it.

MIKE: Prosciutto.

STRONG BAD: Prosquito.

MIKE: Oh, is that how they pronounce it in—

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That's how I pro— I told him that's how you do it.

MIKE: Well, Strong Bad—

STRONG BAD: Well, Homestar knows a lot about foreign words.

MIKE: {laughs} He does.

STRONG BAD: So, fan fiction. At least it wasn't a romantic fan fiction.

MIKE: {laughs} Yeah. That would be bad.

STRONG BAD: That would be bad news. Though he tried to turn—

MIKE: It would have to be fan fiction, though, if it was gonna be romantic about you, though, right?

STRONG BAD: No, that would be fact...

MIKE: ...iction. {laughs}

STRONG BAD: Fact-iction. Faction.

MIKE: Oh, is that what a faction is?

STRONG BAD: Yeah, a warring— Two warring factions of ladies trying to get at my scrubbly chest hairs.

MIKE: {laughs} You don't have scrubbly chest hairs—

STRONG BAD: {simultaneously} It's like a br—

MIKE: {simultaneously} You have a very shiny sphere for a body.

STRONG BAD: No, no, you just can't see 'em. It's blond, out of my roots. {Mike laughs} And who is this guy? Y'know, he just starts makin' up— And look, he's got the superhero thing where when you put a mask on, your eyes turn into whites. Like Batm'n's. {Mike laughs; pause until the bonnet appears on Strong Bad} Get off! Get that bonnet off my head! Look, he turned me into an animatronic rob— massage-giving robot.

MIKE: I must've animated that part, Strong Bad.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: This was such a tease, I gotta tell ya. {Mike starts to say something} I thought I was gonna get that massage {emphasis on the first syllable}, deep tissue.

MIKE: I'll give you one right now.


MIKE: Yeah. Rubbly-rubbly-rubbly.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey, that's not so bad!

MIKE: Yeah.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Look, it's one of those Thwomps from Mario Sixty-Fo'.

MIKE: Oh yeah, haven't we talked about Strong Mad being that for Halloween?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: He ought to be.

MIKE: Uh, the Matt beneath those two voices, we should remember to do that this year.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {overlapping} No, we— we can talk about that, Mike.

MIKE: Alright, Homestar, remind me.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, I'll suggest it to Strong Mad that he dress up as a Thuh-womp.

MIKE: Okay.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah! {pause until Homestar walks in naked} Oh, look at me now!

MIKE: But your shirt's on.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah, but, that's... tattooed, I got that tattooed to my chest... now.

MIKE: Oh, okay.


MIKE: And so your body is shirt-shaped? So is— your shirt is just a band of color, really?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Look, man, do you wanna really get into this right now, Mike?

MIKE: I— I would like to know, yeah.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Well, I have to go.

STRONG BAD: And I have to take over now.

MIKE: Okay.

STRONG BAD: {pause; in response to Chairscoot} There it goes.

MIKE: Well, that's the end, Strong Bad.


MIKE: Homestar.

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] External Links

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