Fonts By Toon

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For Real.

This is a list of all fonts loaded and used in the Flash files created by The Brothers Chaps. Note: Sometimes, it is more practical for a given text to be loaded into a Flash file as a "shape" rather than as a font. Where possible, this table also identifies (in parentheses) the fonts that were used by The Brothers Chaps to create those shapes.


Strong Bad Email

# Email Title Fonts Used
1 some kinda robot VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
2 homsar Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
3 butt IQ VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
4 homestar hair VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (ActionIs, Arial, Bauhaus-Thin, Potrzebie, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tw Cen MT)
5 making out VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
6 depressio Old English Text MT, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
7 halloweener Lithograph, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
8 brianrietta VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
9 i love you VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
10 trevor the vampire VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
11 i rule Arial Black, Bloody, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
12 credit card VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
13 i she be Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
14 duck pond Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
15 the basics VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
16 band names VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
17 studying VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
18 stand-up AhnbergHand, LcdD, OCR A Extended, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
19 tape-leg VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
20 spring cleaning Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
21 cartoon VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
22 sb_email 22 Arial, Arial Black, Old English Text MT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
23 little animal VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
24 the bird Trebuchet MS, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Sevenet 7)
25 super powers VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (DeepFreeze, Tw Cen MT)
26 CGNU Californian FB, Futura XBlkIt BT, Kristen ITC, Tw Cen MT, Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster
27 3 wishes VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
28 1 step ahead AhnbergHand, Arial, Cooper Black, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
29 superhero name Arial Black, Sand — (Impact, Tw Cen MT, Westminster)
30 12:00 AhnbergHand, LcdD, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Impact, Techno, Tw Cen MT)
31 sugarbob Comic Sans MS, Crayon, Jokerman, Monotype Corsiva, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
32 flag day Arial, Arial Black, Bloody, Century Gothic, Eras, Eras Demi ITC, Futura XBlk BT, OCR A Extended, Tw Cen MT, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster
33 gimmicks VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
34 weird dream Courier New, VOY DOT LCD — (Chicago)
35 sisters Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
36 guitar Arial Black, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
37 dullard Arial, Cooper Black, Peanuts, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
38 helium VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
39 property of ones Bauhaus 93, Futura Lt BT, Times New Roman, P22 Folk Art Cross, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Tw Cen MT)
40 vacation Bickley Script, Brush Script MT, Forte, SignPainter HouseSlant, Westminster — (Academy Engraved LET, Blackletter686 BT, Parade, Tw Cen MT)
41 invisibility Commodore 64, Impact, Rounded Informal, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Square721 BT, Tw Cen MT)
42 action figure Bauhaus 93, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Square721 BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Alba Super, Arial)
43 little questions AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Commodore 64, Sylfaen, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
44 lures & jigs Commodore 64, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT, Staccato222 BT)
45 techno Commodore 64, FederationBold, Impact, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
46 your friends

Official Version: Arial Narrow, Aurora BdCn BT, Blackadder ITC, Commodore 64, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
Alternate Version: Arial Narrow, Ashbury, Commodore 64, Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Impact, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)

47 new hands Blackadder ITC, Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
48 ghosts AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Bloody, Commodore 64, Tw Cen MT Condensed, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Square721 BT)
49 theme party AhnbergHand, Arial, Brush Script MT, Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
50 50 emails AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Kabel Ult BT, Playbill, Poor Richard, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT, Twentieth Century Poster1, Victorian LET)
51 website Comic Sans MS, Commodore 64, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
52 island Arial Black, Commodore 64, SignPainter HouseSlant, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
53 comic AhnbergHand, Arial, Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
54 morning routine AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
55 cheat talk AhnbergHand, Algerian, Arial, Brush Script MT, Century Gothic, Commodore 64, Franklin Gothic Medium Cond, Impact, Parade, SignPainter HouseSlant, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
56 current status AhnbergHand, Arial, Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
57 japanese cartoon AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Commodore 64, Impact, Times New Roman — (FederationBold, Square721 BT)
58 dragon AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93, Square721 BT)
59 marzipan Arial, Arial Black, Commodore 64, Croobie, MotterFemD, VOY DOT LCD, Webdings — (Square721 BT)
60 huttah! AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
61 monster truck Aarco-, AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Bloody, Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD — (Alba Super, Chiller, Creepy, MisterEarl BT, Ruach LET, Space Toaster, Square721 BT)
62 interview AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, Commodore 64, Impact, Old English Text MT, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
63 fingers Bauhaus 93, Blackadder ITC, Commodore 64, Impact, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
64 english paper AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
65 unused emails AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Courier New Baltic, Courier New Greek, Impact, Playbill, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
66 the show ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Karloff, Odessa LET, Peanuts, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
67 autobiography Arial, Britannic Bold, ChalkDust, Commodore 64, FederationBold, Peanuts, Perpetua, SignPainter HouseSlant, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
68 caper AhnbergHand, Arial Narrow, Commodore 64, Peanuts, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
69 personal favorites AhnbergHand, Arial, Brush Script MT, Comic Sans MS, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Impact, Informal Roman, Kabel Ult BT, LcdD, Rounded Informal, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (ComixHeavy, Square721 BT, Tw Cen MT)
70 big white face Chicago, Commodore 64, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
71 2 emails AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Impact, Junior & Stinky, OCR A Extended, Playbill, PT Banana Split, Raskin, VOY DOT LCD — (Forte, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Square721 BT)
72 crazy cartoon Arial, Commodore 64, Pussycat, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet — (Square721 BT)
73 mascot AhnbergHand, Arial, Commodore 64, Brush Script MT, Team MT, Times New Roman, Verdana, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
74 privileges AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Bauhaus 93, Broadway, Commodore 64, Forte, Rockwell Extra Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
75 funny AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Commodore 64, French Script MT, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
76 sibbie AhnbergHand, ChalkDust, Commodore 64, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
77 suntan Arial Black, Brush Script MT, Commodore 64, Forte, Franklin Gothic Demi, Pussycat, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tahoma, Team MT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93, Square721 BT)
78 anything AhnbergHand, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Brush Script MT, ChalkDust, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Engravers MT, Footlight MT Light, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
79 the process AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Forte, Rockwell Extra Bold, Script MT Bold, Tahoma, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
80 stunt double AhnbergHand, Bookman Old Style, Commodore 64, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
81 date Arial Black, Bloody, Braggadocio, Commodore 64, One Stroke Script LET, Ruach LET, Square721 BT, VOY DOT LCD — (PT Banana Split)
82 impression Arial, Bauhaus 93, Commodore 64, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Jokewood, Square721 BT)
83 labor day AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Croobie, Figaro MT, Forte, French Script MT, La Bamba LET, Magneto, Plump MT, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tahoma, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
84 kids' book

Main Flash file: AhnbergHand, blacc_.ttf, Calisto MT, Cataneo BT, Commodore 64, Fine Hand, Script MT Bold, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
Strumstar Hammer Easter egg: (AhnbergHand, Comic Sans MS, Times New Roman)

85 2 years AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Bloody, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Impact, KidTYPEPaint, MS Reference Serif, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
86 no loafing AhnbergHand, Arial CE, Brush Script MT, Commodore 64, FederationBold, Franklin Gothic Medium, Impact, MisterEarl BT, Mercurius Script MT Bold, MotterFemD, ParkAvenue BT, Placard Condensed, Pump Demi Bold LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Square721 BT, Tw Cen MT)
87 mile AhnbergHand, Commodore 64 — (Square721 BT)
88 couch patch AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Brush Script MT, Commodore 64, Impact, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tahoma, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
89 local news AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Bloody, ChalkDust, Commodore 64, FederationBold, Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Impact, SignPainter HouseSlant, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
90 colonization Blackadder ITC, Bloody, Commodore 64, Rockwell, Rockwell Extra Bold, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
91 caffeine AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Courier New Baltic, Pump Demi Bold LET, Smudger LET, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Square721 BT)
92 kind of cool AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Impact, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
93 army AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Bloody, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, MS Reference Serif, Odessa LET, ParkAvenue BT, Placard Condensed, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead3, VOY DOT LCD, Weltron Urban
94 video games AhnbergHand, blacc_.ttf, Blackadder ITC, Commodore 64, FederationBold, LcdD, Metal Lord, Period X, Plump MT, Sydnie, VOY DOT LCD — (DeepFreeze, Square721 BT)
95 the bet Aarco-, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Forte, Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Impact, Kabel Ult BT, Potrzebie, Stencil BT, TypewriterRough, Verdana, VOY DOT LCD — (Croobie, DeepFreeze, La Bamba LET, Plump MT, Square721 BT)
96 lackey

Main Flash file: Ahnberghand, Alba Super, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Benguiat Bk BT, Commodore 64, Forte, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Porky's, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
Homestar/Doreauxgard Easter egg: Alba Super, Benguiat Bk BT, Cooper Black, SignPainter HouseSlant

97 monument Arial Black, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Bloody, Commodore 64, Impact, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Cooper Black, Square721 BT)
98 stupid stuff AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Linoscript, Rounded Informal, Square721 BT)
99 different town Arial, Arial Narrow, Bauhaus-Thin, Brush Script MT, Commodore 64, Impact, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, ThereSignText1, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93, Square721 BT)
100 flashback

Main Flash file: AhnbergHand, Andy, Bauhaus 93, Calisto MT, Commodore 64, Jenkins v2.0, OCRB, Pump Demi Bold LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Square721 BT, Victorian LET)
Limozeen Easter egg: Aarco-

101 car AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tahoma, ThereSignHead2, Times New Roman Baltic, VOY DOT LCD — (Deng Thick, IRONGATE, Square721 BT)
102 lunch special Bloody, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Figaro MT, French Script MT, Impact, Swiss911 XCm BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
103 haircut AhnbergHand, Alba Matter, Arial Black, Commodore 64, Gigi, Peanuts, Raskin, SignPainter HouseSlant, Space Toaster, Stencil BT, Tahoma, Team MT, VOY DOT LCD — (Aarco-, Square721 BT)
104 theme park AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Bloody, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Impact, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead1, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (MisterEarl BT, Pump Demi Bold LET, Square721 BT, Team MT)
105 replacement AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Impact, MotterFemD, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93, Engravers MT, Pump Demi Bold LET, Square721 BT)
106 dangeresque 3 Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold, AhnbergHand, Alba Matter, Arial Black, Bernard MT Condensed, Bookman Old Style, Commodore 64, Franklin Gothic Book, LcdD, SignPainter HouseSlant, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Forte, Square721 BT, Team MT, Techno)
107 cheatday AhnbergHand, Arial, Commodore 64, EraserDust, GungsuhChe, Plump MT, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
108 pom pom AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Commodore 64, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Impact, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
109 crying AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, FederationBold, One Stroke Script LET, Poornut, Pussycat, SignPainter HouseSlant, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
110 for kids Arial, AvantGarde Bk BT, Bauhaus 93, Commodore 64, Creepy, Futura-Bold, ThereSignHead3, VOY DOT LCD — (Alba Super, Baby Kruffy, Plump MT, Square721 BT)
111 other days AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial Black, Bloody, Bookman Old Style, Brush Script MT, Comic Sans MS, Commodore 64, Copperplate Gothic Light, Creepy, EraserDust, Metal Lord, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, P22 Folk Art Stitch, Period X, Rage Italic, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
112 old comics Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold, Andy, Blackadder ITC, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Courier New, Enviro, Perpetua, Team MT, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
113 pizzaz Arial Black, Bloody, Commodore 64, Figaro MT, LcdD, Old English Text MT, Porky's, SignPainter HouseSlant, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD — (Logger, Square721 BT)
114 the facts AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, Commodore 64, Kabel Ult BT, LcdD, OCRB, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Nimbus Script, Square721 BT)
115 time capsule AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, Commodore 64, EraserDust, Franklin Gothic Medium Cond, Haettenschweiler, Harlow Solid Italic, ThereSignText2, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
116 extra plug Aarco-, AhnbergHand, Blackadder ITC, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, FederationBold, Freshbot, LcdD, Parade, Potrzebie, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
117 montage Alba Super, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Commodore 64, French Script MT, Impact, Magneto, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
118 virus

Email: _sans, AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Bauhaus 93, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Courier New, Glitch0, Impact, Potrzebie, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
Click on the Monkey!! popup: No fonts loaded in the Flash file
Fake QOD: Raskin
Fake fanstuff: MS Reference Specialty
Fake sketchbook: No fonts loaded in the Flash file

119 animal AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Bloody, Chicago, Cooper Black, Glitch0, One Stroke Script LET, Plump MT, Poornut, Rage Italic, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
120 radio Britannic Bold, ComixHeavy, FederationBold, Glitch0, Harlow Solid Italic, LcdD, Parchment, Placard Condensed, Pussycat, Quixley LET, Raskin, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead2, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
121 part-time job AhnbergHand, Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Glitch0, Impact, LcdD, Metal Lord, Rage Italic LET, Poor Richard, Showcard Gothic, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
122 dreamail AhnbergHand, Blackadder ITC, Brush Script MT, Glitch0, Stencil BT
123 origins Andy, Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Calisto MT, ComixHeavy, Futura Md BT, Glitch0, Impact, Jenkins v2.0, Jokewood, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
124 secret recipes Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold, AhnbergHand, Bauhaus-Thin, Bernard MT Condensed, blacc_.ttf, Glitch0, Mercurius Script MT Bold, Odessa LET, Showcard Gothic, SignPainter HouseSlant, ThereSignHead1, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Warnock Pro Light Caption
125 rock opera AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Bloody, Figaro MT, French Script MT, Freshbot, Glitch0, Glitch1, Impact, Old English Text MT, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Sylfaen, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Bauhaus 93, Freestyle Script, Tw Cen MT)
126 best thing AhnbergHand, Alba Matter, Alba Super, Andy, Arial, Arial Black, BrushScrD, Glitch0, Harlow Solid Italic, LcdD, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Techno)
127 long pants AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Black, Baby Kruffy, Glitch0, SignPainter HouseSlant, VOY DOT LCD
128 rampage ArcadeClassic, Baskerville Old Face, Bauhaus 93, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Glitch0, Impact, Poornut, ThereSignHead1, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Twentieth Century Poster1, Victorian LET, VOY DOT LCD
129 garage sale AhnbergHand, Alba Matter, Andy, Arial, Arial Black, Baby Kruffy, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Brush Script MT, Croobie, Forte, Glitch0, LcdD, Modern No. 20, MotterFemD, Peanuts, Playbill, Poornut, Pump Demi Bold LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Tahoma, Team MT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Weltron Urban
130 do over AhnbergHand, Curlz MT, Glitch0, MisterEarl BT, Peanuts, Tw Cen MT Condensed, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster
131 boring (really) AhnbergHand, Andy, Glitch0, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93)
132 modeling AhnbergHand, Algerian, ArcadeClassic, AvantGarde Bk BT, Berlin Sans FB Demi, ComixHeavy, Cooper Black, Creepy, Glitch0, Haettenschweiler, MisterEarl BT, Old English Text MT, Playbill, Plump MT, Saturday Morning Television, Showcard Gothic, SignPainter HouseSlant, Space Toaster, Team MT, ThereSignHead2, Times New Roman Baltic, VOY DOT LCD
133 bottom 10 AhnbergHand, Arial Baltic, BrushScrD, Cataneo BT, Forte, Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Glitch0, Jokerman LET, Magneto, MisterEarl BT, MotterFemD, Plump MT, Pussycat, SignPainter HouseSlant, Snap ITC, Square721 BT, ThereSignHead1, Times New Roman, Twentieth Century Poster1, VOY DOT LCD, Warnock Pro SmBd, Westwood LET — (Baby Kruffy, Pleasantly Plump)
134 record book AhnbergHand, Arial, Glitch0, GoreFont, Gradl, Monotype Corsiva, NimbusSanT, Old English Text MT, Stencil BT, Team MT, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93)
135 AhnbergHand, ComixHeavy, Elephant, Garamond, Glitch0, Gungsuh, Kino MT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster
136 geddup noise AhnbergHand, Alba, Andy, Arial, AvantGarde Md BT, Bauhaus-Thin, blacc_.ttf, Commodore 64, Forte, Freshbot, Glitch0, GlooGun, Impact, Odessa LET, Parchment, Square721 BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
137 bedtime story Abadi MT Condensed Light, AhnbergHand, AvantGarde Md BT, Forte, Georgia, Glitch0, Impact, MisterEarl BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
138 space program AhnbergHand, Alba Super, Arial, Arial Black, Arial CYR, Baby Kruffy, Baskerville Old Face, Bauhaus-Thin, Benguiat Bk BT, Bernard MT Condensed, Bloody, Courier New, Glitch0, Joystix, LcdD, OldDreadfulNo7 BT, One Stroke Script LET, Papyrus, Plump MT, Rockwell, Rockwell Extra Bold, Showcard Gothic, Snap ITC, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD
139 portrait Arial Black, Creepy, Glitch0, Impact, LcdD, Peanuts, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD — (Techno)
140 high school _serif, AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, Courier New, Glitch0, Juice ITC, OCRB, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Goudy Stout)
141 death metal AhnbergHand, Glitch0, GoreFont, Impact, IRONGATE, LcdD, MisterEarl BT, MS PGothic, pUNK********, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough — (Techno)
142 secret identity AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial Black, Arial Rounded MT Bold, AvantGarde Bk BT, Cataneo BT, Chick, ComixHeavy, Courier New, Glitch0, Impact, Jokewood, VOY DOT LCD
143 technology AhnbergHand, Alba, Andy, ChalkDust, Glitch0, Impact, Latha, LcdD, Lucida Console, VOY DOT LCD, Warnock Pro Subhead, Westminster
144 narrator Arial Baltic, Arial Black, Bickley Script, blacc_.ttf, Glitch0, GoreFont, Impact, Nimbus Script, Peanuts, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93)
145 myths & legends AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Arial Rounded MT Bold, blacc_.ttf, Bloody, Chiller, Glitch0, Impact, KidTYPEPaint, Papyrus, Pristina, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
146 pop-up AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Century Gothic, Cooper Black, Glitch0, Impact, Jokewood, Magneto, Porky's, Smartie CAPS, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (DeepFreeze)
147 lady fan Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Bauhaus 93, Cooper Black, EraserDust, Glitch0, Magneto, Peanuts, Space Toaster, ThereSignHead3, VOY DOT LCD, Westwood LET
148 disconnected AhnbergHand, Chick, Chiller, Crack Babies, Forte, Freshbot, Futura Md BT, Glitch0, Stencil BT, Team MT, ThereSignHead3, VOY DOT LCD
149 candy product Arial, Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Bell Gothic Std Black, Bookman Old Style, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Crack Babies, FederationBold, Franklin Gothic Medium, Glitch0, Impact, NimbusSanT, pUNK********, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Alba Super)
150 alternate universe AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial, BadaBoom BB, Calisto MT, Glitch0, Impact, One Stroke Script LET, Peanuts, PosterBodoni BT, VOY DOT LCD
151 senior prom AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Calisto MT, Copperplate Gothic Light, Franklin Gothic Demi, Glitch0, Impact, LcdD, Magneto, SignPainter HouseSlant, VOY DOT LCD — (Futura Md BT)
152 isp Glitch0, Impact, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster
153 redesign AhnbergHand, ArcadeClassic, Arial, Arial Black, Bauhaus-Thin, Bloody, Chicago, FederationBold, Forte, Glitch0, GoreFont, Impact, MisterEarl BT, Mistral, Mom´sTypewriter, Plump MT, Poornut, Pump Demi Bold LET, VOY DOT LCD
154 keep cool AhnbergHand, Arial Black, AvantGarde Md BT, Bloody, Cooper Black, Forte, Glitch0, Impact, MisterEarl BT, MotterFemD, PT Banana Split, Showcard Gothic, SignPainter HouseSlant, Smartie CAPS, Stencil BT, Sylfaen, Times New Roman, Victorian LET, VOY DOT LCD
155 theme song AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Chicago, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Elephant, FederationBold, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Glitch0, Impact, Latha, LcdD, Lucida Console, Maiandra GD, MisterEarl BT, MotterFemD, Porky's, PT Banana Split, Rage Italic, Showcard Gothic, Snap ITC, Space Toaster, Staccato222 BT, Stencil BT, Tahoma, Team MT, ThereSignHead1, ThereSignHead2, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Figaro MT, French Script MT)
156 road trip Berlin Sans FB, FederationBold, Glitch0, Impact, MisterEarl BT, VOY DOT LCD
157 trading cards AhnbergHand, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Cooper Black, FederationBold, Glitch0, Palatino Linotype, Pepita MT, Potrzebie, SignPainter HouseSlant, Sylfaen, VOY DOT LCD — (Bloody)
158 cliffhangers AhnbergHand, Alba Super, Arial Greek, Bickley Script, Braggadocio, Cooper Black, Courier New TUR, Glitch0, GungsuhChe, Highlight LET, Impact, LcdD, Maiandra GD, Mercurius Script MT Bold, P22 Folk Art Stitch, Raskin, SignPainter HouseSlant, Staccato222 BT, Team MT, ThereChat2, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD, Weltron Urban — (Bauhaus 93)
159 retirement AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial, Arial Black, AvantGarde Md BT, BadaBoom BB, Broadway, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Courier New, Glitch0, Impact, LcdD, Peanuts, Showcard Gothic, SignPainter HouseSlant, Smudger LET, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, Tw Cen MT Condensed, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Alba Super, Betty Noir, Jokewood, Pleasantly Plump, Square721 BT, Techno)
160 coloring

Email: Arial Black, Commodore 64, Glitch0, Metal Lord, Plump MT, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead2, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD
Limozeen Coloring Book: Metal Lord, ThereSignHead2, Times New Roman

161 4 branches Arial, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Commodore 64, Courier New, Elephant, Figaro MT, Glitch0, LcdD, Odessa LET, Peanuts, Pump Demi Bold LET, Quixley LET, Stencil BT, Victorian LET, VOY DOT LCD
162 the chair AhnbergHand, Eurostile, FederationBold, Glitch0, Harrington, Impact, MisterEarl BT, Pussycat, Snap ITC, VOY DOT LCD — (Alba Super, Creepy)
163 what i want AhnbergHand, BadaBoom BB, Bauhaus-Thin, Fat, FederationBold, Forte, Franklin Gothic Demi, Glitch0, Gringo Nights, Latha, LcdD, Lucida Console, MisterEarl BT, Showcard Gothic, Twentieth Century Poster1, Victorian LET, VOY DOT LCD
164 looking old AhnbergHand, Architect, Arial Black, Broadway, ChalkDust, Chang and Eng, Glitch0, Impact, Papyrus, Peanuts, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead3, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93)
165 strong badathlon Arial, Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Baby Kruffy, Britannic Bold, Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic Bold, FederationBold, Glitch0, Haettenschweiler, LcdD, Odessa LET, Playbill, Stencil BT, Team MT, ThereSignHead2, Times New Roman, Typewise Alpha, VOY DOT LCD — (Techno)
166 unnatural AhnbergHand, Alba Matter, Arial, Arial Black, Bloody, Cooper Black, Croobie, Eras Demi ITC, Elephant, FederationBold, Glitch0, MisterEarl BT, Parchment, Square721 BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Figaro MT, French Script MT)
167 the movies BadaBoom BB, Cooper Black, Glitch0, Odessa LET, Showcard Gothic, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
168 your funeral AhnbergHand, Alba Super, Algerian, Commodore 64, Betty Noir, Glitch0, LcdD, MisterEarl BT, Mistral, Pussycat, SignPainter HouseSlant, Snap ITC, Square721 BT, VOY DOT LCD
169 from work Alba, Arial, AvantGarde Bk BT, Comic Sans MS, Glitch0, Metal Lord, OCR A Extended, Peanuts, PT Banana Split, SignPainter HouseSlant, Sydnie, Tahoma, VOY DOT LCD — (Æ Systematic TT (BRK), Denmark, Sevenet 7)
170 rough copy AhnbergHand, Denmark, Freestyle Script, Glitch0, Impact, Odessa LET, Pussycat, Script MT Bold, Team MT, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD
171 underlings Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, French Script MT, Glitch0, LcdD, Rockwell Condensed, Tahoma Small Cap, ThereSignHead1, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, Tiranti Solid LET, VOY DOT LCD &mdash (Aarco-, MisterEarl BT, SignPainter HouseSlant)
172 more armies AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Bloody, Britannic Bold, Century Gothic, Coolvetica, Franklin Gothic Medium Cond, Gill Sans MT, Glitch0, Magneto, Matura MT Script Capitals, Metal as in Heavy, MS UI Gothic, SF Atarian System, Showcard Gothic, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil, Stencil BT, Tahoma, Team MT, VOY DOT LCD
173 the paper AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, blacc_.ttf, Commodore 64, Glitch0, Impact, Joystix, Magneto, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, P22 Folk Art Block, VOY DOT LCD — (Square721 BT)
174 mini-golf Britannic Bold, Glitch0, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Odessa LET, One Stroke Script LET, Prototype Pavilion, Pussycat, Raskin, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tekton Pro Ext — (Bauhaus 93)
175 concert Alba Super, Denmark, Forte, Glitch0, LcdD, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, OCR A Std, Prestige Elite Std, Stencil BT, TypewriterRough — (Century Gothic)
176 hygiene AhnbergHand, Alba Super, Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Betty Noir, blacc_.ttf, Britannic Bold, Brush Script MT, Brush Script Std, Comic Sans MS, Cooper Black, Forte, Glitch0, Gloucester MT Extra Condensed, Gringo Nights, Impact, LcdD, OCR A Extended, Peanuts, SF Atarian System Extended, Sylfaen, Tekton Pro Cond, Team MT, ThereSignHead3 — (Techno)
177 original AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, Elephant, Glitch0, Impact, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Rounded Informal, SignPainter HouseSlant, Smartie CAPS, Stencil BT, Tahoma Small Cap
178 bike thief AhnbergHand, Alba, Blackadder ITC, Glitch0, Gringo Nights, Impact, OCR A Extended, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Team MT, Tekton Pro — (Plump MT)
179 pizza joint AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Blackoak Std, Bloody, ComixHeavy, Cooper Black, French Script MT, Glitch0, Goudy Stout, Joystix, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Plump MT, SignPainter HouseSlant, Twentieth Century Poster1
180 slumber party AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, ChalkDust, FederationBold, Glitch0, GoreFont, Hurry Up, Impact, Joystix, Metal Lord, OCR A Extended, Pump Demi Bold LET, Twentieth Century Poster1 — (NimbusSanTCon)
181 web comics Andy, Baby Kruffy, BadaBoom BB, Bauhaus 93, Chicago, Comic Sans MS, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Croobie, Glitch0, Green Screen, Mercurius Script MT Bold, Metal Lord, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Old English Text MT, Placard Condensed, Square721 BT, VOY DOT LCD — (Weltron Urban, Westminster)
182 business trip AhnbergHand, Brush Script MT, Cooper Std Black, Figaro MT, Glitch0, High Tower Text, Impact, NimbusSanTCon, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, OCR A Extended, Poplar Std, Pump Demi Bold LET, Stencil BT, Team MT, Tekton Pro Cond
183 yes, wrestling Arial Black, Arial Narrow, AvantGarde Md BT, Blackadder ITC, Glitch0, IRONGATE, Magneto, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Odessa LET, Rockwell, Smudger LET, Team MT, Transylvania, VOY DOT LCD — (Aarco-, AhnbergHand)
184 diorama AhnbergHand, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Cooper Black, Glitch0, GlooGun, Haettenschweiler, Hobo Std, Impact, Jokewood, NimbusSanT, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Rounded Informal, Stencil BT, Stencil Std, ThereSignText2, Times New Roman, Tekton Pro Ext
185 nightlife Atomic Clock Radio, Forte, Glitch0, Impact, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Pump Demi Bold LET, Shruti, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tekton Pro Ext — (Freshbot, Pleasantly Plump)
186 environment AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Brush Script MT, Courier New, Glitch0, GoreFont, Impact, Joystix, Modern No. 20, Myriad Pro Cond, Pump Demi Bold LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Tekton Pro Ext
187 winter pool AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Black, Glitch0, Impact, NimbusSanTCon, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, OCR A Extended, Parade, Pleasantly Plump, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, ThereSignText2, Westminster
188 fan club AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial, Arial Black, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Cooper Std Black, Courier New, Denmark, Glitch0, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Old English Text MT, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Westminster — (Bauhaus 93)
189 pet show AhnbergHand, Forte, Glitch0, Gringo Nights, Niagara Engraved, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Odessa LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, Space Toaster, Stencil, Team MT, Tekton Pro, ThereSignHead2 — (PT Banana Split)
190 licensed AhnbergHand, ComixHeavy, French Script MT, Glitch0, High Tower Text, Impact, Juice ITC, MisterEarl BT, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Prototype Pavilion, Pump Demi Bold LET, Stencil BT, Tekton Pro, ThereSignHead1, Times New Roman — (Andy, Tiranti Solid LET, Victorian LET)
191 buried AhnbergHand, Algerian, Arial Black, Biondi, Bloody, Brush Script MT, ChalkDust, Copperplate Gothic Light, Glitch0, MisterEarl BT, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, SignPainter HouseSlant
192 shapeshifter Adobe Garamond Pro Bold, AhnbergHand, BadaBoom BB, Bickham Script Pro Semibold, Blackadder ITC, Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Glitch0, Impact, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Staccato222 BT, TypewriterRough
193 rated AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Baltic, Arial Black, Bell Gothic Std Black, Blackoak Std, ComixHeavy, Engravers MT, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Freestyle Script, Glitch0, LcdD, Magneto, MisterEarl BT, Motrhead, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Plump MT, SignPainter HouseSlant, Team MT, Times New Roman — (pUNK********, Techno)
194 specially marked Aarco-, AhnbergHand, BadaBoom BB, Batang, Bauhaus 93, Baveuse, Bernard MT Condensed, Century Gothic, ComixHeavy, Crack Babies, DooM, Figaro MT, French Script MT, Glitch0, Hurry Up, Impact, Jokewood, LcdD, MisterEarl BT, Mistral, MotterFemD, Mufferaw, Myriad Pro, Myriad Pro Light, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, OCR A Std, One Stroke Script LET, Parade, Placard Condensed, Porky's, SignPainter HouseSlant, Space Toaster, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, Team MT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Weltron Urban
195 love poems AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial, Arno Pro Light Display, Blackadder ITC, ChalkDust, Cooper Std Black, Glitch0, Kunstler Script, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Old English Text MT, Papyrus
196 hiding AhnbergHand, Arial, Berlin Sans FB, Brush Script MT, Cooper Black, Elephant, Fine Hand, Glitch0, Impact, Jokewood, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, Playbill, Stencil BT — (Pleasantly Plump)
197 your edge Aarco-, AhnbergHand, ComixHeavy, Futura Md BT, Glitch0, Goudy Stout, OCR A Extended, P22 Folk Art Square, TypewriterRough
198 magic trick AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, Croobie, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Glitch0, Impact, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended, One Stroke Script LET, Rockwell Extra Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil, Stencil BT, Times New Roman — (English111 Vivace BT)
199 being mean Arial Black, ChalkDust, Glitch0, NimbusSanTCon, OCR A Extended
200 email thunder

Email: AhnbergHand, Alba Super, Bauhaus 93, Blackadder ITC, FederationBold, Forte, French Script MT, Glitch0, Green Screen, Huxtable, Impact, OCR A Std, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Commodore 64)
Limozeen Easter egg: Aarco-
hremail49 Easter egg: No fonts loaded in the Flash file
hremail24 Easter egg: Arial Black

201 hremail 3184 AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Arno Pro Smbd Subhead, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Blackletter686 BT, Braggadocio, Brush Script MT, Century Gothic, Chicago, Coaster, Figaro MT, French Script MT, Glitch0, Keep on Truckin, Lucida Console, Magneto, NimbusSanT, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, Tiranti Solid LET, Westminster — (Old English Text MT)
202 imaginary AhnbergHand, Arial Baltic, Berlin Sans FB, GlooGun, Impact, Magneto, Sydnie, Tahoma Small Cap, Team MT — (Biondi, Denmark)
203 independent AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial Black, Baskerville Old Face, Cataneo BT, Fh_Scribble, Futura Md BT, Harrington, Mercurius Script MT Bold, OCR A Extended, OCR A Std, Perfect DOS VGA 437, Perfect DOS VGA 437 Win, Pointy, Runic MT Condensed, SignPainter HouseSlant, ThereSignText1, Times New Roman, Tire Shop Demo Version, TypewriterRough — (Georgia, Stencil BT, Westminster)
204 dictionary AhnbergHand, Arial Narrow, BadaBoom BB, Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic Bold, GoreFont, Gradl, MotterFemD, Old English Text MT, P22 Folk Art Block, Perfect DOS VGA 437, Perfect DOS VGA 437 Win, Perpetua, Poplar Std, Pump Demi Bold LET, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93, Georgia, Keep on Truckin, MisterEarl BT, Team MT, Westminster)
205 videography Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold, AhnbergHand, Andy, AvantGarde Bk BT, ComixHeavy, Goudy Stout, LcdD, Mesquite Std, Metal Lord, P22 Folk Art Stitch, Perfect DOS VGA 437, Perfect DOS VGA 437 Win, Pristina, ThereSignHead2, Times New Roman — (Blippo, Georgia, Westminster)


Toon Title Fonts Used
Hremail 7 Arial, Baskerville Old Face, Bauhaus 93, ComixHeavy, Forte, Freestyle Script, Impact, Ravie, Space Toaster, Westminster — (Cooper Black, Eccentric Std, GoreFont, Gringo Nights, Jokewood, Leisure Script, Lithograph, Magneto, Mistral, Rolloglide, Script MT Bold, Smartie CAPS)
Hremail 24 Arial Black
Hremail 49 No fonts loaded in the Flash file
Hremail 62 Coaster, Curlz MT, Futura Md BT, Garamond Premr Pro Smbd, GoSoul, Impact, Keep on Truckin, Lucida Console, Rockwell, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tekton Pro Ext, Times New Roman, Westminster — (Bauhaus 93)
Hremail 2000 Aarco-, Arial Narrow, Coaster, Green Screen, LcdD, Lucida Console, Magneto, Team MT, Tekton Pro Ext, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Bauhaus 93, Cooper Black, Street Cred)
hremail 3184 AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Arno Pro Smbd Subhead, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Blackletter686 BT, Braggadocio, Brush Script MT, Century Gothic, Chicago, Coaster, Figaro MT, French Script MT, Glitch0, Keep on Truckin, Lucida Console, Magneto, NimbusSanT, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, Tiranti Solid LET, Westminster — (Old English Text MT)

Big Toons

Toon Title Fonts Used
The King of Town DVD

Menu: blacc_.ttf — (Magneto)
New Version: blacc_.ttf
New Version With Commentary: blacc_.ttf, LcdD
Olde Version: Trebuchet MS

In Search of the Yello Dello

Menu: Bauhaus 93, Cherub, Mom´sTypewriter, Rockwell Extra Bold — (Magneto)
New Version: Comic Sans MS, Dot-Matrix, Impact, Matura MT Script Capitals, Mom´sTypewriter, Times New Roman, Webdings
New Version With Commentary: Comic Sans MS, Dot-Matrix, Impact, Matura MT Script Capitals, Mom´sTypewriter, Times New Roman, Webdings
Theatrical Trailer: Arial Black, Futura Medium Condensed BT, Impact, Mom´sTypewriter
Deleted Scene #1: Commodore 64, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tahoma — (Magneto)
Deleted Scene #2: Commodore 64, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tahoma, VOY DOT LCD — (Magneto)
Deleted Scene #3: Commodore 64, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tahoma, Webdings — (Magneto)
Old Version: Arial, Comic Sans MS, ComixHeavy, Impact

The Reddest Radish Ravie
A Jorb Well Done Arial, Arial Black, ChalkDust, ComixHeavy, Magneto, Old English Text MT, Stencil, VOY DOT LCD
The Luau AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, Bookman Old Style, ComixHeavy, Forte, Georgia, Magneto, OCR A Extended, Potrzebie, Script MT Bold, Wide Latin — (Pleasantly Plump, Ravie)
Where's The Cheat? AhnbergHand, Algerian, Arial Black, Bloody, Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic Light, Harlow Solid Italic, LcdD, Lucida Handwriting, SignPainter HouseSlant, Smartie CAPS, Times New Roman — (Bauhaus 93, ITC New Baskerville Std, Stencil BT)
Parsnips A-Plenty Raskin, Rockwell Extra Bold, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil, Times New Roman, Utility — (Goudy Stout)
Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial, Arial Black, Bloody, Cooper Black, English111 Vivace BT, FederationBold, Futura Md BT, Jokewood, Kabel Ult BT, LcdD, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, OCRB, Parchment, Playbill, Pump Demi Bold LET, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead2, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS — (MisterEarl BT, Sevenet 7)
Shopping For Danger Aarco-, Arial, Arial Black, Chicago, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, Westminster
Bug In Mouth Disease Arial, Creepy, EraserDust, Gungsuh, Haettenschweiler, Impact, LcdD, Magneto, Maiandra GD, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, Times New Roman — (Techno)
Cool Things AvantGarde Bk BT, Bauhaus-Thin, Impact, MotterFemD, One Stroke Script LET, Script MT Bold, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman
A Folky Tale Blackadder ITC, Impact, Magneto
Weclome Back Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold, Andy, Arial Narrow, AvantGarde Md BT, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, Cooper Black, Forte, KidTYPEPaint, MotterFemD, OCRB, Script MT Bold, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough
Strongest Man in the World AhnbergHand, Alpha Beta BRK, Andy, Blackadder ITC, Bauhaus 93, Cooper Black, Forte, LcdD, Times New Roman
Date Nite Aarco-, Arial Black, AvantGarde Bk BT, Crack Babies, Elephant, FederationBold, Impact, Jokewood, Nimbus Script, Parchment, Square721 BT, Stencil
DNA Evidence AhnbergHand, Alba, Arial Black, BadaBoom BB, Betty Noir, Edwardian Script ITC, Glitch0, Impact, MisterEarl BT, Old English Text MT, Peanuts, Plump MT, Script MT Bold, Stencil BT, Times New Roman — (Bauhaus 93)
Career Day AhnbergHand, Century Gothic, ChalkDust, Cooper Black, FederationBold, Leisure Script, Plump MT, Potrzebie, PT Banana Split, Pump Demi Bold LET, Script MT Bold, Stencil BT, Tekton Pro Cond, Tekton Pro Ext — (KidTYPEPaint)
Kick-A-Ball AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Black, Porky's, Pump Demi Bold LET, Square721 BT, Twentieth Century Poster1, VOY DOT LCD
Cheat Commandos: Two Part Episode: Part 1 Aarco-, Andy, Arial, ComixHeavy, Elephant, Euphorigenic S, Eurostile, Niagara Solid, Old English Text MT, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, Tean MT, ThereSignHead3, VOY DOT LCD, Weltron Urban — (Metal Lord, Peanuts, pUNK********, SignPainter HouseSlant)
Cheat Commandos: Two Part Episode: Part 2 Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Bloody, Old English Text MT, Orator Std, P22 Folk Art Stitch, Pussycat, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead3 — (Aarco-)


Toon Title Fonts Used
Strong Bad Sings Abadi MT Condensed, Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, blacc_.ttf, Cooper Black, Fontdinerdotcom, Script MT Bold, Stencil BT, Vladimir Script
Kick the Can

Main Flash file: Raskin
legs bend back: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
shooting fire: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
big can head: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
frantic legs: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
falls asleep: Engravers MT, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
huge can: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
running away: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
can in smokestack: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
head upside down: Raskin, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana
rockets away: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
bricks ('Kick that Can'): Raskin, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana
on one foot: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
Old-Timey Strong Bad: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
herbert hoover?: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)
flies offscreen: SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Verdana — (Raskin)

Theme Song Video Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Bloody, Old English Text MT — (DeepFreeze)
Fluffy Puff Commercial ChalkDust, Gill Sans MT, SignPainter HouseSlant — (Pleasantly Plump)
The Interview Arial Black, Bernard MT Condensed, Cooper Black, Crayon, Franklin Gothic Book, Rounded Informal
Meet Marshie AhnbergHand, Horror, Impact, Old English Text MT, Pleasantly Plump, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant
The System is Down No fonts loaded in the Flash file
20X6 vs. 1936 FederationBold, Stencil BT
Arcade Game Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD
Lookin at a Thing in a Bag Impact, Pump Demi Bold LET
Ballad of The Sneak Aarco-, Bernard MT Condensed, Book Antiqua, Bookman Old Style, Century Schoolbook, French Script MT, Goudy Old Style, Poor Richard, Raskin, Rockwell Condensed, SignPainter HouseSlant, Times New Roman, Utility, Wide Latin — (Goudy Stout)
Mr. Shmallow (toon) Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold, NimbusSanT, NimbusSanTCon, PT Banana Split, Pussycat, Raskin, SignPainter HouseSlant, ThereSignText1, Times New Roman, Tiranti Solid LET, Twentieth Century Poster1 — (Aarco-, Goudy Stout, Quixley LET)
Cheat Commandos (toon) Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Bauhaus 93, ComixHeavy, Franklin Gothic Medium, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Imprint MT Shadow, MisterEarl BT, Placard Condensed, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD, Weltron Urban, Westminster — (Team MT)
The Cheatar

Main Flash file: Bauhaus 93, Metal Lord
Gary Easter egg: Cooper Black, Futura Md BT

Cheat Commandos...O's Arial, Bauhaus 93, ComixHeavy, One Stroke Script LET, Parade, Placard Condensed, Potrzebie, Raavi, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead3, VOY DOT LCD, Weltron Urban — (Pleasantly Plump, SignPainter HouseSlant)
Senor Mortgage BrushScrD, Cooper Black, Impact, Mekanik LET, Plump MT, Porky's, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Westminster
Experimental Film Cooper Black, Futura-Bold, LcdD, Westminster
Peasant's Quest Preview Commodore 64, FederationBold, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, serif_v01
Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer

Trailer Menu: Old English Text MT
Trailer: FederationBold, Old English Text MT, Rockwell

The Li'l Brudder Show Academy Engraved LET, AhnbergHand, Bernard MT Condensed, BrushScrD, Cooper Black, LcdD, Mekanik LET, Team MT, Times New Roman — (Techno)
Trogdor Con '97 AhnbergHand, Baby Kruffy, Cooper Black, Stencil BT
Commandos in the Classroom Algerian, Arial, Arial Baltic, Engravers MT, GoreFont, Impact, One Stroke Script LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, Staccato222 BT, Stencil BT, TypewriterRough, Westminster
Sick Day AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Blackadder ITC, Glitch0, Goudy Stout, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD
Strong Bad is a Bad Guy Andy, Franklin Gothic Demi, Futura Md BT
500 The Cheats Bauhaus 93
Sbemail 150?!? Glitch0, ParkAvenue BT
Summer Short Shorts

Main Toon: Arial Black, ComixHeavy, Elephant, French Script MT, LcdD, Odessa LET, One Stroke Script LET, Space Toaster — (Aarco-, PT Banana Split)
Very, Very Little Girl Easter egg: Arial, Cooper Black, Futura-Bold, PT Banana Split

No Hands On Deck! Bookman Old Style, Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, GlooGun, Impact, Magneto, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Times New Roman
KOT's VOQPCS! Monotype Corsiva, Potrzebie
Drive-Thru FederationBold, Futura Md BT, Prototype Pavilion
An Important Rap Song Academy Engraved LET, Broadway, Century Schoolbook, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Impact, Imprint MT Shadow, MisterEarl BT, OCR A Extended, Odessa LET, Stencil BT, ThereSignHead3, Warnock Pro Caption — (Cooper Black, Team MT)
Sbemail 169 Deleted Scene AhnbergHand, Arial, Arial Black, AvantGarde Md BT, Bauhaus 93, Comic Sans MS, Magneto, Peanuts, SignPainter HouseSlant, Sydnie, Tahoma, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD — (Denmark)
One Two, One Two

Main Toon: Arial Narrow, Joystix, Magneto, MotterFemD, SignPainter HouseSlant, VOY DOT LCD — (Bauhaus 93, PT Banana Split)
MixMastah 800: 4Mini, Arial, Arial Narrow, Magneto, Myriad Pro — (Bauhaus 93, PT Banana Split)

Ever and More Bauhaus 93, Blackadder ITC, Impact, Old English Text MT — (Figaro MT, French Script MT)
Quality Time with Cardboard Homestar Bauhaus 93, Impact, MotterFemD, Nimbus Script, Playbill, Stencil BT, Times New Roman, Tw Cen MT
Limozeen vs. sloshy Andy, Century Gothic, Peanuts, Tekton Pro Cond
Blubb-O's Commercial AhnbergHand, Arial Black, GoreFont, Goudy Stout, Plump MT, Poornut, Rounded Informal, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tekton Pro, ThereSignHead3 — (Pleasantly Plump)
Limozeen Live

Main Toon: Arial Black, TypewriterRough
Notice: Arial Black, TypewriterRough

SBCG4AP Advertisement AhnbergHand, Commodore 64, Glitch0, Hamburger Menu, Joystix, Leisure Script — (Bauhaus 93)
The Homestar Runner Gets Something Stuck In His Craw AhnbergHand, Andy, Bauhaus 93, Calisto MT, Commodore 64 — (Rounded Informal, Square721 BT)
Workin' on the Game FederationBold — (Westminster)
Play Date Andy, Elephant, Impact, Nimbus Script
Somber Vacation Elephant, GungsuhChe, Mister Television, Old English Text MT, Pump Demi Bold LET
The Baloneyman Forte, Old English Text MT
The Next Epi-Snowed Aarco-, Andy, Arial, Arial Baltic, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Impact, Imprint MT Shadow, LcdD, Plump MT, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT
Place Ya Bets! NimbusSanTCon, Old English Text MT, Stencil BT — (OCR A Extended)
Coach Z's 110% Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, Century Gothic, Cooper Std Black, Franklin Gothic Medium, Futura Md BT, Imprint MT Shadow, Magneto, OCR A Std, Pump Demi Bold LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Sylfaen, Team MT, Tekton Pro, VOY DOT LCD — (Plump MT)
Best Caper Ever Bauhaus 93, Impact, SignPainter HouseSlant, Square721 BT — (GoreFont)
4 Gregs AhnbergHand
Donut Unto Others Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Bauhaus 93, Bookman Old Style, Brush Script MT, Forte, Impact, Keep on Truckin, Kozuka Gothic Pro H, SignPainter HouseSlant, Street Cred, Team MT, Times New Roman — (Pump Demi Bold LET)
Where U Goin' 2? Andy, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, AvantGarde Md BT, Brush Script Std, Century Gothic, Chicago, Croobie, GlooGun, Goudy Stout, Harrington, Magneto, SignPainter HouseSlant, SimHei, ThereSignHead3, VOY DOT LCD
Pistols for Pandas Academy Engraved LET, Arial Black, billieBarred, Britannic Bold, Broadway, Century Schoolbook, Cooper Black, Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Stencil, Stencil BT, Warnock Pro Caption
79 Seconds Left AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Cooper Black, Impact, TypewriterRough, Weltron Urban
Loading Screens Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold, Action Is, Adobe Garamond Pro, Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, AvantGarde Md BT, Baby Kruffy, Bauhaus 93, Bernard MT Condensed, billieBarred, Blackadder ITC, Bloody, Bookman Old Style, ChalkDust, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Edwardian Script ITC, Elephant, FederationBold, Franklin Gothic Book, Futura Md BT, Glitch0, GlooGun, GoreFont, Impact, Imprint MT Shadow, Lucida Console, Metal Lord, Motrhead, Nimbus Script, Odessa LET, Old English Text MT, One Stroke Script LET, P22 Folk Art Block, Plump MT, PT Banana Split, Pump Demi Bold LET, Rolloglide, SignPainter HouseSlant, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, Tekton Pro, Tekton Pro Cond, ThereSignHead1, Tiranti Solid LET, Trebuchet MS, TypewriterRough, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (AhnbergHand, blacc_.ttf, Chicago, Freestyle Script, Magneto, Pleasantly Plump, Ravie, Rounded Informal, Showcard Gothic)
Where My Hat Is At? Andy, Arial, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Balloon Bd BT, Bauhaus 93, Betty Noir, Bookman Old Style, ChalkDust, Impact, VOY DOT LCD
Compy Catalog Andy, Bauhaus 93, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Eccentric Std, FederationBold, Forte, Jenkins v2.0, MS PGothic, MS Reference Serif, Myriad Pro Light, NimbusSanT, OCR A Std, Old English Text MT, PT Banana Split, SignPainter HouseSlant, Vladimir Script, Westminster — (Alba Super, Georgia)
On Break ArcadeClassic, Bloody, Impact, Kozuka Gothic Pro EL, SignPainter HouseSlant, Team MT
The Animated Adventures of Puppet Homestar No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Futura Md BT, Pointy)

Powered by The Cheat

Toon Title Fonts Used
The Cheat Theme Song Arial Black
Everybody to the Limit Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Cooper Black, DeepFreeze, FederationBold, French Script MT, Impact, Rage Italic, Sevenet 7, Stencil, Tw Cen MT Condensed, TypewriterRough, Viner Hand ITC, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster, WP IconicSymbolsA — (Motrhead)
Crazy Cartoon Arial, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet
mile AhnbergHand, Commodore 64
New Boots Arial Rounded MT Bold, Poornut, Tw Cen MT Condensed
Rap Song Arial Black, Bickham Script Pro Regular, Chicago
Trudgemank Arial Black, Baveuse, Chicago, Colonna MT
Crystal Fortress Arial Black, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Bauhaus 93, Century Gothic, Coaster
Fish Eye Lens Silom, Times New Roman

Puppet Stuff

Toon Title Fonts Used
Everybody Knows It Commodore 64, Futura Md BT
Puppet Time Cooper Black, Futura Md BT
Labor Dabor Arial, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, MisterEarl BT, NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, ThereSignHead1
Homestar vs. Little Girl Futura Md BT, PT Banana Split
Strong Bad vs. Little Girl! Cooper Black, EraserDust, Futura Md BT
Homestar vs. Little Girl 2 Arial Black, Cooper Black, PT Banana Split
Homestar vs. Other Little Girl Andy, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, PT Banana Split
Homestar vs. Very, Very Little Girl Arial, Cooper Black, Futura-Bold, PT Banana Split
Marshie vs. Little Girl Chiller, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, Metal Lord, PT Banana Split
Puppet Jam: Bad Jokes AhnbergHand, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, Rockwell, Rockwell Extra Bold
Puppet Jam: Tropical Lazor Beams AhnbergHand, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, Rockwell, Rockwell Extra Bold
Puppet Jam: Vitamins/Celebrities AhnbergHand, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, Rockwell, Rockwell Extra Bold
Puppet Jam: Mission Control AhnbergHand, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, Rockwell, Rockwell Extra Bold
Biz Cas Fri 1 Arial, Brush Script MT, Chicago, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, Glitch0, Peanuts
Biz Cas Fri 2 Arial Black, Chicago, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT
Biz Cas Fri 3 Chicago, Cooper Black, FederationBold, Futura Md BT, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster
Dangeresque: Puppet Squad Futura Md BT, Impact, Mom´sTypewriter

Holiday Toons

Toon Title Fonts Used
Homestarloween Party Arial Black, ComixHeavy, Motrhead
A Holiday Greeting ActionIs, Arial, Old English Text MT
A Mother's Day Message Bauhaus 93, Cherry Coke
The House That Gave Sucky Treats AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Bloody, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Cooper Black, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Elephant, Forte, Futura Medium Condensed BT, Gill Sans MT, Gloucester MT Extra Condensed, GoreFont, Harlow Solid Italic, Imprint MT Shadow, Karloff, Old English Text MT, Peanuts, Rockwell Extra Bold, Script MT Bold, Wide Latin — (Arial Rounded MT Bold, Playbill, Pleasantly Plump)
Some Stupid Turkey Bauhaus 93, Lucida Calligraphy
The Best Decemberween Ever AhnbergHand, ActionIs, Arial Black, Elephant, Franklin Gothic Demi, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Georgia, Harrington, High Tower Text, Kristen ITC, LcdD, SignPainter HouseSlant, Smartie CAPS, Stencil, Times New Roman, Wide Latin
Pumpkin Carve-nival Alba Matter, Baby Kruffy, Bauhaus 93, Old English Text MT — (Motrhead)
A Decemberween Pageant AhnbergHand, Arial, Blackletter686 BT, Bookman Old Style, Impact, Old English Text MT, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant — (Pleasantly Plump)
Superbowl Dealie Bauhaus 93, VOY DOT LCD
Malloween Commercial AhnbergHand, Academy Engraved LET, Arial Black, Brush Script MT, GoreFont, Impact, Jenkins v2.0, OCR A Extended, Rockwell Extra Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, ThereSignHead1
Fan Costume Commentary Chiller
3 Times Halloween Funjob

Main Toon: Bauhaus 93, Bloody, Cooper Black, Impact, KidTYPEPaint, Old English Text MT, Pussycat, Rockwell Extra Bold
Tennis Easter egg: Cooper Black

Under Construction Arial, Arial Black, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Commodore 64, FederationBold
Decemberween in July

Menu: Commodore 64
Decemberween Teen Girl Squad: AhnbergHand
That Time of Year Kids' Book: AhbergHand, blacc_.ttf, Calisto MT, Cataneo BT, Fine Hand, Script MT Bold
Decemberween Sweet Cuppin' Cakes: AhbergHand, Impact, Odessa LET, Old English Text MT, Pussycat
Homestar and the Nice Present: Futura Md BT, PT Banana Split
Seasonal Sweaters Easter egg: Arial Black
Homestar vs. Little Girl Easter egg: Futura Md BT, PT Banana Split

That a Ghost Alba, Arial Black, Copperplate Gothic Light, Creepy, Enviro, French Script MT, Gradl, MisterEarl BT, Old English Text MT, Potrzebie, Plump MT, Raskin, Rockwell Extra Bold, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, ThereSignHead1, Times New Roman — (Goudy Stout)
Halloween Fairstival Bauhaus 93, Bloody, Chiller, Goudy Old Style, KidTYPEPaint, Matisse ITC, MotterFemD, Old English Text MT, Parade, ParkAvenue BT, Peanuts, PT Banana Split, Pump Demi Bold LET, Showcard Gothic, Souvenir Lt BT, Team MT, Tempus Sans ITC, ThereSignHead1, Westminster
Snowglobe Commodore 64, FederationBold — (Quixley LET)
Homestar Presents: Presents Arial Narrow, Bauhaus 93, FederationBold, Impact, KidTYPEPaint, PT Banana Split, Pump Demi Bold LET, Rockwell Extra Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant — (Bloody, Brush Script MT) PAY PLUS!

Main Flash file: Alba Super, Arial Baltic, Century Gothic, Chicago, Forte, SignPainter HouseSlant, ThereSignHead1, Times New Roman, Warnock Pro SmBd Caption — (AhnbergHand, Alba, Calisto MT, Joystix, LcdD, OCRB, Pussycat, Showcard Gothic, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster)
Homestar's Seven Seconds: LcdD, Stencil BT
Strong Bad "Trap Door" Sample: AhnbergHand, Arial Rounded MT Bold
Trial Game "Homestar Invaders": Joystix, Period X
Teen Girl Squad Sample: AhnbergHand

Senorial Day Alba Super, Arial Black, Arial Narrow, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Bloody, Forte, Futura XBlk BT, Impact, OCRB, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Tahoma, Team MT, TypewriterRough — (Twentieth Century Poster1)
Happy Fireworks Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Cooper Black, Figaro MT, Franklin Gothic Medium Cond, French Script MT, Goudy Stout, Magneto, Rockwell Extra Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT
Halloween Potion-ma-jig Baby Kruffy, Bauhaus 93, Blackadder ITC, Chiller, FederationBold, GoreFont, LcdD, Sydnie — (MisterEarl BT, Team MT)
More Fan Costumes Chiller
Fall Float Parade AhnbergHand, Alba Super, Bauhaus 93, Impact, Porky's, Script MT Bold, ThereSignHead1, ThereSignHead2, VOY DOT LCD
Happy Trogday Ahnberghand
Happy Hallow-day a Papa, Alba Super, Andy, Bauhaus 93, Bookman Old Style, Brush Script MT, Cooper Black, GoreFont, Gringo Nights, Impact, Jokerman, LcdD, MotterFemD, pUNK********, SignPainter HouseSlant
Fan Costumes '06 SignPainter HouseSlant
Let us give TANKS! Arial, Bauhaus 93, Brush Script MT, ComixHeavy, MisterEarl BT, Placard Condensed, Square721 BT, Stencil BT, VOY DOT LCD, Weltron Urban — (Franklin Gothic Heavy, Pump Demi Bold LET, SignPainter HouseSlant)
Decemberween Short Shorts AhnbergHand, Andy, Arial, Bauhaus 93, ChalkDust, Franklin Gothic Demi, Futura-Bold, Haettenschweiler, Matura MT Script Capitals, MisterEarl BT, Odessa LET, One Stroke Script LET, Potrzebie, Rage Italic, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Victorian LET — (AvantGarde Md BT)
Jibblies 2 Teaser KidTYPEPaint
Jibblies 2 Adobe Garamond Pro, Andy, Arial Baltic, Cooper Black, Futura Md BT, Impact, LcdD, Mom´sTypewriter, Old English Text MT, Peanuts, Pump Demi Bold LET, Smudger LET, Team MT, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough
Fan Costumes '07 SignPainter HouseSlant
Toikey TV Arial, Bauhaus 93, Comic Sans MS, Hurry Up, Plump MT, Porky's, Rockwell, Script MT Bold, Times New Roman
Happy Dethemberween Cooper Black, Eras Bold ITC, Forte, Franklin Gothic Heavy, LcdD, MisterEarl BT, MotterFemD, Odessa LET, Old English Text MT, P22 Folk Art Extras — (Bauhaus 93, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Techno)
Trogday 08 AhnbergHand, ChalkDust, Narkisim, Prototype Pavilion, Team MT, ThereSignHead3
Sloshybowl Franklin Gothic Heavy, LcdD — (Bauhaus 93, Century Gothic, Denmark, Techno)
Sickly Sam's Big Outing Forte, Raskin, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil, Team MT, ThereSignHead3, Times New Roman, TypewriterRough — (Goudy Stout, MisterEarl BT, Twentieth Century Poster1)
Rotten Eggs Cooper Black, PT Banana Split
Punkin Stencils

2003: Bloody
2004: _sans, Bloody
2005: _sans, Bloody
2006: _sans, Bloody
2007: _sans, Bloody, Futura Bk
2008: _sans, Bloody, Futura Bk
2009: _sans, Bloody, Futura Bk

Costume Commercial Arial, Arial Black, Bauhaus-Thin, Blackoak Std, Bloody, Century Gothic, Creepy, GoreFont, Impact, OCR A Std, Plump MT, PT Banana Split, SignPainter HouseSlant — (Baby Kruffy, Bauhaus 93)
Most in the Graveyard Teaser KidTYPEPaint
Most in the Graveyard Arial Black, Blackadder ITC, Bloody, Cooper Black, Cooper Std Black, ComixHeavy, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Crack Babies, Eccentric Std, Elephant, FederationBold, French Script MT, Mesquite Std, Old English Text MT, Perpetua, ThereSignHead1, ThereSignHead2 — (Alba Super, GoreFont)
Fan Costumes '08 Peanuts, SignPainter HouseSlant
Twenty THANXty Six Algerian, FederationBold, Orange LET, Porky's — (GlooGun)
Hooked on Decemberween AhnbergHand, Arial, Atomic Clock Radio, One Stroke Script LET, Period X, Rolloglide, SignPainter HouseSlant, Street Cred — (Century Gothic)
A Death Defying Decemberween Andy, Elephant, Euphorigenic S, P22 Folk Art Block, SignPainter HouseSlant, Street Cred
April Fool 09 Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Glitch0, Staccato222 BT — (Alba Super)
Decomposing Pumpkins AhnbergHand
Doomy Tales of the Macabre Teaser Bookman Old Style, KidTYPEPaint
Doomy Tales of the Macabre Andy, Bloody, Figaro MT, GoreFont, Impact, IRONGATE, Jefferson, Parchment, Perfect DOS VGA 437 Win, Square721 BT, Stencil, Stencil BT &mdash (Bauhaus 93, Georgia, Old English Text MT, Westminster)
Fan Costumes '09 AhnbergHand, ComixHeavy, Gringo Nights, SignPainter HouseSlant — (Bauhaus 93)
Punkin Show Brush Script MT, Cooper Black, Impact, Odessa LET, ThereSignHead1, Times New Roman — (MisterEarl BT)
Xeriouxly Forxe Atomic Clock Radio, Bauhaus 93, Freshbot
A Decemberween Mackerel Arial Black, Boopee, Impact, P22 Folk Art Stitch, Raskin, Ravie, Script MT Bold, SignPainter HouseSlant, Stencil BT, Team MT — (BadaBoom BB, Bauhaus 93, Blackletter686 BT, Leisure Script, Pleasantly Plump)
Which Ween Costumes? Andy, Cooper Black — (Bauhaus-Thin, Chicago)
April Fools' 2014 Action Is, AhnbergHand, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Calisto MT, Commodore 64 Pixelized, Joystix, Potrzebie, Raskin, SignPainter HouseSlant, ThereSignText2, Times New Roman, Trajan Pro 3, VOY DOT LCD — (Baskerville Old Face, ComixHeavy, Cooper Black, Goudy Stout, PT Banana Split, Square721 BT)
Halloween Safety Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Calisto MT Bold, Helvetica, LcdD, Stencil BT, Westminster — (Franklin Gothic Demi, Highway Gothic Wide, KidTYPEPaint, PT Banana Split)
I Killed Pom Pom AhnbergHand, Consolas Bold, Cooper Black, Impact, Square 721 BT — (Coquette Regular, Showcard Gothic)

Marzipan's Answering Machine

Version Fonts Used

Current Version: LcdD, Westminster — (ComixHeavy)
Old Version: LED Real — (ComixHeavy)

2.0 Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Westminster — (ComixHeavy)
3.0 Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Westminster — (ComixHeavy)
4.0 Bauhaus 93, LcdD — (ComixHeavy)
5.0 Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Westminster — (ComixHeavy)
6.0 Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Westminster — (ComixHeavy)
7.0 Bauhaus 93, Bloody, LcdD, Westminster
8.0 Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Westminster — (ComixHeavy)
9.2 Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Pump Demi Bold LET, Westminster — (PT Banana Split)
10.2 Aarco-, Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Pump Demi Bold LET, Westminster — (PT Banana Split)
11.2 Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Pump Demi Bold LET, Westminster — (PT Banana Split)
12.2 AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, LcdD, Pump Demi Bold LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, Westminster — (Cooper Black, PT Banana Split)
13.2 Bauhaus 93, Cooper Black, LcdD, Peanuts, Pump Demi Bold LET, ThereSignHead3, Westminster — (PT Banana Split)
14.2 Bauhaus 93, Cooper Black, LcdD, Pump Demi Bold LET, Westminster — (PT Banana Split)
15.2 Courier New, LcdD, Pump Demi Bold LET, SignPainter HouseSlant, Westminster — (PT Banana Split)
16.2 Bauhaus-Thin, LcdD, Pump Demi Bold LET, Script MT Bold, Westminster — (PT Banana Split)

Teen Girl Squad

Issue Fonts Used
1 AhnbergHand
2 AhnbergHand
3 AhnbergHand
4 AhnbergHand
5 AhnbergHand
6 AhnbergHand
7 AhnbergHand
8 AhnbergHand
9 AhnbergHand
10 AhnbergHand
11 AhnbergHand
12 AhnbergHand, Times New Roman
13 AhnbergHand, Alba Matter, Berlin Sans FB Demi, Poornut
14 AhnbergHand, Arial Black, Impact, Peanuts
15 AhnbergHand

Character Videos

Character Fonts Used
The Cheat NimbusSanT, Times New Roman — (Sydnie)
Marzipan MotterFemD, SignPainter HouseSlant — (Sydnie)
Pom Pom Arial, Arial Rounded MT Bold — (Sydnie)
Bubs No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Sydnie)
Coach Z No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Sydnie)
Homestar Runner No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Sydnie)
Homsar No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Bauhaus 93, Sydnie)
The King of Town No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Sydnie)
The Poopsmith No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Sydnie)
Strong Bad No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Sydnie)
Strong Mad No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Sydnie)
Strong Sad No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Sydnie)

Main Pages

Page # Fonts Used
1 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
2 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
3 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie, SignPainter HouseSlant
4 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
5 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Forte, Potrzebie, Times New Roman
6 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
7 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Imprint MT Shadow, Potrzebie
8 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
9 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
10 Algerian, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
11 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Magneto, Potrzebie — (Arial)
12 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
13 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
14 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, LcdD, Potrzebie, Times New Roman
15 Lucida Handwriting
16 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin
17 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Potrzebie
18 Arial, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin
19 Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, Brush Script MT, Forte, Franklin Gothic Heavy, MS Reference Serif, Odessa LET, One Stroke Script LET, PT Banana Split, Potrzebie, SignPainter HouseSlant, Tahoma
20 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin
21 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin
22 _sans, AhnbergHand, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Commodore 64, Impact, Potrzebie, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS — (Sevenet 7, Tw Cen MT)
23 Bauhaus 93, KidTYPEPaint
24 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin
25 Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin
26 Atomic Clock Radio, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin


Intro Fonts Used
Old New Intro Bauhaus 93, VOY DOT LCD
Old Everybody Intro Bauhaus 93
Ween Intro Bauhaus 93, VOY DOT LCD
King of Town Intro Bauhaus 93, VOY DOT LCD
Old Intro Bauhaus-Thin
Old Intro 2 ComixHeavy — (Showcard Gothic)


Intro Fonts Used
Awexome Cross _sans, Commodore 64, Period X — (Aarco-)
Make-O Your Own Stinko Comic Sans MS, Joystix
Marshie's Malloween Mix-Up Arial, Chiller, Commodore 64, GillSans — (Plump MT)
Peasant's Quest Arial, Commodore 64
Population: Tire

Regular Version: _sans, Commodore 64, Franklin Gothic Medium Cond
Wii Version: _sans, Commodore 64, Franklin Gothic Medium Cond, Joystix

RhinoFeeder Commodore 64, Period X
Secret Collect Period X
Stinkoman 20X6 Arial, Joystix

Regular Version: No fonts loaded in the Flash file
Wii Version: LcdD

Thy Dungeonman Sydnie
Thy Dungeonman 3 8-bit Limit (BRK), Æ Systematic TT (BRK), Sydnie
TROGDOR! NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, serif_v01, Times New Roman — (Old English Text MT)
Astro-Lite 2600

Current Version: Magneto
Old Version: Arial Black

Audition with Marzipan Bauhaus 93, Ravie, Script MT Bold — (ComixHeavy)
Bronco Trolleys Arial Black, ComixHeavy
Dancin' Bubs Times New Roman, VOY DOT LCD
Fortune Cookies Arial, Bauhaus 93, Bloody, Chang and Eng, Edwardian Script ITC — (Sumdumgoi)
Hairstyle Runner ActionIs, Arial, Bauhaus-Thin, Potrzebie, SignPainter HouseSlant
Homestar Quiz AhnbergHand, Arial, Bauhaus 93, Californian FB, Gill Sans MT, Kristen ITC, TypewriterRough
Homestar Talker Bauhaus-Thin, ComixHeavy, Rockwell — (Junior & Stinky, Showcard Gothic)
She Loves Me! ComixHeavy, Cooper Black, Ravie
Who Said What Now? Bauhaus 93, FederationBold, Ravie
Strong Libs Arial, Comic Sans MS, Impact, InkyBear, Lucida Calligraphy, Pleasantly Plump, Potrzebie
50K Racewalker NOKIA® 5110 FontSet, Sydnie
Duck Guardian One Period X
Hallrunner Commodore 64, Period X
Kid Speedy Period X
Pigs on Head Arial Black, LcdD
Thy Dungeonman II Sydnie
Where's an Egg? Magneto, Period X
Extra Real Dating Sim XR Commodore 64
MixMastah 800 4Mini, Arial, Arial Narrow, Magneto, Myriad Pro
Super Kingio Brothers Commodore 64
Kick The Cheat Arial Black, Commodore 64, Plump MT
Revenge of the King Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, Metal Lord, Old English Text MT, VOY DOT LCD
Dangeresque Roomisode 1: Behind the Dangerdesque 4Mini, Joystix
Peasant's Quest Proposed Sequels serif_v01, Sydnie

Early Flash

Name Fonts Used
First Flash ComixHeavy
Second Flash ComixHeavy
Pom Pom, Too ComixHeavy, Bauhaus-Thin, Sterling

Not on the Site

Intro Fonts Used
Marshmallow's Last Stand Arial Black, ComixHeavy, Crayon, Gill Sans MT, Gill Sans Ultra Bold, Rounded Informal, SignPainter HouseSlant, Smartie CAPS, Westminster
A Jumping Jack Contest Impact, Times New Roman — (ComixHeavy, Ravie)
If I Ran the Camera Gill Sans Ultra Bold, Kristen ITC, Stencil, Times New Roman
Where the Crap Are We? No fonts loaded in the Flash file
Broken Compy Menu

With toon intact: AhnbergHand, Bauhaus 93, Impact, SignPainter HouseSlant — (Square721 BT)
With toon removed: AhnbergHand, SignPainter HouseSlant — (Square721 BT)

Store Thank You Messages

Bubs's Thank You: Arial Black, Forte, Franklin Gothic Demi, SignPainter HouseSlant
Strong Bad and The Cheat's Thank You: Arial Black, Playbill
Homestar and Marzipan's Thank You: Arial, Arial Black
Late Night Thank You: Arial Black
Back Door Message: No fonts loaded in the Flash file

Non-Sequitur Champion High Tower Text, Impact, Odessa LET, ThereSignHead2 — (MisterEarl BT)

Miscellaneous Flash Items

Intro Fonts Used
First Time Here? Bauhaus 93, ChalkDust, Forte, Gill Sans MT, Junior & Stinky, OCR A Extended, Potrzebie, Westminster
Matt Cake No fonts loaded in the Flash file — (Matura MT Script Capitals)
Sbemail 100 fakeout No fonts loaded in the Flash file
King of Townmail Commodore 64, VOY DOT LCD — (Arial)
Lappynapped! Engravers MT, Figaro MT, Rockwell Extra Bold
Field Day Intro Cooper Black
Super NES Cooper Black, Futura Md BT
404'd! AhnbergHand
Email FAQ Commodore 64
Legal Arial
Cheat Commandos Playsets Stencil BT
Sbemail 200 Fakeout Arial, Magneto
Sbemailiarized! Arial, Arial Black, Bauhaus 93, Bauhaus-Thin, Bookman Old Style, ComixHeavy, Glitch0, Green Screen, KidTYPEPaint, Potrzebie, Pump Demi Bold LET, Showcard Gothic, SignPainter HouseSlant, Staccato222 BT, VOY DOT LCD, Westminster — (Alba Super)
Personal tools